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Homemade Bird Toys


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We have a country park 5mins away from us ,we went there yesterday to find lots and lots of cut down branches etc that would be perfect for a home made stand size wise,the problem is my hubby is a gardner and says the wood has a disease,but i was wondering if we sanded it down would it then be ok to use?

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Depends on what he means by disease!


As far as I know, nothing that is found in the branches can withstand a date with the oven. Cut them to lengths that will fit in your oven and bake them for an hour at 120 °C (250 °F).


If you want to use a larger branch, I seen recommendations to use a mild bleach solution to soak for an hour or so. I personally would then rinse thoroughly (repeatedly) and soak it in plain water. Allow to fully dry (any residual chlorine will evaporate) preferably in bright sun.


I'm an engineer, not a biologist, so I don't know enough to make real recommendations. You might use resources like:




A concern that I would have getting branches from a park or along a street in town - if you don't know when they spray pesticides or other chemicals, you may end up with some evil stuff on your branches. The stuff stays on the branches a long time...


Luckily for me, I am surrounded by national forest and live far enough in the country that the government doesn't do any spraying.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I made the sock toy and it was a real hit with my fids! i wrapped banana chips and almonds with some paper, stuffed them in the sock and hung it up on their play area. i didn't think that they would have liked it as much! they played with it for 2 hours!! and then when put them back in their cage they were reaching through the bars to try and grab it, i felt a bit bad because took them away from their new fantastic toy so i refilled it and took them out of their cage again (they didn't break to sock, just used their beaks to crush the insides to dust) :)

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I've been doing a lot more toy making for Amali lately - she loves getting to sit and 'supervise' my work. ;) The one we made last night definitely got her attention so I snapped a quick picture. Easy to make, cheap, and she really enjoyed it. I wish she enjoyed the camera being pulled out as much as she did the toy - haha!



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You can always use a web cam and I know that the VLC player will allow you to capture photos from a video by just pushing a button.

  Amali said:
I've been doing a lot more toy making for Amali lately - she loves getting to sit and 'supervise' my work. ;) The one we made last night definitely got her attention so I snapped a quick picture. Easy to make, cheap, and she really enjoyed it. I wish she enjoyed the camera being pulled out as much as she did the toy - haha!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I know that for Amali, it seems to work out better when I make her toys vs. buying her toys. She sits and watches me make them, she "helps" along the way - and then she isn't scared of the new toys at all when they go in her cage. On the other hand, she is more leery of toys she didn't take part or supervise the making of.


The cost savings is pretty significant as well ... you can end up with so many more homemade toys for the same price as a couple store bought toys.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  Daniel said:
Really like some of these solutions. Nothing worse than spending $20 on a toy, and it gets destroyed in one day. Ruby's favorite is an empty cereal box.


I have to disagree with you. There is nothing worse than spending $20 on a toy that doesn't get touched. Destruction of a toy is a good thing and means you got it right.

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Absolutely. An unused toy is just "art."


There are really great ideas in the Parrot Enrichment Activity Books (free online). But my guys love cardboard packaging, paper to shread, etc. It really doesn't have to be expensive if you're creative and have a little extra time.

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When I first put them into his cage he wasn't a happy in fact all I got was screaming and growls so I decided to remove them a take thing's a little more slowly, I've placed them near his cage so he can get used to them I do think he's warming to his new toy's but with Casper everything's baby steps. x

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  • 1 month later...

My husband made Ozzy a "Bird House". It is corner house with an open top and door. She loves it!!! She does like to chew away at the edges some, but it gives her her own space!! Here is a photo of it, it's a little messy, Saturday is cage cleaning day:)



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  • 5 months later...

I saw the simplest shredable at the bird fair and it is a big hit here. It is a simple wooden ring, like a napkin ring, with a rolled up section of newspaper about 4 inches long in the center. I bought 2 of the rings as chewie foot toys and rolled up some soft newsprint type paper very tightly and slid it in. Jake is having a blast turning the paper into confetti.

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  • 8 months later...

Okay, I decided to put together some foraging for Mar, since he's abstaining from play on the big stand and generally avoiding the playroom as much as possible (long story - will post later to Grey Lounge). So I took some of his favorite 5 oz paper cups, 3 oz paper cups, a strip of leather, a piece of wood with a hole through the center (hardwood from a previously destroyed toy) and goodies to fill. This time we used pine nuts in shell, roasted organic edamame (no salt), and pistachios in shell (no salt).




I punched a hole (using one of those little plastic flossers) in the bottom of each cup. I threaded the bottom cup from the bottom so it would hang with the top up, and the smaller cups in between, threaded upside down, so that they went into the bigger cup, hiding the contents. As I threaded each of the bigger cups, I put a few treats in.




When I got to the top, I attached a book binder ring for hanging. These are stainless steel and snap easily on the cage bars.




As you can see, Mar immediately went to check out his new toy.



I think it took about twice as long for me to assemble it as it did for him to destroy it. :P But that's only because I am all thumbs.

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Wow! I did not realize how neglected this thread had become. I think Grumpy is absolutely right. Hope you've (re)started something here, Muse. Very glad you posted.


Maybe new members don't realize this isn't just for those big grand, eye catching projects? Cuz that's just not so!! Everything helps. So I hope this thread starts getting some love again!!! :D

Edited by birdhouse
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  birdhouse said:
Wow! I did not realize how neglected this thread had become. I think Grumpy is absolutely right. Hope you've (re)started something here, Muse. Very glad you posted.


Maybe new members don't realize this isn't just for those big grand, eye catching projects? Cuz that's just not so!! Everything helps. So I hope this thread starts getting some love again!!! :D


I don't usually do grand, and eye-catching. We thrive on simple things like paper lunch sacks full of paper-wrapped goodies, plastic straws, and paper cups. Though I am kind of on the fence with straws, but a friend said "They are smart birds, they know to spit it out instead of swallow it". I am just taking a quick break for right now, but will come back later with a post on the straw bundles and how I solved the "popping the zip tie" issue! I love home-made toys because they RECYCLE! REPURPOSE! REUSE! Yay!

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