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Everything posted by Sarasota

  1. Oh that's awesome! My composter is a tiny, green plastic box. I have worms working the veggies and they make great fertilizer.
  2. I'm very surprised to hear that about Gabriel. I've known a few people who have worked there and I've only heard good things. Maybe there's been a change in staff?? Ugh! Don't give up. The right home will appear. I've adopted two out of three of my greys (well, three really. Sondhi was a reject that came back to the vet). I'm very lucky! Again, I'm so sorry. I know how hard this must be. XOXO
  3. She says it regularly when I change the paper....not only in her cage, but the other cages. I've learned to develop a Poker Face!
  4. You are a stunning pair!! It sounds like you are making great progress. "Slow" is the way to go with parrots, and especially our sensitive Greys.
  5. I'm sure this is a very hard decision for you and that you made it with Darby's best interests at heart. You are in the Colorado area? Have you checked with The Gabriel Foundation? They have a wonderful adoption program. And, if they cannot adopt the bird out, will keep it forever (if I'm wrong about this, folks, please correct me).
  6. This was my first conversation I had with my new Congo, Clarice: Clarice: It's bedtime. Me: Yes it is. Clarice: It's time for bed. Me: I'll see you in the morning. Clarice: F*%@!er It was very difficult not to laugh. I had to run into the other room. The former owner had warned me, but I wasn't quite prepared. And as hilarious as it is, I don't want to encourage it. Turns out, she usually says it while I'm changing paper in the cage. I think she may have snapped at someone while they were cleaning, they yelled at her, and it stuck.
  7. The dynamic of my little flock has changed a lot since bringing Clarice home. Both positive and negative. At first I was concerned about leaving Clarice out of her cage with the boys, but they do just fine. Turns out, they know "Parrot Rules" much better than I do.
  8. Searching quarantine bands is very difficult. There were many smaller private stations on the East Coast, mainly Florida, that took in birds. Imports stopped in 1992, so you don't see open bands after that date. I am lucky to know a bird store owner that also worked in the quarantine stations for years. He keep records of his personal stock, so I was able to estimate a date of entry for my Timneh. They only imported black or grey eyed babies so you can start with that estimate. Since the quarantines closed in 1992, and you have an open leg band, I *think* you can use the closer estimate in age of 21 - your bird won't be younger than that. I hope this is helpful. If you have a local breeder that has been around for awhile (and keeps good records) you may be able to get help tracing.
  9. All the birds are a little wary of my (tiny, 3 foot) tree. However, I love to play Stupid Bird Tricks with them. When I plug in the lights, Sondheim yells "Wow! Oh wow!" Unplug, replug, repeat.
  10. The parrots are out of their night cages at 6:00AM. The two boys were uncaged during the day in a bird safe room, but now that Clarice has joined the flock, they are temporarily caged during the day. I leave for work at about 8:30AM. Home at 7:00PM (thank you Los Angeles, for having me sit in traffic 2-3 hours a day). They are uncaged until bedtime at 9:30PM. On the weekends they are out all day in the bird room or aviary. I'm completely jealous of those who have more time with their birds! I need to reduce my horrible commute. FYI, it's 12 miles to work...and takes about 1 1/2 hours. Ah. Los Angeles.
  11. For those interested in the Feeding Feathers diet, they are now on Facebook. I think it's an easier format than Yahoo Groups (although they will be maintaining that Group as well). http://www.facebook.com/groups/535489376462594/
  12. I know! Take your time. The answer will come to you. When I saw a picture of Burt, I just *knew*. Same thing with Clarice.
  13. All birds (parrots and toucans) love pomegranate seeds. Burt (TAG) loves nuts of any kind. Sondheim (CAG) likes sweet fruit (papaya). Clarice (CAG) will do anything for apple. Oddly, none of my parrots will touch blueberries.
  14. Tape was a good thought. Also, for a quick fix, try "Quake Hold." It's a putty used to keep objects from moving during an earthquake. It's pretty strong. As more something more permanent - I really don't know. I'm not good with metal. Oh! You also might try some sports tape wrapped around the bar. But, again, I'm not sure it's a permanent solution.
  15. I find that when they step tentatively they are testing the reliability of the perch. Your arm/hand is new and needs to prove a safe place to perch. You may want to allow her to step on with one foot, praise and give her a treat and give her the step up command and wait for another step. Go slow once she is on your hand, or even return her to the perch for another round. Grey time is slow time.
  16. Thank you so much, Nancy. I'm lucky to have her!
  17. Until today, they were kept at a distance (health concerns - mini quarantine). They are very curious about each other. They are "talking" to each other. No signs of any kind of aggression, but I'm going to take it very slow. They've had over a week to chatter away to each other from separate rooms. Suddenly, my TAG looks so small! I work a lot of hours, so it makes me feel comfortable to have more than one bird. Every household is different. I highly suggest having two, but that's just me!
  18. And here she is! This is her first time in the aviary. She had loved watching the White Crowned Sparrow - and yelled "Hello!" Her bloodwork came back perfect (just got the info). She was groomed yesterday - including a Dove bath - and did wonderful. Plus, she smells delish. She's an absolute joy. I'm thrilled she joined the flock.
  19. Sarasota

    HQ Cages

    I've got two of their larger cages in white (you can't get that color on the West Coast anymore, just a grey). I love them and they are easy to clean.
  20. I'm here! Went through a major rough patch with my mother and her health, plus work insanity. But things sure are looking up now. Clarice is a little shook up (after all, she did lose her mate), but doing extremely well. She has a tremendous vocabulary. I'll be posting more pictures (and stories) soon when she's more comfortable.
  21. The good news...Clarice has found a new home. With me. I'm thrilled to have her!!
  22. It wasn't argument, it was a question out of curiosity.
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