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Everything posted by Sarasota

  1. Casper26, the issue with Teflon is a gas that is released when the Teflon overheats - similar to carbon monoxide. While the air purifier may remove the odor (but probably not), it does not remove the toxicity of the gas released. It's much safer to use stainless steel cookware and not risk it. I use the Rabbit Air in my bird room with good results.
  2. Fantastic! If you don't mind, I'm going to borrow your idea. I just ordered a X-Mas tree stand. I have some great bottlebrush tree branches that will work perfectly.
  3. Visit a local rescue and wait for a bird to grab your heart. Don't worry about what type (unless you need to rule out size, like a macaw or noise level like some conures). You'll know your bird when you see it.
  4. Hiss and growl are very different. Sondheim's hiss sounds more like "shuussshhhhh" in rapidfire sequence. It's usually involved with knocking a toy around, etc. The growl is much stronger and can escalate in a screaming sound. I'll try to get some on tape. My TAG will growl when he sees a cat or hawk. If the head bobbing is accompanied by raised feathers and pinning eyes, it means "get back!" or "get away from my _______" (fill in here: cage, food, toy).
  5. Kim, good to hear things are looking up and the vet wasn't overly concerned to hospitalize. Hopefully, things will improve rapidly!
  6. Awwww. Hello, Coco!
  7. Oh geez. Good luck so far, no Mazuri Softbill recall.
  8. To add to what kins2321 wrote...birds are prey animals. Birds, in particular, can sleep with half the brain on/off, one eye open, etc. As your baby is in a new setting, her little system is probably still on alert. Best thing to do at this point is simply to make her feel safe in her new environment. 10 hours of sleep of uninterrupted sleep is best!
  9. Sarasota


    It changes all the time. Right now, Sondhi's favorite words are "Ah-pole" (apple), "Hi Boo Boo," "Hi Thondhi" (Sondhi is hard to say) and "Richard! Good Boy! (talking to the dog). Burt's favorities are "Good boy, Burt. Good work!"
  10. Greetings everyone! I've always been pretty anonymous on Bird Forums, but I thought it might be fun to join this one. I have two African Greys: A 2+ year old male CAG - Sondheim, and a 30 year old (est) wild caught male TAG - Burt. I also have two male rescue mutts Howard (about 4) and Richard (about a year), two Green Aracaris Mollie (3) and Victor (4) and a loft full of homing pigeons (too many to name). It's quite the handful, but I used to be an animal keeper in my early days - so this fulfills that part of me. I'm looking forward to learning how others interact with their flocks, build perches and toys, etc.
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