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Quitting smoking


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  • 3 months later...

Congrats Laurie, you have a lot of will power and stamina in order to have accomplished something this difficult :) kudos for you.(again old post but being a smoker had to read it)


Now,I have been smoking for 6 years now, ever since I was 13 (yeah, kids never make bets with your sister that you can smoke a cigarette for $5.) It has cost me so much money over the 6 years. I worked it out at one point and it came to an astonishing amount. Now, at pretty much 2 packs a day it has grown to an even higher amount.


Back then, it was most likely a trend of "being cool" that I got into when I was younger, but now it is a full fired addiction that I have tried for several years already to quit. Lately though, my life has been so busy and stressful the thought in my mind "nothing would be better right now than a cigarette" is in and out of my head constantly.


I've tried all the typical OTC ways of quitting, the patch (made me sick), the gum (tasted like sh*t and I can't stand chewing gum anyway lol) Tried prescription Nicotrol (didn't work), have listened to the "stop smoking by the time your finished with this" cds... I've tried almost everything. My last thought is to go to a laser treatment that we have here that is pretty welled praised for the success rate. They make you pay 200 dollars for the first round, and if you start smoking again the next treatments are free until you stop (now thats some customer service). It will just have to happen at a time when my mind and body are all at ease and not needing the habit anymore. When that will be idk, could be next week or a few years up the road.

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I've never heard of a laser treatment to help you stop smoking, how in the devil does it work?:huh:


You were young and stupid and as so many kids are you wanted to be cool and fit in with your friends, well guess what, it isn't so cool anymore is it?:whistle:


Enough ranting, you know your mistake now but the trouble is trying to stop, I hope you can find a way to stop, you are a young man and the effects of smoking can easily be reversed if you can just quit, I wish you much luck.

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I also use to be one of those stupid teenagers trying to be cool and started smoking. I was 14 years old when I started and of course I thought it was the trend. I have really bad asthma and it finally caught up to me. One day I had an asthma attack and couldn't breathe at all, had to go to the hospital and everything. The worst feeling in the world is not being able to breathe and after that I quit cold turkey. I was 17 years old when that happened and its been 3 years since I last smoked a cigarette and I feel better than ever. I guess something bad like that had to happened to make me realize how bad they truly are. I am truly blessed that happened to me. I can't stand the smell of them anymore and can't believe I was that stupid!


I wish everyone the best of luck out there trying to quit!<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/05/12 18:56

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Yeah, my health is just horrible, I have 3-5 Upper Respiratory Infections a year, and when I get sick it lasts a hell of a lot longer than it should. I quit for a few months back when I was 16, and I couldn't stand the smell of them, still can't and I smoke lol. But it also doesn't help that my mom and step dad smoke in their house. It is agonizing to try and quit when you are surrounded by it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I'm new here but I got caught up reading this topic and I just couldn't stop. I quit 8 weeks and 3 days ago. I want to say congrats to all of you who have quit or are quitting. I have smoked for 29 years and quitting is a struggle, however it gets easyer every day! I plan to buy myself an African Grey with the money I save from not smoking. :)

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  • 2 months later...

bry - I quit umm 8 to 10 months ago. I did it shortly after Phoenix moved in with us (he'd been living with my ersatz mother). It's hard, I know. this is the second time I've quit, but I don't intend to allow myself to stress out to the point of breaking down and starting again. It is hard to do, but the birds give me a lot of strong reasons not to start again. hang in there, you're doing the right thing.



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I was posting in this forum and saw this post. I quit smoking - largely due to Tobie - last february. Let's see - that's about 9 months now. I just didn't want to make him sick from the tobacco on my fingers lips etc. I also had a brother-in-law die of lung cancer, or the chemo he was going through about a year and a half ago. I wanted to share how I quit, because I've quit many times before with Hypnosis, patches, gum, chantex, group sessions, cold turkey with no program. Always before the desire to stop and buy a pack of cigarettes - especially on the way home from work - was with me. I had to make the decision over and over again to not smoke until eventually I would make the decision to smoke after all and there you go. This time I went to an acupuncturist. He has a doctorate in acupuncture and is very good. After the first treatment after my quit date I knew I was done with it. I've never had the slightest urge to smoke since that day and I just know that I'm truly a non-smoker now.

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