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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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You are way ahead of me. Got to clean house & cages still, working on stuffing to at least get ahead on food prep. we have a small oven in a big house such poor planning by the builders. Got the pumpkin, cranberry, hazelnut, walnut birdy bread made yesterday as it keeps well in the fridge and freezer. Plan on them all getting a little turkey & sweet potato for the big Thanksgiving feast.

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This afternoon and tomorrow will be the big rush to get things done. Poor Pat got home yesterday and just looked tired but he still asked me what we had to do to get ready. I opened the fridge, handed him a beer and said, "tonight we do nothing but play with the fids!" He melted. So today I clean the house, change and clean 11 cages, make the ham, make the stuffing, make the cranberry mold and get the turkey prepped. It is a 24lb one that has been thawing since Saturday, still 3/4 frozen so he will be getting a long bath in some cold water and lemon juice today! Then I am up at 5 am to get the turkey in the oven, basting ever 30 minutes for the first 2-3 hours then every hour after that while also making the gravy, potatoes, beans and yams. Did I mention I drink a lot both Wednesday and Thursday? lol (Pat brought me my traditional 2 bottles of wine last night!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My little darlings,


Thanksgiving is over and now there is Christmas to contend with. The tree(ish) thing is up and scaring the crap out of some of you. I am sorry about that but your stockings have to go somewhere, otherwise Santa has no where to put your presents!


Ixta has moved in and you guys did great welcoming her to our home. Cotay, you need to watch your p's & q's, she is watching you and learning from you and since you nip at me when I put your food bowls in, so does she. You won't step up for me, you lure me in for the head scratch and then try and bite me, you make the kissing sound then try and bite me, I offer you an almond and you take it, toss it and come back to bite me. If she does these things to me too, I will totally blame it on you! :-)


Now for more news, Old Man will be moving in soon. He is so old him mommy can't take him with her when they move, she is afraid the drive and then the new climate will not be good for him. She said last week it is about time for her to let him go so we will be working on his cage so you guys can get use to it. He will be in the living room with Chacho, so Chacho, it is up to you my boy to show him the ropes. That doesn't mean for you to show him Pat is the enemy, cuz he isn't. One day you will see this!


Bongo, not sure but it looks like you are letting you feathers come back in. One day there was one full feather on your chest, now there are many, you still have feathers at the bottom of your cage but I don't see where they are from. Just remember the lie I told you, err.. I mean, remember what I told you, you can't fly without your feathers so choose smart!


I love!




PS. Ixta, who is Jack? You talk a lot and follow up with "Jack" like Lets go - Jack. Or Go home - Jack. Is that just your slang or was there a real Jack in your life?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Morning all my loves,


It is the holiday season, there are many partys coming up for our work places. It is just a haircut! Please get over it and realize it is still me, just with shorter hair that isn't pulled back out of urgency in the mornings. I only do this haircut thing once a year so you all won't freak out but you still do. I stopped having it colored after the first fiasco years ago when none of you knew who I was for days. But a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do sometimes!


I Love,



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  • 2 weeks later...

To All My Darling Babies,


Merry Christmas eve to you! Despite your best attempts to get on that naughty list, we chose to ignore it! New toys and wood and rope for all! (maybe even a bottle of nuts for the flying white cotton balls!)


I want you all to know just how special you are to me, each in your own way. Yes Cotay, that includes you!


Bongo you brought me out of a funk when I had to retire, you were my dream and other than this plucking thing, you have not let me down. Always there to give mama a kiss when she needs one.


Oliver, you are one silly boy who makes me laugh at your simplicity in all you do. You give Bubba the "dumb ass" look when he makes things so hard for himself trying to move around that stand. :D


Bubba, your antics that get you in these weird situations just crack me up. You are the one who started calling me Pttthhh, thanks, I appreciate that.


Gabby, even though you hated me at first and bit the snot out of me several times, our relationship has come leaps and bounds and I hope it just continues to grow.


Gus, wow, Gus... You are such a headache with your screaming but the love you give me more than makes it tolerable! You are a sweetheart through and through.


Lily, Lily, Lily........ ummm....... ;) I love you so very much even if you beat up the other Too's. This feeling will pass soon and you will regain your composure and be able to play with the others again. You are my baby girl and I love you so very much, just holding you brings tears of joy to me eyes.


Cotay, no matter how hard you try to scare me away, I ain't going anywhere! You were in a chicken cage with one branch when I found you. I am sorry I couldn't afford to get you and you had to move in across the street, but you are here now with your daddy so please learn to accept me all the time, not just when you are on the floor. I love you stinker butt!


Koko, My sweet little girl. We fell in love the minute we saw each other. You are so gentle and sweet and oddly quiet and I love each of those qualities. You are forever with me. Just give dad a break every once and a while and let him hold you, he loves you to!


Chacho, oh my freaking out Albert. I didn't even get to see your face before I fell in love with you and it seems the feeling is mutual. You are such a love and so loyal to me. Thank you for letting Daddy stay in the room with us now without you biting me! I love you Chacho Chacho Man!


Ixta, you are such a special girl and very much loved by many people. Your first dad loves you very much and has cried a lot when we give him your updates. Thank you for letting us be a new part of your lifes adventure. You will always be safe and loved.


Merry Christmas my clan! I hope I have given to each of you all the love that you have given to me.


I love,



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  • 2 weeks later...

My Little Ones,


After about a month of being sick, I think I am on my way back to the living. You all have been just great with me knowing I wasn't feeling good and I thank you for that. Cotay, Lily, you two tried to be good but it just isn't in your nature, it's okay.


Our friend we visit on Saturdays has taken a little turn for the worse and he is looking into more full time care which means his flock could be joining us sooner than we expected. I got a few calls from him yesterday and fell a few times. The last time was later in the evening and his doors were locked so there was not anything I could do to help him. I feel he may need to go into the hospital for a bit, to be monitored and get his meds checked and back into an order. I am not sure how we will do this as we finally have some sort of a system here now getting everyone out of their cages for play times of quality. There are 4 blue and golds and one mean hawk head who hates me but is okay with daddy sort of. These guys have their time zone a bit off and sleep during the day and are out of their cages at night so we may have some noise issues for a while. Not sure where the hawk head will be yet, he is only in his cage right now at night when the macaws are out, during the day he flies free and sits on everyone's cages. That can't happen here and all of our rooms have birds in them so this is going to take some creative thinking on our part to be sure he has a place to be out in and fly. His birds are alos pretty destructive, they have never been told no and by the looks of all the wood work they should have been. They all fly too so I am worried that they won't be able to be in the living room, which means another room for them to fly in which we don't have. Why can't it be 70 degrees year round so everyone can be outside? lol We will figure it out, I promise and we won't disrupt you guys too much, I promise! I will know more today.


I am glad you all are enjoying your new cage places! I love when you are happy! Ixta, Cotay, you two are such trouble makers. It is like twins gone wild. I laughed seeing Cotay sneak her little bald body into the kitchen peeking around corners and you Itxa? You are both silly! Cotay, I can't have your cage in the middle of the room so stop chewing my walls please. You have so much inside your cage to chew you really don't need to eat my walls too. I may start hanging some of your toys on the outside to give you a goal!


I love you all!


I Love,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, my babies,


It is that time. I got a very sad email about our friend, his disease is progressing rapidly so he asked if we could make the move with his birds sooner than planned. I had hoped he would be able to stay at home and keep a few for company but it doesn't seem like this will be happening now. We discussed the least disruptive way to move them in and best we can do is to kick the couch to the curb, move Chacho BACK into the living room and switch the macaws and the too's. Where you Too's are has enough room to house 6 blue and gold's. Menyecca ( hooked on phonics with her name ) will also move into the living room. Then we have to think about old man, not sure if he could handle being with all the macaws so he may be in the living room to. So much for keeping our house a home, it is your bird house now.


I love you all dearly, we can make this work!


Thank you Koko and Chacho for letting Pat pick you up yesterday. That really meant a lot to him! And all you greys, thank you for letting me trim those needle toes of yours! Koko, I am sorry I got to close on that one tootsie of yours. I kissed it better though!


I Love,



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My heart goes out to your friend, so hard to be ill and getting old is not for sissy's. Having to give up his companions has to be difficult for him. I respect you both for making a space available for them but don't over do it trying to care for the expanded flock, will be thinking of you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi my darling babies,


Oh has this been a rough few weeks with emotions around here and you all have held up just great. I am sure if I didn't have all of you to come home to, I would have run away. Each of you should know that I love you and that you are my life and main priority! Our friend has been told he needs 24 hr care, a social worker came by and tried to get him to sign Medicaid paperwork so "they" could take care of him, thank God he refused to sign anything. But now they said they are going to turn it over to the county. They want him to get rid of everything he owns and that is dear to him, give them all his money and they will give him $60 a month to live on. They are even telling him that they will have someone come take his birds away and he really is only still with us because of his birds. We don't know what we can do to help him, but we are sure going to try. I feel like the worlds biggest ass, he asked if he could live with us and we had to say no. There just isn't enough room at our house and I wouldn't know how to care for him down the road. We will get this figured out guys, just hang tight a little more for me!


Bongo, you just crack me up. The little guy who is staying with us, Banda, his mommy is coming home today to pick him up. You can stop stressing and pulling your feathers out. You are still my boy! Every time I even look in his direction, you get so stressed. When she dropped him off and he ran to me you saw that and after finally getting all your feathers back from Chacho moving in, you had 5 feathers out before he was here an hour. Gesh buddy, we are just babysitting.


Chacho butt! I am sorry we had to chain up your cage last night but you are to smart (and dumb) for your own good. You opened the cage door that had not one but two locks on it and got on top of Bubbas cage. He was trying to eat your toes silly, not teaching you how to play hopscotch. You can fly, why didn't you? And then to run from me. Daddy was so sad that he had to come in there and let you attack his arm just to get your focus off Bubba.


Bubba and Ollie, Of my dears. Oliver really, please stop pushing Bubba off the stand, that is a hard fall and you know that, play nice. Bubba, stop letting him pick on you! lol


Gabby, I know you like to play in the cubby hole under the cabinet but when I need to get something out from the cabinet, please stop biting mommy's tummy. I always thought it was weird that my washer was putting holes in my shirts in just about the same places. You sneaky devil, when you made contact with skin last night and I smacked my head into the cabinet door, I looked down to see that the holes were coming from you! On the bright side, I can stop trying to figure a new washer into our budget!


Cotay, I have nothing for you. You tolerate me and use me as your taxi and cook and maid. I love you anyway! I am glad you have found your own personal space though when you are out and I promise to keep it clean for you!


Ixta, you love your daddy so much. Please stop screaming that very high pitched chirp though when you see him in the mornings. You wake everyone up!


My Too's. You all have been so good with our house guest, I will make you something special for dinner to show you how much I love you!


Banda, aka Layla. You are just the cutest thing we have ever met and I am glad we got to meet you and that you could stay with us. If daddy had his way, you would be here forever! As it is Pat has told your mom that the pictures we send her are not of you, but of a girl goffin named Layla. Sorry that that name has kinda stuck and that we are calling you that now. :-) If Pat had his way you would be on his shoulder all the time, and you didn't suicide jump once, good job! You fit in so well here that you are welcome back anytime! I know Pat loves the heck out of you, I have never seen him take so many selfies with you in his life! He doesn't keep pictures on his phone, he always delets them but I swear there are close to 20 pictures of the two of you on there right now. You will be missed!


Okay guys, off to start the day!


I love!



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I'll say it again, you two are my heroes. I don't know how you manage to care for so many special needs birdies, especially ones whose needs are often in direct opposition to each other. That you even contemplated taking in your elderly neighbour speaks volumes about your hearts. Please don't beat yourselves up for not being able to do it. Taking on end of life care for someone is not to be taken lightly, believe me, I know. You can still advocate for him. How many new fids are you taking from him?

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There are 5.

I had to take a friend to work yesterday morning and knew we would be a little late getting there to his house so I asked Pat to call and let him know. He said his neighbor was taking him to lunch at noon. he hoped we would make it. About 30 minutes later he cancelled saying he didn't want to go out and we shouldn't come. He is mad at us, I think.

Last night Chacho had a big episode, he was screaming his amazon scream which we have not heard before. Hanging on the side of the cage and even letting Pat touch him. When he started coming out of it he just kept repeating, "Are you okay?" this went on for close to an hour. He wouldn't let me hold him then he took off and did a few flights around the room before he crashed hard into the wall. Our first thought was that something happened to him and Chacho is just so in tune that this was his reaction. We tried calling him and his neighbor but still have not heard back. How the mind wanders.

Oh well, we really can't help those who refuse it so onward we go.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Our Dearest Babies,


I am so sorry that you didn't get the time outside that we promised you yesterday. Yesterday was a whirlwind and I am sorry that you were up so late because of us.

Yes, two more macaws moved in. We thought it would be okay since it looked like the other 5 we told you about were not coming, so when the call came about these 2, we said okay. Right after the cages were set up and Harley (military) and MaryAnne (scarlet) moved in we got the call. 3 more need to move in asap. Daddy and I walked around in a haze and honestly a little fear trying to figure everything out. Today we will have our heads on and things will get back to normal!


I love,


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Lisa, I've gotta ask, do you have any human room in your house besides a bed? lol Your birds must really learn to be resilient and to roll with change. Dorian would make my life miserable if I dared move a finch into "his" room, and here you are bringing in more of the big guys. Hope these birds figure out how lucky they are to have won a safe birdy home.

Edited by Acappella
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LOL, human space is getting smaller and smaller. Hubs and I are having an on going battle about the couch in the living room. I refuse to get rid of it for more bird cage space. It isn't that anyone sits in it except the dogs, but I will not give it up. It is my last piece of furniture that says, yeah, okay people do live here. There is a couch in the living room and a small and also unused table in the kitchen. lol We took out a wall between the two spare rooms and made one room our bedroom and the other is our living/dining room. We have a two year plan now to move to the country, maybe have a little elbow room!

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Wonderful for these guys that you have found a way to make them some space in your lives but do try to hang on to your sanity. I know how difficult that can be as we have a good sized flock and the occasional guest bird or two. it can be a stretch trying to give everyone the attention and keep them with clean water when as soon as you change it they dunk food in it or take a bath.

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, I just read the title "9 and Counting". Didn't take long to get into the double digits. So we are now at 15 and know that there are 3 more coming. Also have been contacted by another person about a cute lil goffin. That one is up in the air and we did say we would ONLY if necessary. I think that last marble in my head finally fell out and, by gosh, it rolled out the door into the swamp.

When I got home from work yesterday hubs had ALL the birds out and in the living room and kitchen, the cockatoos were out but in their room (thank heavens) but I walked in and just shook my head. That is 12 birds, many of who fly, in one area. Lord help us. They are changing the electrical lines in our yard now too so no outside for them until that is done, plus it is monsoon season her in Texas right now and our swamp is overflowing. One bark from the dog sent 3 macaws and 3 greys flying around, yeah, good times... I think I am tired, lol

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That is funny when you have to think to realize you are tired. A Goffin would add a new dimension to the mix, they are the engineering type of Parrot-if it can be taken apart it will be done. They can focus much longer than you might envision.

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