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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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Since Pat fell in love with Banda and Banda has now moved, maybe Vincent can fill that void for him, lol. My hope beyond hope is that he and Lily strike up a friendship. Lily is okay with the other birds, just not birds of her own kind. Here is Vincent after I tried to give him a spray bath, he was so dirty. Too bad I did not know that he was sprayed when he screamed, did not go over very well with him.


Here he is when I first opened the cage door, it didn't take long at all. I had to clean out his cage, the bottom was lined with pet bedding and was nasty.


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We will be picking him up Friday. He will be in for a shock, his cage was full of pretzels and he ate nothing but seed. Never been outside in over 2 years, don't know about prior. Fingers crossed she doesn't change her mind though, this little boy needs a change sooner than later.

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What is it with people thinking these birds need to eat the same junk food they do? We have gotten birds that eat Pizza, Steak, Cheese burgers, Chips, Pretzels, French fries and are as bad as kids trying to avoid green veggies and healthy alternatives. You can wean them over to a sound diet it just takes time and patience while you watch them throw most of it on the floor for a few years.

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Not to leave out all the strong candles, the chemical carpet cleaners with deodorizing crap in it for the 6 untrained dogs and oh yeah, the salmonella carrying lizard. We all know my plate is full, but this is why sweet little Vincent is moving in. My neighbor who took the other lizard is also taking this one.

I got the confirmation that she is ready to surrender so at 4 tomorrow, Vincent and Fred will both have new homes.

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Update on them all, this may take some time lol.


Bongo is doing great, he is pestering Gabby flying into her territory. She runs after him until he is out of countertop and flies back to his cage only to do it again a second later. At least I know they are both getting lots of exercise.


Gabby, well we made a big booboo and got her a wooded box to play in since she wants any and every box in our house. Thought it would be better to keep her in one area. She set up house and now is 1/3 less feathered. She started plucking out feathers to line her new house. Also now when there is another bird out and she is in her cage it drives her batty that they could get into her area. Yesterday we removed the box and will see if this obsession wears off any.


Cotay, she has her own box on the kitchen table and loves it. I have gotten a few warning nips and a good bite or two when I forget she is out and put my hand on the chair or table to bend over. I wish ii could bend over without the help of anything but I just can't, getting older is such a pain! I can now pick Cotay up from anywhere with out covering my arm! Yeah!


Ixta, she is just a talker and still picks things up daily. She is one you really have to watch your p's and q's around. She alos let me pick her up twice this weekend from her cage. That is the first time I have been able to hold her without Pat putting her on my arm. In the mornings we do not even have to open our mouth to get the dogs out now, she does it for us. "Come on, lets go outside. Time to make a peepee, lets go, come on"


Chacho, he is doing wonderful with me, still would like to remove Pats jugular.


Oliver, he has the sniffles but he gets that yearly and we have to do steam baths. It comes and goes so we don't put too much into it. When he first moved in he was like this and we went to the vets several times and to different dr's trying to help him, we thought he was dying and no one could help. Turns out he wasn't and was removed from all meds. seasonal allergies who knew it happened to birds too?


Bubba, his butt has been doing pretty good this last year, knock on wood. He and Oliver can not be separated so the feather loss isn't getting any better. We tried to keep them apart, wore earplugs even but they were having none of it. He does smack Ollie on the head now when he is started to pull out any chest feathers and will also kick him but Oliver just won't give up!


Chulo, he is getting better by the day. Even started talking yesterday. He said hello and pretty boy. We have noticed his eyes are weird, the color part isn't round but wavy I guess is the best way to describe it. He is moving around his cage and the flight so that to us that is a great start! Diet is much better so fingers crossed. He sneezes a bunch too and has a red nose but that is calming down now. On a side note with the sneezing going on, we got this all natural organic pellet and I will be damned that every bird except for 3 started sneezing after a week or so of using it. I have stopped that pellet and things are settling down.


Honey and Sunny, they do not like to be in the main room with all the birds, much happier just being in the room with each other to explore. Their exploring causes a HUGE mess. They like to pull all the paper out of the cages, open every water and food bowl and dump the pellets and food on the floor. Sunny was supposed to be the leader of the pack, if Sunny does it Honey will follow. Well we either have those two mixed up or the roles have changed because it is Honey who leads the way! Even gives me kisses.


Mary Ann, she is doing so good. I can handle her any time now after being told she is a mans bird and will attack the females. HA! She is just a sweetheart to us both. Pat can pick he up by the beak and swing her around, she loves it!


Marley, still a mess but is progressing very nicely. She will step up every time for me and I have been working on the pick up by the beak thing. This Friday we did it! Saturday however I got a solid "oh hell no, we ain't doing that again". She will not let Pat near her which leads me to believe she is really a he. The girls go to Pat and they boys to me. They say that doesn't mean anything, boy or girl, but we are finding out that it really does. She is also starting to pick up new words and listening to her practice them would melt your heart. (No sneezing, refused to eat the pellets and thought it much funner to throw them out of the cage)


Koko, she is just the cutest thing. She will carry a conversation with you for minutes before you realize you are talking to a parrot. She knows what to say at the right times. The he/she thing doesn't seem to apply to the cockatoo's as it is the girls who love me and the Gus who loves Pat. Koko chases and attacks Pat if she is out in the room.


Gus, my guster butt. He loves to fly and cause chaos. Still bites when he lands which is why he got his wings clipped a few years ago but we have resigned to just taking the bite. It is more a nip/balance bite so with his love of flying we won't clip him again!


Lily, my precious Lily pad. She is such a butt to everyone but me. We can not let her out of her cage unless she is with us in the evening in a room with no other birds. Even if we put her in a flight outside, she screams and chases the birds beside her. She tried to rip off Koko's beak causing a nose bleed and ripped off the top of Gus's head and it has not gotten any better with her. She needs to be in a home with no other birds but since she is so attached to me she bites any and everyone who even tries to hold her, including Pat. She is at the age where she is reaching her sexual maturity, hopefully things will settle soon.


Vincent, my little mini too. Acts just like Chacho, hates Pat, difference is he tolerates Pat and only bites when he deems necessary. Pat has taken a few good ones, one probably should have had stitches but oh well. He loves to take baths which is good because that black soot from the candles is tough to get off. He is still very dirty but it is a work in progress. Loves to throw himself backwards and do flips, gotta watch that cuz when decides to do that you better have a toe in a good grip or he hits the floor. lol He is an excellent flier and lands very well on the arm. Have not heard him talk yet but he does try to. The cockatoo mumble.


I think that is all of them.


This weekend I gave up and moved the couch out. My last sliver of a home is now in the room with the cockatoo's. I just couldn't get rid of it all together, it is in good shape. We decided to let the Too's have it so when they destroyed it, it wouldn't break my heart to throw out. No more bob and weave through the living room, so much nicer. The only grown up furniture left is the kitchen table that Cotay uses when she is out. We do have a bed and a love seat in the front of the house, yeah us! lol

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These storms need to end soon or they need to stop warning us with that alarm on the tv. Vincent is new to tv and that scares him every time and he flies around, which causes every bird we have who can fly, to fly also. Vincent will eventually land on my head and Bongo goes to Gabby's cage, but Gabby flew into the front door, Cotay ended up in the bay window on the sill, Chulo onto Chacho's cage and Marley hit the floor. Which doesn't really sound terrible until you add volume to it, 7 macaws screaming at the top of the lungs, 3 umbrellas screaming, 1 amazon yelling at the bird on his cage and 2 yippy dogs barking. The 3rd dog is at my feet panting heavily because she is terrified of storms and will stay under foot. (BTW, we use the rescue remedy for her and it really does work great on the dogs!) Talk about having to be quick to assess the situation, between me and Pat we would do good in an emergency, getting lots of practice at it anyway. lol

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Yeah, now he has to. Poor lil guy. Our neighbor who gets our birds to screaming every time she comes by wanted to meet Vincent tonight. Ha, he finally came out of his cage, too bad that tail was flared out and I swear he was licking his lips ready to eat her alive! lol She was who we got MaryAnn and Marley from, I took great pride that Marley wouldn't go near her! She was trying to grab his tail when he turned his back to her to get away. I about lost my neighborhoodness on her!!! I was so happy when I walked over and told him everything was okay and he wasn't leaving and he stepped right up for me! One point for the good guys!

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Vincent, aka Chacho Jr or Cujo Jr, is so mean to Pat, lol. Sad, I shouldn't laugh especially now but I can't help it. Seems Cotay has turned against me yet again, this time though she can fly. I was putting the guys up to give them dinner and she was still in her box, I turned my back holding Gabby and her food bowl when I hear flight. Not much I can do but stand there since Gabby has her own tick of attacking when your hands are full, which mine were. There is now a grey on my back, waist level with full intend to do damage to me. I had to laugh, to scared to do much else as Pat came to get her off of me, if I had reacted I would have gotten it from both Cotay and Gabby. Not sure what the change is in her, we had just started to build the trust and she was letting me pick her up, now I can't even get near her.

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And so now Bongo started attacking Pat last night. He kept flying on his head and smacking him. I know I didn't help matters because I kept laughing, but it was funny to see me cute little Bongo who never use to move fly with intent to scare Pat. We think it because he has fallen in love with Gabby so he was protecting her and her area. He tried to land on my head while I was at the sink beside Gabby but I kinda gently knocked him off, the second time I made him step up from my head and he ran to my shoulder and gave me a kiss as if to say, "sorry mom, but I had to give it a try". I told Pat that he is running out of birds who like him and that isn't going to work for me so he better start playing nice.

Found a owner finance property yesterday in Springtown, putting in an offer Monday. It is a long shot but gave us the energy to start looking again. If this one is out there than there are others. :-)

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Yesterday was a day to remember. Marley is stepping up now all the time for me, even when I am not asking her too. We went into the other room though and I was able to give her a big hug, little resistance at first and a hole in my shirt but then she relaxed and melted in. Then hubby hollered for me and our time was over. She needs to live on a perch farm though, boy does she go through perches!


Chacho came out of his cage to play, we left all the birds up so he could come out. He went right to the mantle and talked and sang his heart out. I really got no less than 15 of the best pictures of him. He is a natural model!





It is so hard to put into words just how much I love these guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Took a short trip this weekend and it was the first time away from my flock. Hard to believe how darn much I missed them. I went to the ocean and there were just some many birds flying around making me feel bad that ours have cages. I just kept saying how wonderful it would be to bring my guys here and let them fly for a bit and be birds! I think I took over 100 pictures and 90 of them were of birds, just can't get them out of my mind, lol.

It was very late when I got in but my Chacho and Bongo knew it was me and started calling for me. I was expecting to be snubbed by them for leaving but I was so excited they wanted me! Not sure how the others will be when I wake them up, hopefully not to bad! I am a fried lobster so handling them is out of the question today, that won't go over good. I couldn't go in to work today, about to take a milk bath and try and ease this pain. I am slathered in vitamin a&e ointment, that isn't helping one bit. Aloe didn't help either. When we fed the stingrays, they put out a heavy slim, I even tried rubbing that on this burn, lol. I am trying everything! My feet look like clubs and don't even fit in my flip flops!

Greywings, we even missed your second 4-6 time frame, they wanted to stop at the Aquarium for lunch (2:00pm) and she told me to call you so we could meet up, I am so glad I decided to wait to call, the girls didn't get done playing until after 6. Pat said we will come down there soon for the day and play!


I did get this: It is Henna


Edited by murfchck
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Lovely artwork, Henna will last for a while they can do very intricate designs with it. Sorry to hear you are so sunburned hope you are not getting sun poisoning those swollen feet make me wonder. Have that and it is miserable. Glad the flock welcomed you back I know those sharp feet are going to be uncomfortable for a while.

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I am still amazed at the precision big birds fly with. So, I had this great idea to bring all the macaws out into the living room, the greys in the kitchen, 1 cockatoo at a time out in their room and I would put Chacho into the macaws room so he could fly around and not be stuck in his cage while the big boys were out and Pat was home. Not the best thought out plan I have had. Sunny and Honey chased Chulo around from stand to stand, cage top to cage top with frequent flights into and around the kitchen which scared the greys making them fly around too. I had to goose the scarlet macaw when Gabby the grey landed on her stand and Mary Ann went after her with beak open, just a little goose to stop the advance. I hadn't started cooking yet but had just put some pork chops in the pan to start cooking when this started so I wasn't concerned about the stove area. But as we stood in front of the stove doing our bird count, Pat kept getting a tickle on his back. He turned around and mentally didn't see or notice anything, then the tickle happened again. This time when he turned around he saw Cotay, standing in the frying pan, knee deep so to speak, in the pork chops. Note to self, look twice because naked birds can sometimes look like raw meat. lol Dinner was however a bit fluffier than normal. Life without birds sure would be boring.

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