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Do You Remember John Wayne, The 'Wild Breeder' CAG?

Pam Pam

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Hi, Everyone!


I've been gone for a couple of months, but wanted to give you an update on 'John Wayne'.


I came to this forum trying to get help on how to get John Wayne to 'step up' without eating me alive. I had just purchased him and been told by the breeder who sold him to me, "He is wild. He's NOT a pet. He's only a breeder." But when I saw him, I KNEW he wasn't wild, because I had owned wild CAG's many years ago when I was a young woman. I looked into his eyes and felt he was instead a pet who had been disposed of, probaby when his owner sadly passed away and the adult children didn't want him.


A few weeks after his arrival, I put him in the same cage as my Asia. I was able to put my arm inside the cage to install a precautionary second water bottle, just on the off chance that JW wouldn't let Asia go to 'his' side of the cage and drink. JW watched with interest as I held the nut with pliers inside their cage. I had my entire arm up to my shoulder in the doorway of the cage. He could have attacked, but he didn't. He just watched. Asia squeezed past, up and over my body as she climbed to the outside in a fun game to take away the screw driver in my other hand.


My detailed description of putting the two birds together in one cage brought a lot of concern from this forum. I respectfully ask for us NOT to go back there. :) I'm not wanting to rehash, I'm only wanting to explain for those who didn't read my previous posts and mainly I wanted to share in an update those of you who were interested in our story.


The birds are still together, getting along very well. I am home a lot (retired) so I'm able to observe. There's never been a fuss between them. They have actually ended their 'you and I can switch sides, just keep the same space between us' dance that went on the first few months. Now they get on the same side of the cage at the same time, you might even say close, but not 'that close'. LOL


I believed back when I first got him that JW was once a beloved pet. JW has gradually shared more and more of his 'vocabulary' with me, from the deep male voice--not my husband's, to meowing, phones ringing (not ours) and other sounds he wouldn't have known if he had always been outside in a cage. He wasn't 'just a breeder'.


At first I didn't like the deep unfamiliar voice inside my home. It was an unnerving feeling, as if being 'invaded' in my most private sanctuary. I had worried about the bird cursing, as my Asia doesn't curse, but I had NOT thought about hearing a strange MALE voice in my home when I believed I was alone!


At first treats were taken and flung to the floor of the cage as if to say with arrogant pride, "I don't need you and if you are trying to bribe me, I am above bribing!" We got past the awkward introduction, including a half a dozen bites as I persisted in offering an arm too soon to an untrusting bird who had been harshly treated by humans for years. But I think you would all have been proud of me--I didn't flinch. I didn't yell. I just held my arm there and always after he'd bite once as a warning, John Wayne would retreat.


I recognized I was pressuring him to do too much, too soon. So, I backed off and began to just play with Asia. He watched for weeks. I began to give the dog and Asia treats but when he ignored me (his second strategy). More weeks passed. I would tell him, "Okay. If you don't want this, I'll eat it." And I'd eat it in front of him.


One day, rather than grabbing then tossing or dropping the treat, he gently 'felt' of my finger with his beak then accepted the treat. I felt he was trying to decide if I was friend or foe. He still does that gentle beak thing sometimes before taking a treat, and I'm always delighted. I'm thrilled he is even entertaining the thought that I might be worthy to be his friend. Because you see, if he was once someone's 'baby', John Wayne has remained true to his first love.


Now, rather than feel frightened by Mr. ?'s voice, I have become 'friends' with him. I regard him as a good and kind man; someone who spent a lot of time whistling tunes to John Wayne. Mr. ?'s voice is no longer invasive but welcome as an old friend who dropped in for awhile. I look forward to hearing the pleasant and familiar, "How 'ya doin?"


An hour ago I held a small bowl in my left hand and dipped a finger from my right hand into the bowl. I held my finger in front of JW's face, like I had Asia's many times in the past months as he watched. John Wayne leaned in for what I thought would be a bite. I just wasn't sure if it would be hard enough to bring blood or just a swift warning.


The first contact with his beak was quick and unsure, then as swiftly as he'd lashed out at me, he leaned in a second time. I braced for a bite. But instead I was rewarded with an exquisitely gentle tongue that enjoyed feeling of my finger as he licked the drop of water off the tip! Yea!!!!!! I was exhilarated! I slowly repeated this with him half a dozen times before he simply stepped away.


This amazing, intelligent bird really is like the STAR John Wayne. He's dignified, at first aloof, but fiercely loyal, and not easily fooled. True to form, he has a tender side. John Wayne's eyes have always denied what the woman who sold him said, "He's wild. He's only a breeder, not a pet!"


This beautiful creature's eyes held a haunting message for anyone willing to take the time to decipher. The eyes were not fearful but evaluating; not threatening but curious; not standoffish but wise.


His message spoke to my heart, "I was once very precious. I was faithful to Mr. ?, waiting for him to return. For years I have searched for human kindness, and found none. I'm not sure about you, and because I was so precious to Mr. ?, you are going to have to prove you are a worthy soul. I will watch you a long, long time. And if you continue to be kind to me, one day I might reward you with the love I have been faithful to keep."


I'm not sure if I will ever be able to handle John Wayne like Mr. ? handled him. I have observed JW pretending he is being petted. In this daydream he performs, he snakes his head and his eyes become a relaxed slit. He fluffs his neck feathers and then he bows his head, as if a flash back to the days he was being scratched. But he won't let me freely scratch, not yet. Maybe one day he'll let me. When or if he allows me, until then I will be the one watching.


This is my message to you: John Wayne has amazed me, wowed me, and won me over. I will PATIENTLY persist to patiently persist. And if he rewards me every once in awhile like he did tonight, then it will be enough for me. Thanks for reading. :) Pam

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So glad Mr. Wayne has found a home that knows what grey time means. He reminds me of our Miss Gilbert in the rescue room. Maybe you could start a similar thread in the rescue room for John and let us come along on your journey as you teach him it's ok to trust and love again.

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Just as our Greys are highly empathic, expert body language readers, and inquisitive so apparently are you. For every expert (in any field) there is usually an equal and opposite expert. Trust your instincts, your intuition, and your years of past experience and you and Mr. Wayne will continue to thrive together.

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Your interactions with John Wayne do sound a lot like our time with Miss Gilbert. She had been rehomed an unknown number of times and was left to fate in need of another accommodation. She was described as a bird with big issues. She also spoke in a male voice and said sweet things that have convinced me she loved a man named Jim. At the 2 1/2 year status of her time with us, we had bloodwork for an illness and asked for DNA which surprised us with her female gender. She has said the kindest, sweetest things and she has also cussed and used abrasive language. I may never be her beloved favorite but ever so slowly she is not quite so withdrawn and afraid. I too have had moments of elation. Bless you and John Wayne for having the courage and patience to look for a way to move forward.

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So glad Mr. Wayne has found a home that knows what grey time means. He reminds me of our Miss Gilbert in the rescue room. Maybe you could start a similar thread in the rescue room for John and let us come along on your journey as you teach him it's ok to trust and love again.


Do you think an administrator could/would move this to the correct place? I'm not familiar with what goes where yet. Thank you for your interest.

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Well, Dave, between my 3 rescued dogs, (I train service dogs for disabled people), being a director at Noah's Ark Bayou Animal Sanctuary where I also am web administrator, do some computer tech work when needed, try to attend all the church services I can attend, have 7 local grand children I'd love to spend more time with, a full time husband who likes me to go everywhere he goes, run a household, have 3 dogs, two CAGS, and a huge yard with 25 flower beds I just started pruning back.. My house needs a good spring cleaning and that's only part of the agenda.


I cook, clean, work in the yard, and the rest of my time is for my large family. I'd love to talk more about everyone's birds, but I am not familiar with your site. So, when God decides to slow me down some, and I find myself with extra time on my hands, then I'll be sure to do just that! In the meantime, I give what I can (I hope someone learned something from the updates) and keep on keeping on the best way I know how.


Pam Pam

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en I am able, I WANT to READ. There are several books in here to read and learn from. It is just sooo big and there are so many people, it can seem overwhelming! If I could get the search engine to work for me, it does occasionally, then maybe I could filter through a lot of the casual chatter, like what I'm writing now! :) I'm sure the administrators are kept super busy.


THANKS ADMINISTRATORS FOR ALL YOU DO! You guys are the unsung heroes of this site!

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