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Everything posted by neoow

  1. Alfie decided to "help" me open a parcel today. This is now my favourite photo of him. 🤣
  2. That's great news and such good progress! Alfie normally isn't too bad when I go away. He normally gets quite excited when I return and forgives me relatively quickly. I hope you have a wonderful break!
  3. I have to hide round the corner and poke my phone out to get any videos of Alfie. He's exactly the same- as soon as he spots the phone he clams up! Not that he sings... mostly whistles.
  4. Some people say you can tell from the shape of the head and colours around the tail but I've always been told a DNA test is the only sure-fire way of finding out.
  5. So adorable! Not to mention impressive!
  6. I've seen some prevue cages recently on various sites but in person. Glad to hear you've had a good experience with one because they're a bit of an unknown for me.
  7. Spoiled is definitely the word 🤣 If someone could point out to him just how spoiled he is and also how many toys he has to shred and chew... plus two trees to play on... yet he still tries to chew the kitchen cupboard handles (even though they are metal...) ...I would be most grateful! 😁
  8. I love that you're having such a breakthrough with Sukei. It's so rewarding when something like that happens. And I'm sure your skin is grateful too. 😅
  9. Same as everyone else- blank newspaper sheets here too. So easy to swap out.
  10. I have used various Liberta and more recently Rainforest cages over the years and Alfie has been fine in all of them. Kings cages look good but they are definitely out of budget for me. I have a kings travel cage which I mentioned in another post a short while ago and I have had it for about 10 years now and I've been really impressed with it. Just can't afford the larger counterparts! You need to make sure the bar spacing is right, as others have mentioned. But also allow enough space so the bird can fully open their wings to stretch out and so that they have space to move around, climb about and have space for lots of toys.
  11. Others have already commented but I think the general rule of thumb is that if there is any noticeable change in behaviour/personality then a vet trip is a sensible idea. As others have said, African Greys are prey animals and therefore they are very good at hiding or masking illness. So when they start to show it, then it's definitely time for some assistance. In regards to carriers, I have a travel cage that I use whenever I take Alfie anywhere. It's similar to this: King`s Cages Parrot Travel Cage Medium (premierparrots.co.uk) (You can get much cheaper versions nowadays too). I have space for a couple of perches, food and water bowls plus a small toy in there for him. I used to use a cat carrier but it was such a pain trying to get him in there and I never found a workable solution that didn't leave his feet covered in his own mess if he was going to be in there for a while. (I'm rubbish at DIY so adding a perch wasn't an option for me). So I splashed out on a kings travel cage (as that was the only make available to me all those years ago) and haven't looked back since. But I also use this for taking him to visit my parents regularly so it suits for much longer trips than just a vet visit.
  12. I'm always slightly envious of those with the really talkative greys. Alfie is not a big talker- and I fully accept that. He chooses what he wants to say and when and words/phrases often go in and out of favour. And he still is often able to add comedic value to any conversations going on- even with his limited vocabulary. I know he understands a lot more than he lets on too. You could be right about Sukei learning from Kasey. Either way- having your flesh intact is still a major win!
  13. Sounds like a great setup! Greys can be notoriously change adverse at times so they sometimes take a little while to adjust to changes or new things. But it sounds like she is settling in just fine with you and her new cage setup!
  14. I don't have any experience with egg laying I'm afraid but hopefully others can help you out with that question. With the body language- that's a slightly odd pose for sure, especially holding the tail down against the cage like that... but I couldn't tell you if it means anything as such. I too would read it as more amorous behaviour- especially with the head bobbing. That usually leads to regurgitation for Alfie. Sounds like you're doing a good job with her though. Welcome to parront-hood!
  15. Alfie rubs his beak on everything, cage bars, toys, perches... it's mostly just to clear anything that's stuck to his beak. It's best to get a variety of perches that are different sizes and materials. This helps to exercise your parrots feet as they move around the cage.
  16. Ooo sounds like a bit of a breakthrough! I'm sure Alfie mellowed with age. If Sukei has a favourite treat then it's a good idea to throw that in his food bowl to reward him for going back in his cage nicely when asked. Might help encourage the good habit. Alfie knows that he gets a pine nut for stepping up on the perch (or arm, if he so chooses) and he gets 3 or 4 in his food bowl once he's back in his cage. Has really helped cement the routine.
  17. That's strange and not a problem I've really had to deal with before, so not sure what advice to offer I'm afraid. Talon's idea of walking them around and letting them see and touch the angled ceilings is a good one I think. Maybe they're still getting used to the space and the ceilings are off-putting. I've noticed that houses in the US seem to have much higher ceilings than here in the UK. In my current house the ceilings are quite low - a bit below 7ft. However, they are all straight/flat so no weird angles for Alfie to deal with.
  18. Alfie previously learned to yap like the neighbours dog- and also learned the whistle that the neighbours did to call the dog in. He does meow at the cats but it's a bit of a sarcastic impression of a meow!
  19. haha I saw this somewhere else recently. It did make me smile! I think the owner was a little worried about being squashed at one point!!
  20. Very cute! I love how dainty they are as they munch away! Alfie has never been a fan of pasta, cooked or uncooked.
  21. Another variant on the theme would be "tell me you have a grey without telling me you have a grey" Photos of things like chewed furniture, shredded toys/boxes, poop on clothing etc... 😁
  22. Alfie refuses anything green! And most healthy things too!
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