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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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This was yesterday, look at those eyes now. He is just so darn cute right now, in no time at all he will be ignoring me like the rest and picking daddy over me so I am enjoying this while I can. No weigh in yet, not until his next feeding but he does eat like a, well bird, which we all know is a lot!


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Just got done with the 3:30am feeding and can't decide if I should go back to bed for an hour or just get up and not tease myself.

Kane is growing like a weed and yesterday morning weighed in at 86.4g. So he has doubled in weight in 5 days. Here is a picture from the 28th.


And these are yesterday. Pat actually held him to, lol.



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I think we are 15 days old now, they are running into each other now and the only time I know anything for sure is during our morning weigh ins. Yesterday he topped 141g. By his second feeding today, his head took shape into a macaw and when you look at him you can actually see macaw now, not half baby rat/ plucked chicken.

I had a little panic too until my head cleared and I had a big duh moment. His feet have started getting darker, when I first noticed my first thought was, oh my God, he is cold, nope, not cold okay then, he isn't getting good circulation. I sent a message to my friend and asked about it, I got a smiley face with a note, they are just darkening up, it is normal, macaws have black feet... Doh, I only have 7 macaws, didn't put that together. Pat and I would have been horrible parents, panic first is our motto!

:-) I tried to take a picture a day but I get so wrapped up in him while he is out, I forget and hate bothering him to bring him out and take one. All his little feathers are really starting to show up now too.


This picture was from the 2nd, not sure if I had shared this one so sorry if it is a duplicate. I will take some this morning.

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Weighing in at 164 yesterday! This picture also shows his wing damage. The one propped on his friend, is what is left of his wing. Not to bad and if he lives up to the meaning of his name, he could just fly. Not a lot of toe left but enough that he will be able to get a little grip and perch.


Here is a pretty good one that shows his feathers coming in.


I weighed him at 4am because, well I don't know why I was still asleep I guess, but he was at 178. Not sure how he is gaining so much if that feeding was any indication of my skills, he had more on his crop than in it!

So yesterday, I had heated up his formula but by the time I got ready to feed ( yeah, we played too much) it wasn't hot enough so I asked Pat for a hand. I guess my getting up and down all night is causing him to not get enough sleep because he took the formula, the pipette and the thermometer and put it all in the microwave. Not once but twice, he checked the temperature and said it wasn't hot enough so he put it all back in. The second time is when the thermometer said okay, I gave you a chance but now you just being silly, I will start making popping sounds and you better take me out of here! LOL

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The first picture was taken July 28th. The second was taken August 6th. Wow, that has got to hurt growing that up that fast!



5am his weight was 189g. Dang, at 200g he gets to come out of the brooder, I fully expected him to be closer this morning. Although I am kinda glad also because we are not ready to set him up in his room yet and by that I mean, I am not sure where we will be putting him until he is cage ready. He will need privacy, warmth and room to grow and learn to fly. Umm, I am out of rooms, lol. We will be creating a temporary room for him in the cockatoo area I guess. Will start building tomorrow. This poor room has had walls built, removed, built again removed again and now put up again. We just can't seem to leave well enough alone. Good news is I have built so many walls that I can do it in my sleep now so I am pretty fast at it. lol Which is good because I am not getting to much sleep, lol.

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Edible Arrangements = Yummmmm! As I was removing the fruit on the sticks, Bongo decided he needed to get his share while he could, stick and all.


So today we start the build on the nursery, I found a perfect door on Craigslist, made an offer and they accepted it! Pat will be going to our friends house this morning to clean his cages and do some basic cleaning then go and pick it up along with some 2x4's for the walls. Since I am still feeding I can't be away that long, darn the luck, :-). Decided to make the room a bit bigger as a sick room after Kane gets to his cage. Or even a play room for Lily away from the two she hates. Sterling, let me know when you are ready for a cockatoo, she is a wonderful little girl who needs to be an only Too! She is yours, cage, toys and all. She is the one I can wrap in a towel and carry around like a baby, she loves getting under your neck and snuggling. She will even sit on your potatoes until they hatch if you let her!



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Here is yesterdays picture, weighing 224.


He is out of the brooder and in his larger tote. I come home from work now to feed him since it is now every 5 hours and my amazing hubby built him his own baby room this weekend.


It isn't finished but it is finished enough her could move in. The door was too heavy for the hinges I picked up so it has dropped a lot and we decided to wait until we could get steel ones that won't bend before finishing it out. So back to Kane, he is a changed bird today, the blue is coming in now on his cheeks and his feathers are really starting to show, not just fluff and black dots. Today he weighed 248, his picture hasn't uploaded yet so I will post it as soon as it does so you can see what a day did for him. (this is going to be really hard when I find out the sex ya know, he will always be a he in my head!)

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