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Everything posted by Momo

  1. hello, seems momo is getting nice and nicer day by day.dsnt scream,eat all his veggies n fruit and less biting. me and my husband satisfied for all his progress but its been 8 months now and he dsnt eccept my husband yet.i mean all men.i know many birds prefer gender but is he really that smart to compare between men and women??with women he will not growl and will come to take treats from them but with men...its very horrible. any idea?thanks!!
  2. hi teri thanks for bringing this topic!!my grey also like yours,beside he was wild caught he was clipped very bad on his right wing and i never see it grow.the left side wing already fully grow now but the right side still bald.he keep trying to fly many times and always fall down.i dont even know if his wing will ever grow. he really clumsy as well and mostly not in mood to interact with other people/stranger specially men.
  3. hi incognito, i also have a wild caught CAG which he really scared of everything and zero confident.for the first 4 months all i can do is food management for him which he must to come inside his cage for dinner time.i dont feed him too much while afternoon so he will feel quite hungry and need to go inside for dinner.this is the most simple and safe way to make a scary bird to come back inside. and now he start to trust me and he is sure i will not do anything to harm him and i start to towel him to come back inside his cage.he is quite scared at beginning but our relationship still fine and nothing change.slowly i teach him a command ''go home'' with pointing to his cage door and IF he dsnt come back it means towel will come.this works for me very well,everytime he try to not obey me i will show him his towel and he will go inside. i never use a different towel because i dont want to terrified him for many color and object so i always use the same towel to train him,he knows his own towel very well .be sure when u catch him with towel,lift him gently and talk softly to him.
  4. i think he start to know and trust me i cant do anything without all the members help and i really say THANKS ALOT.
  5. hello guys, remember my wild momo was screaming all the day non-stop??we almost solve this problem! after i tried so many method and trick to make him quite,i found out busy schedule work best. he wake up from 10-10pm so what i do everyday is: -total eating time 4 times per day: 1 hour -playing time specially foraging and shedding: busy for 3-4 hours -sunbathing outdoor: 1 hour -watching video/movie or shower:1 hour -total training time 3 times per day:almost 1 hour -nap time: 2 hours total activity:10 hours *he still has around 2 hours more and he can do anything as he wish.sometimes he will scream(we tolerate this) or sometimes he just gonna take a longer nap.i also find out he has his own fav type of toys and the color of his toys must to be red!everything red or he wont touch them at all. this schedule work best for us until now and we still trying to figure out if there is a better idea now he will step up for me to come out from his cage(nicely) but will refuse to step up from top of his cage.well im satisfy for his progress and i will not rush anything. thanks for all your support before!!
  6. thanks all! i will look where i can find those perch.never seen it before here!
  7. hello, i saw many times how the vet trimmed momo's nail and i guess i can do it in home. i will not cut his nail but just file it little bit because it grows very fast and i cant go to vet every week it hurts so bad and always bleed my skin everytime he perching on my hand. is it any advice how to do it better? my husband will wrap him with towel and im the one will file his nail. thanks again!!
  8. i have a male CAG and my friend has female CAG.my CAG is active and 'dare' to try different new things.in other hand my friend's CAG more shy and calm down. my male CAG will push my limit to get what he wants and even though some things is not acceptable(and he knows i will never let him),he will keep try to get it. i think male is more bold than female one. im not expert but this is what i see from the different between them.none of birds will act the same,so both sex can be an excelent pet. my advice is forget about the sex and let the bird pick u. good luck!!!
  9. once i saw many ants eating and climbing around momo cage and they hunt momo's fruit so i put very hot red pepper powder around momo cage and they never come anymore.
  10. thanks aerial and kitty... nice to hear your support.yes i will put my maximum power to win this guy,since he has been around 7 months in captivity now and maybe he wont survive if i just free him away. yes i often try aroma therapy this week(and earplugs of course),because i dont have yard/garden to do meditation/yoga. i also make chamomile tea for myself,my husband and momo. i try many method to solve his screaming issue for now and i will post soon if there is new progress.
  11. hi timbersmom, is he in molting season now?check if he has some pin feathers around his head.maybe 'wrongly' touch it and he feels pain so he nip your hand.
  12. oh yes u right wingy! its gelatin,flavor,and some coloring stuff.sooo it woulnt be good for him
  13. is small of jelly is okay?i find out momo really likes it(pomegranite taste) and getting crazy when he sees it.i spoon feed him a little and he keep asking for it. im a jelly lover and he knows i always have stock of jelly in my refrigerator so he get crazy when he see me open refrigerator.is it okay if the jelly is 0% fat and sugar? thank u!
  14. excelent post jay,momo also behave like Joey.i dont know what happen into his past but he hates men and dsnt even let any men come around him. maybe his ex-owner was really a bad man and treat him very bad so he still trauma from men around him
  15. yes all you can do is waiting for now.i encourage my momo to flap his wings often so he still excersise even he cant fly.its also help to build chest muscle
  16. no there is no rescue for avian here.for dogs and cats yes,i found it.i ask them if they also accept birds but they dont. i wear coat now to handle him and seems work at least till i find somebody.i also bring him to vet to trimmed his nails and beak because its sharp like a needle. i will keep updating if there is new progress and wish me luck!!!!thank u thank u thank u guys!
  17. yes mine was trimmed like that too.he is molting now and i saw 2 small feather coming out from the trimmed wing.as soon as his molting i think it will grow and replace to the new one.
  18. thank u so much,before i was thinking everybody will yell at me cuz im thinking to rehome him. im still looking around my area and ddnt find anybody wants wild parrot yet. dont get me wrong,im still trying my best to keep him.maybe i still have a small change to success.wish me luck,and i will keep updating!!
  19. thanks jay,i keep trying on him for now until i can find another family that im sure they can handle him. thanks for giving a really good advice and i know myself its logical. i need to research around my area if i can find someone.thanks again!
  20. oh thanks everybody.. first of all,nobody told me he was wild caught.and my mistake was i never run into his past and never find it out until yesterday.bad news is,there is no this kind of bird aviary that take care of wild birds here.the baddest thing will happen is momo will go to other family which im not sure they can take care of him or be patient with him.and they will rehome him again-again-again.this make me scare and doubt what i have to do.me and my husband love him so much,we tried as much as we can until now and we keep trying our best to keep him.i dont know how this gonna be but we will keep trying til the end of our power he wasnt this bad before,he allow me to pet him and he step up for me.but suddenly things change,he scream and bite us.im not an expert and i only have experiment on cockatoo before which is hand feed.the bird is biters but wasnt this much bad.everytime i think to let him go,i remember of how he become tame and tame everyday,we shower together,he ask me for scratch every nite and this killing me to give him up. is it possible to wear a coat(avoid brutal damage) and try to re-train him again?i dont know if i could but i will try.if he was better before it means me and him have small another second change right?what i know he isnt hormonal stage since he is too young. maybe i could be crazy to keep trying but now im not ready to give up.please keep the comment coming.
  21. helooo, most of you know what happen to momo these weeks.he getting more worse,he scream since he wake up until bed time.i know screaming is a common problem for parrot owner but i really really feel bad,he dsnt even stop for an hour-even a minute.he stop like 15 min only when he is eating. i try to contact his ex owner and ask if this is normal behavior of him.he just said he got momo when he is 9 months(he is wild catch) and he rescue him after 3 months because he cant tame him.he also said momo never scream before but he just too wild-and he give him up. start from 4 days ago,he also start to bite me very hard--i mean really hard until my hand bleeding and i need to put ice on it for 10 min to stop the blood.i guess maybe its only a test,i ignore the bite.and the day after it,he bit me again.until today he bite me again.he never been like this before,he step up quite well but now its quite impossible and i need to towel him for bed time. is this really okay?i show him im in charge and he will not get what he wants by biting me.many people said it could be bluffing stage because now he just around 15 months.honestly i dont want to give up,but now im really upset about what happen to my baby and how to fix him.my husband always nag to me now about the screaming and this driving me crazy cuz i cant solve all the problem at once and now,add the biting problem. any comment/idea/advice are welcome please.
  22. thanks wingy i tried to put little bit of chamomile tea in his drinking bowl and i dont see any effect yet.i will try also the camomile spray maybe that will work. nice to hear the support accapela,he still screaming and we still working on it to make him calmer.i found 4 big feathers today and one of them is bleeding so probably he take it off. the vet dsnt find anything wrong on him and he is healthy.i just keep giving him aloe vera spray at least he dsnt pull out his feathers more.i hope he dsnt pluck his feather since he is only 15 months old and too young to be plucker this is the common behavior oh him : he often flap his wings and scream.yesterday i had guest and he jump over and walk toward me and lung at my guest.he also scream when i talk with my guest.i put him back on top his cage and he jump again to reach me.i know he wont hurt anybody but he shows agression to people around me.we cant even talk because he scream and scream so finally i take my guest to restaurant.he bond with me but our relationship is not that close enough(he dsnt even step up very well yet) but i dont know why he dsnt like anybody come near me what is this mean?is he bond to me more closer??is the progress sopposed to be like this? thanks!
  23. yes same here momo also really clean!if he accidently poop in his bowl he will make sound because he dsnt want to drink/eat from it anymore.same with perch too,if he find out there is poop stick on his perch he will not step on it and it means i need to wash it.one day i saw him standing on his higher perch and dsnt come out from his cage,i realize there is a poop on his perch and i wash it.in a minute he step on the clean perch and come out.hehe
  24. momo also loves newspaper and i still give him sometimes.i pay newspaper delivery every month and i never read it!just a toy for my bird! he loves computer mouse,handphone and tv remote.last time he wants to chew my vaccum cleaner and i dont let him because its too expensive for a toy!
  25. wow thanks for all the reply!please keep the comment coming since we are stuck to find out what we did wrong. i bath him once every 2 days and aloe vera spray.i see him preening too much and sometimes he makes noise when he preen himself.he often shake his fur and i saw him today jump around while preening.it seems like there is something inside his feathers.i check there is no ants/bugs and he never had mites. oh it might be he understand im in big stress and effect him too.thanks for reminding me!i will try to solve the problems one by one and see if thats the reason. i will bring him to vet tomorrow morning but since the vet here mostly expert for dogs and cats so any advice and idea are welcome! thanks guys!
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