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Quitting smoking


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  • 1 year later...

As much as I seriously enjoyed smoking. I didn't just smoke because I was addicted I smoked because I truly enjoyed it. I quit in 2008 after my mom died of cancer due to smoking and my grandmother two years before that. But I cheated and used Chantix to help me quit. And although one of the side effects was that it gave me odd dreams, it worked like a charm and I have been smoke free for over 3 years now. Not saying I couldn't pick the habit back up as still to this day I have cravings for them once in a while.

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I was one of those hated "social smokers". I didn't smoke in my house and only rarely at work. I didn't really like the idea of stinking up my clothes and furnishings in my house. I saw yellow stains on my fingers once and that pretty much turned me off to the habit (not addiction) that I had. If it stained my fingers, I didn't want to think what it was doing to my teeth and my lungs. I will never regret quitting like I do regret starting in the first place.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Wow should we refresh this thread? I am also quittting smoking. I am a cold turkey fan, its never been "hard" for me to quit like it is for some people. My problem was more that I just didnt want to quit.


I was talking to my friend the one day and we figured out that in 1 year I spend as much on cigs as I just did on my FID and cage (crazy I know) so in a years time I could have enough money saved for another grey lol thats how I look at it now.


NOT to mention hubby is quitting too and my boys are attempting to quit as well. We could definately be a non-smoking family very soon. I did make my home non smoking :D so they have to go outside to smoke now and its pretty dang cold out ;)


So heres to me and 3 days down :D a lifetime to go!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe its time for me to jump on this train, I have thought about it for a couple years, then my father passed suddenly, and now I am watching my mom struggle with COPD, and enfazyma, she is now sitting in the hospital and recently accepted a lung transplant...If my children would have to watch me go through what I am watching now...That alone would devistate me. I have gone over which ways would work best for me (patches, pills, ect..ect..) I have come to the conclusion that Cold Turkey is going to work best for me. I just renewed my gym membership (with the recent loss of my father I can tell I have packed on a few pounds) I hope that when the craving arises I can find alternatives other then food to get me through it. I have been told the first week is the hardest and I dont know why the sudden decision to do it other than the mind set of Its time, before its too late. Wish me luck! I hope to update ya soon

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I would recommend the electronic cigarette to anyone wanting to quit. I smoked for over 30 years (not in the house for the last 18) and have been "clean" since 11/11/11 with little effort. I will probably quit that some day too, but I'm in no rush.


I'm still a vaper, not a smoker. :) I never had enough willpower to quit cold turkey and I tried multiple times. My hat is off to all of you who can do that!

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I believe its time for me to jump on this train, I have thought about it for a couple years, then my father passed suddenly, and now I am watching my mom struggle with COPD, and enfazyma, she is now sitting in the hospital and recently accepted a lung transplant...If my children would have to watch me go through what I am watching now...That alone would devistate me. I have gone over which ways would work best for me (patches, pills, ect..ect..) I have come to the conclusion that Cold Turkey is going to work best for me. I just renewed my gym membership (with the recent loss of my father I can tell I have packed on a few pounds) I hope that when the craving arises I can find alternatives other then food to get me through it. I have been told the first week is the hardest and I dont know why the sudden decision to do it other than the mind set of Its time, before its too late. Wish me luck! I hope to update ya soon

I wish you all the luck in the world. Sounds like you have lots of reasons to quit! I will be in your corner rooting you on!!!! WOOT WOOT ! you can do this :D

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Best of luck to all. I'm lucky enough to have never been a smoker and am pretty non-addictive in general (I think my attention span is too short to build an actual addiction :D) but I watched smoking kill my grandmother who lived with us after my grandfather died (also not helped by smoking). My mom quit briefly when her mom first fell ill, but went back to it for another few years. She eventually got pneumonia, presumably from smoking outside in her bath robe in a Chicago winter because we no longer let her smoke in the house. She ended up coughing so hard she broke or separated a couple ribs. She finally quit. She used hypnosis, gum, and gained a fair amount of weight (she had ALWAYS been a stick) by replacing smokes with hard candy. But the weight is now gone and she's still smoke-free. That was about 20 years ago now, and I'm so very proud of her and glad she'll be around longer for me and my daughter.


She does say that not a day goes by that she doesn't want a cig. If it's not that hard for you, consider yourself lucky and take full advantage of being 'able' to quit. I used to harass my mom and grandma for smoking (my grandma continued to sneak smokes while on oxygen and left with less than one complete lung). Now I realize how little it was really their choice by that point.


You have my support. All of you.


Also, I've seen a group of friends recently debating the e-cigs. Many are strongly in favor - one guy is on his second month of no cigs. A few still point to an old study questioning if they're any better than 'real' smoking. I'm not going to pass judgement, but from what little I know, they seem like a great alternative to investigate whether as a long-term replacement or a transitional tool.


Again, I wish you strength.

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Well t'ya darlin :D This has been my 3rd time quitting for a long period of time. I quit for years when I was pregnant n such. Then always something huge to push me back over the edge :( I have just got to be strong. Now I have lots more reasons to quit. Not to mention who the heck can really afford it anymore? Phew they sure up there in price. I remember when I first started smoking it was 94 cents with 6 cents tax!!! oh no did I just give away my age :o Anyways ... it was just time. I just lost my step dad to lung cancer he was a heavy smoke and he would of perferred to have died with a smoke dangling between his lips! Not me! I want to be round a long time specially to drive my kids crazy LOL :D but thanks having a strong support group definately helps!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Smoking sucks! Those that do, know it. I smoke. Of course, I think I " suck", and don't want to do it! Quit, smoke, back and forth. BUT... I NEVER smoke in my house, or in front of my children. I am NOT perfect, but wear a " smoking jacket" outside. Brush my teeth, wash my hands. I struggle with my deamons, but at the end of the day, when I am done, scrubbing myself to death.... Sophie scratches my shoulder, says " hello". " where have you been? Nancy

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  • 3 weeks later...

I smoked on and off for about 9 years, then quit cold-turkey for 4 years. When I was going through my divorce, I started smoking again (unfortunately) and a little after one year of smoking, I quit cold-turkey AGAIN!!! I guess I have a strong will power and am very thankful for that. I have friends who have tried to quit numerous times, trying different methods. I haven't had the urge to start smoking again at all. For me, it's all psychological. Every time I think about how my hair and clothes would stink after smoking, I would be so glad that I quit. Chewing gum helped also, but for me it was more of a mental thing. It's been almost a year since I quit and I am very active, walking about three miles a day and feeling wonderful!

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I feel for people who try to quit smoking, luckily I never started. I work in a restaurant where out of the 30 servers/bartenders/hosts/takeout/managers only I think 6? of us don't smoke... But theres often a person going on about how they'll stop smoking in X amount of weeks... and yet, they never do.... it's hard because it seems like everybody smokes, you just can't get away from that smell... So far, nobody at work has quit successfully. My tips for you guys would be first of all, get away from the smokers if possible, and always remember why you quit smoking... and remember how much money you won't be burning away (and that you can now spend on your grey)

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Funny you say that about money because when you add how much the cartons used to cost for the GENERIC smokes (heck I couldnt even afford the name brand stuff anymore) in one year its the same price i paid for Marco ... THAT is amazing ... I feel better, I smell better, I dont cough, hack n wheeze anymore ... how can that be a bad thing yanno? :D Its been almost 3 months I dont even miss it anymore and I dont mind other smokers or being around it .. .it doesnt bother me cuz bottom line ......... YOU have got to want to quit :) and I do!

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I haven't exactly quit yet but might as well..lol..since I brought Jasper home over a week ago I started smoking outside and that has turned out to be no more than 3 a day. It was nothing for me to sit in front of the computer and smoke nearly 2 packs a day when I was home. Yeesh. Right now I'm barely into the last of the 5 cartons I got cheep! down in San Juan in Jan when I was down there. Once those are gone..yeah I hope to quit entirely. The mess and the *stink* are bad, the money spent on them is bad..what they do to one's health and one's cats' health..they need to go. Much better things to spend my little money on now.

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I have not read alot of this thread as its just to long,i smoked for 15 years,only time i stopped was when i was pregnant and breast feeding,but iam now a non smoker sinse january this year


What did it for me was,i never smoked in my home i always went outside because of my children,anyway we moved into this house in december last year and the woman smoked in here,it was awful!i wiped the walls and a layer of yellow nicotine come off ewwwwww!!so after cleaning every inch of the house and realising how disgusting it is i went cold turkey,even now after washing the walls countless times it still seems to be appearing on the walls i have not yet painted,i think its just so soaked in, so if you want to quit clean a nicotine filled house lol

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