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Quitting smoking


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Yeah, Skuffy - that was one of my many inspirations to quit. I went for a physical and was told I have the lung capacity of a 60 year old. I think I was 38 at the time.

So, I'm hangin' in there guys ...

50+ days (can't remember exactly how many) ...

On the Quit forum I belong to it tells you your stats every time you log on. I recently passed the 1000 cigarettes not smoked mark. 1000. Holy #$%&!

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Yes Mark, even you can quit, all you have to do is set your mind to it and do it, you need to quit to hang around to see those grandkids grow up and have kids of their own.


Sometimes it takes something like this to open our eyes to what it is doing to us, I'm sorry to say but Mark it should have scared the bejebbers out of you, please join the other quitters for your own sake!!:whistle:

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Sorry it's been so long since been on here. I just couldn't pass this question though. I have been smoke free for going on 2 years now. I have smoked since I was 20 years and am now 48 so did it for quit a while. I also tried quitting using all the gadgets and even the perscription stuff but never made it. Guess I wasn't ready. Then I just decided I was tired of sitting out on the porch in the sweltering summer of AZ. So what I did was when I inhaled I'd just NOT in hale as much as before. I didn't use anything, I didn't cut my smoking down nothing. I just didn't inhale as strong and it's funny, it took about 2 months with no stress and then one day, I realized I didn't want the cigarette that I was getting ready to smoke. I was getting tired of AZ raising our prices so sky high but otherwise that was the only thing I did different. It was amazing too cause sometimes things have gotten stressful lately, I've lost a canary, and my dog just passed on, but I don't have any inclination to grab a cigarette. Might want to try it.


I wish you luck.:whistle:


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Guest Skuffy

:woohoo: Ive made myself a lill promise..on the 30th Aug i'll stop..Its my 40th that day,,atm how things are in my house a ciggie is my only vic..:( Thems who understand where am coming from....So 30th Aug i shud be smoke free...My lung test was....77yrs old and am only 39..OUCH!!:evil:

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Mark, I am going to hold you to this promise of quitting on Aug 30th, your 40th birthday, you can do this and we will be behind you 110%.


You are the same age as my daughter, she will turn 40 on the 30th of this month and I can say that neither I, my hubby, my son and daughter or their spouses have ever smoked so I may not know what you are going thru but I understand it is a difficult thing to do.


Good for you Mark in making this committment to your health.:)

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Major Kudos to those of you that have quit!!

sheepws.gif I had that nasty habit for twenty four years and tried everything to quit, nothin' doin'.

Then one day I just got so sick and tired of myself, not to mention disgusted at putting an ashtray at my wifes mouth every time I wanted to kiss her.

So I quit, one day to the next, tossed it all out. The first three days were hell but after that it was out of my body and only remained in my head.

I was going to be damned if I couldn't "out think/trick" the dude in my own head, and so now after ... after, well heck, it's been so long that I don't even remember anymore, it's that an unimportant part of my life now, suffice it to say that it has been many many years now.

My hat goes off to those that have rid themselves of this particular demon.<br><br>Post edited by: Graehstone, at: 2008/05/21 16:55

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Thanks for sharing that with us Graehstone, if you can do it after 24 years then anyone can and I am so proud of you for doing that and I'm sure Katrin appreciates it (makes the kisses sweeter):kiss: and of course the fids are the better for it too.:)

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Deciding what you are going to spend the money on before you quit really does help. I did that and got my laser eye surgery... then I kept saving and got Oisin :)



I dont put the money aside any more, but since my hubbie still smokes I do treat myself every now and then without feeling guilty:P

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Wow - my l'il post is still alive! *sniff*

I'm a little perklempt!

To all of you contemplating, here is some unsolicited advice: Read Allan Carr's "Easy Way to Quit Smoking." Outstanding. Phenomenal. Mark, if you start it now I'd be willing to bet you'll quit before August 30.

Also, a great website is quitnet.com. Poke around, join - these people are awesome. I like them almost as much as I like you guys on Grey Forums. :P

I am at 50+ days (on the 26th it'll be an even 2 months). Well over 1000 cigarettes not smoked. I tell ya, life isn't always grand, but I think I'm in a place where I understand that smoking ain't gonna help - no matter what my problem might be.



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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update, all!

Over the holiday weekend I passed the 100 day mark.

That makes me an "Elder" on my quit smoking website.

So that's 2000 cigarettes not smoked and $500 saved.

I tell ya, we are doing some remodeling on the house and I could REALLY go for a smoke - my nerves are shot!

But I won't do it, I promise!

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Well, yes! I think Hawaii is in order myself!


Thanks soooo much guys.

I apologize if I'm boring anyone else out there but on the other hand, if I can inspire anyone to quit, it's worth boring a few others...

For those of you who obviously aren't bored, and are so supportive that you bring tears to my eyes, THANK YOU!



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Well if people are bored by quitting smoking, they need not read the thread;)


We just think you are brilliant because those of us who have managed to quit know how hard it is, and those of us who haven't quit yet, probably haven't quit because they know how hard it is too:P


I think you should hold off on Hawaii though till you have enough money saved to bring me too! Maybe at your 200 day anniversary :laugh:

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  • 2 months later...

Quick update!

I hit the 6-month mark yesterday.

Six months of smobriety...yay!

This is exciting because I have heard things actually get smoother from here on out. The only thing I would say I still struggle with a little is weight. So if the weight could stop being stubborn now and just get lost, all will be well! If not that's ok too, I do not want to die of smoke inhalation, even if that means my figure is a little on the "healthy" side. LOL

So there ya go, kids! If there are smokers out there who have just quit, or want to quit - I am proof positive that it's possible. PM me if you want more details on how I did it, or would like a pep talk.

Hope you all are having a great day!

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Congrats Laurie on the 6 month mark, I know you feel better and all that money you were spending on cigarettes is going to the high cost of food.:S


I am so proud of you for doing this for yourself and your family, especially your flock for now you will be around longer to enjoy them.;)


You are a shining example of what is possible if you want it bad enough, you go girl.:P

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