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Kristin, that is excellent!! I'm so proud of you. I want pictures!!! Way to go girl. tell us about your workout routine at the gym. I'd love to know what you do, and have you been dieting also?


Karma for you girl!!:cheer: :cheer:

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I have been going to the gym 5-6 days a week.


I do one hour of pretty intense cardio. I have been doing the elliptical lately because one of my knees has been bothering me. I usually fluctuate between level 11 and 12. I make sure I am breathing hard and sweating the whole time!


Then I usually do about 30-45 minutes of weights and abs. I like to do free weights for my arms and machines for my legs. I do arms one day and legs another. Abs I do everyday.


As for diet. The approach I took to dieting throughout my life was basically cutting out all perceived "bad" things. This never worked for me and I ultimately always gained the weight back. That and I never ate enough.


This time I took a different route. I am not cutting out ANY so called forbidden foods or whole food groups for that matter! I have increased my fruit and veggie intake a lot. I have also pretty much completely switched to whole grains. I eat a lot of fish and other lean meats. BUT... If I am craving a steak with mashed potatoes, I have it!! I just eat a small portion, then load up the rest of the plate with lots of veggies. I always try to have my dinner plates consist of 50% veggies, 25% carbs and 25% meat/protein. And I ALWAYS eat when I am hungry. The whole starving thing KILLS your metabolism.


So there ya have it! It's been working for me!

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Woah! That's a lotta work. Good thing for me there's Curves. Relatively easy stuff, and it takes about 30 minutes. It will probably take me longer to get to where I want to be, but I think if I did Kristin's schedule I'd drop out after, say, 45 minutes. :P

Great job! Keep up the good work, everyone...

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Kristin, thank you for sharing that with us. It helps to know that others are working that hard. Your a great motivator. I think what you are doing is quite a healthy way to go about it. You, I'm sure are feeling much healthier!! I pretty much have the same schedule as you, but my scale has gone up, not down!! I wonder if it could be because I am gaining muscle? I think it's probably a little of both. :( :( :S :pinch:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Boy we have been letting this thread slide but I am bringing it back into play.


I was weighed today at Curves and I have lost another 3 pounds and almost another 2 inches, small steps but a big payoff when that day comes that I reach my goal.

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Judy, that is wonderful news!!! I have been getting up every morning at 5 am to go to the gym and work out and run. I spend an hour and a half there. But, I am so excited, it's finally warm enough for me to run outside in the am tomorrow! I can't wait!! I am so sick of being a hamster on a wheel.:S Plus since I moved, it will be a new scenic route for me. :woohoo:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow this is all great stuff!!


I would love to see Before and After photos. :-)


You are all seemingly doing wonderful and have been putting a great of mental and physical effort into this......Salute!!, to you all. :woohoo:

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LOL - I was hoping that would get your attention Penny. I guess it worked.


Now to clarify to "All", the only photo in the universe of Penny exists in the "Members show us what you look like" folder. Good luck finding it.... ;-)


Thanks for being such a good sport Penny!!



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