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Just sitting here and looking around at all the decorations that have to come down and be packed away for another year, so I better get myself in gear and start today. Looking forward to getting the house back to order, but not looking forward to doing it. Oh well that's going to be my day.


Carolyn & Mika

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I have just got back from the vets with Charlie. I have had his band removed. The vet gave him a quick anasthetic and he is fine, a bit quiet but has eaten some fruit. He also gave him a quick check over and said all is fine. He was happy with his weight and diet and over all condition. I will leave him quiet tonight untill he forgives me. He wanted head scratches before so he is not bearing a grudge.

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Sheila, good for you getting the band off charlies leg. I have 3 with bands and since reading some topics on it I would like to get the bands off, too.


But what I am doing right now is being mad, angry, short temptered, arguementative and just ready to bite anyone & everyones head off. :angry:


Yes, that's right, I'm trying to quit smoking for my New Years resolution and it's not going so well for me right now{Characters-0002007C}. I want a cigarette:angry:

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I'm currently drinking some Alkaseltzer Nighttime. My lil' cold turned into infection and I was on Levaquin and now a Z-pack. With all the meds, I'm starting to feel better. I'm bound and determined to knock this bug outta me!




Don't give up! I know you can do it!! It going to be real hard at first, but once you start feeling better...you're going to wonder what took you so long to quit!


Your health will benefit and so will your pocket book! And you can have even more money to spend on your cute flock!

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Oh Shut Up Kimberly. :angry: Just kidding ;) :laugh:


I know there are so many reasons to quit. They stink, they are expensive, they shorten life spans, they take up too much time, it's not a very pretty habit and the list goes on indefinately so why do I want one so bad.


I am trying to stay strong. I've tried to quit before. I can't do it cold turkey but I've only had 4 today which is a huge improvement.


And Kimberly, I was just kidding:laugh:

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"Yipee!" I thought.. Its the weekend and then it dawned on me it was time to remove the skeletal remains of the Christmas tree:(

An hour and a half later and I ended up looking like Pinhead from the hellraiser horror film. A very painful experience:laugh:

The last pine needle was removed from this dwelling:(

Ok possibly not the last lol

An afternoon of cleaning the house from top to bottom, cleaned out all of the poultry now taking a well earned five minutes break

I thought weekends were for relaxing..Grocery shopping Sunday thn massive pile of ironing:evil: aaagh!

Bring on Monday lol

Enjoy your weekend..<br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/03 18:14

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Since I never put up a tree this year I had none to take down, we took that trip to Disney World early in the month and when we got back there was so much else to do that I never got around to putting a tree up. I will be putting one up next year but it was so nice not to have to undecorate that thing, the older you get the more of a hassle it is to do.


Bring on Monday my rear end, I live for the weekends.

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The 1st thing I did today when I got up Was Make Coffee. LOL! I been Cleaning all my Birds Cages and Sugar Gliders Cage. Cleaning my house and Picking up after my 3 Messy Kids! LOL! But you got to Love them!LOL! And tomorrow I am going to Visit my Baby CAG. I cant Wait till tomorrow. Well, I need to go Walk My

198 lb GREAT Dane Liberty! I better put on those Roller Blades! LOL!

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Well after all I have said we got SNOW !!!!!!v Only about 2 inches but we all covered up Kids love it as well cause its their first day back at school today, after the xmas break and I'm also back into my normal rotuine (sorta) cause still got my parents here till the 11th !Have made an appointment at the vets for George on Tuesday to have his claws clipped cause im fed up with looking like I'm harming myself ! This should be the only time it has to be done cause he has now got the required perches in his cage !He will also have a check done cause I dont know if he has ever been to a vet so it wont hurt ! Think it will hurt me more than him ! Anyways a way to work I go and catch you all laters .

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Oh God dont talk about insomnia. I took a couple of Kalms to get me to sleep the other eve and now I wake everynight at approx midnight totally wide eyed.

I must have a low tolerance to plant extract lol;)

We got snow today!

It looks real nice however I have had several bad falls in my life involving ice and horses and I cant step on it now without getting in a hyper state.

also being 5ft 11 tall its a damn long way down lol:blink:

Made enough Lasagne this morning to feed the five thousand

Back on the exercise wheel later.

Am currently on a get fit mission then back to counting sheep later and hopefully back on track for a good nights rest:unsure:

Enjoy the day all!!

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First day back at work today so 5am start. The roads were terrible. I dont think they had been gritted so my little mini slid to work. Charlie is in a sulk because I am back at work and is on a sit in, he wont come out the cage. When I got home I vacumed and dusted and put washing on sorted out the cages and had a weight watchers meal for my tea, yuk.


Haley you are so lucky being tall, I am a real shortey and if I put a pound on it looks like a stone. I weighed myself today and I am 53kg . That is disgusting for my height. I ran a lot untill last summer and I am fighting a loosing battle. I have insomnia as well but wake up at 3am almost on the dot. I blame the shift work I do.

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We are having a really cold spell at the moment. Some nights it has been down to -11! So would you believe it, my heating has broken and I have no hot water!


I have called a plumber out, I hate to think how much this is going to cost, and guess who I am worrying about? No not the kids but the birds! I hope they will be okay, if I dont get it fixed I will have to go out and buy so radiators for tonight.


Hope everyone else is having a better day!


Keep warm everyone:)

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Caroline, I keep forgetting that everyone except the U.S. is using the metric system!


Saturday night here in Michigan is supposed to be -11C.


I hope your heat gets fixed soon! That's horrible for it to go out when it's this cold outside! We had that happen a couple years ago (before we had our grey) and we would have to start the oven and all the burners (gas stove) to keep warm!


I'd be worried about your fids, too, because it's much easier to bundle up a child than your greys. lol ;)

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judygram wrote:

You're not going to get much heat off a candle, besides candles are not allowed around greys, if you weren't an ocean away you could come to my house, I have 2 fireplaces that would keep you toasty warm.


I thought candles that were 100% beeswax were safe??

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Caroline, Hope your heating gets sorted. It has been very cold, as you say down to -11 in some places,Bet you are glad your not me scraping the car at 5.30 am. You can always drive down the m62 to mine for a warm.


Had a fairly usual day, no surprises. The birds are out and just sitting on the cages, being nice and good for once.


I am looking forward to a program on Animal Planet at 8pm called Elephants of Samburu. Samburu is where I was In Kenya. I will get my tea over and settle the birds down so I can see it in peace and get warm just thinking of how hot it was there. Heres a photo of one of the elephants I was privalaged to see


Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/07 18:04<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/07 18:13

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ok its not a great day lol, last night I wasted an entire glass of wine on my laptop..but thankfully I managed to find an old keyboard ;)

Just a few hours offline felt like years

by the way have you noticed that so many of my comments are involving booze lol

One step at a time all lol ...

Oh my Goodness Caroline how on earth did you manage to survive in the cold with no heating and hotwater?

Glad its over for you though, saying that its always cold here living on the only hill in Norfolk lol

We live here in a 250 year old cottage we have no insulation and no double glazing

Can I get some sympathy lol!!!

I love it here though all fields around me, one neighbour, granted we dont speak lol..but its ok

Well have a good eve all

p.s nice to see Davey j back on havent seen much of him lately

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