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Everything posted by Momo
hi jay,thanks for asking. the vet trimmed his beak today and he seems quite stress.he dsnt eat and dsnt talk at all today. tomorrow i will need to come back to take fungi(i dont know what the english for it) exam and i will find out if he get infected by something. i just want to make sure if he is okay but the vet mostly said its because of nutrition problem. just to be honest,i cant find ANY pellet for parrot here.all the birdshop only sell seed and when i bring picture of pellet they said nobody buy something like that here.they just give me sunflower seed for his food. i know this is bad but i cant do anything.only thing i can do is give him cooked stuff and veggie to limit the seed. thats why last time i ask in chatbox if anybody live in iran to recommend me any birdshop/ expert vet to find pellet and whats the farsi language for it. anyway jay thanks alot for the help.
thanks alot dave,i really apreciate it! i live in other city and when i check the area its very very far. fortunetly i find one not very far,i hope this time will be a good vet because last time i went to the vet,they just expert about dogs and cats. i will rush to go there today because my bird lost his end of his beak
hi nasupops, i guess its only about confident and trust.grey understand if you scared/unconfident around them. my momo likes to chew fabric clothes/leather,i dont know if this also encorage him to 'play' with your hand.everytime i offer step up to momo with clothing,he will chew my hand to feel the texture of my your dad step up him with bare hand or layers of clothes? i was get bitten before but now 99% is stop because he knows im not scared of him and im still gonna try to make him step up to my hand.sometimes he try to bite me but thankfuly now its only a ''pretending'' bite. good luck!
thanks jay for the quick reply, today i will go to visit a vet because im quite worried.i also notice there is a crack on his feet,reddish on his bare foot.its like he really get very dry skin. i give him all vitamin that my vet recommend me and i also sun bathing him frequently.he act normal like usual but he dsnt eat like normal and when i take a look,i find out that his beak is cracked(end of his beak is gone and i dont know why) .he dsnt fall down or injured thats what i know. i will rush to go to vet and i hope there is nothing wrong with him.
congrats talon!!!finally!! happy to hear the news from you!
hello everybody! just want to ask any tips/food that makes better feather and shinny deep black beak? my grey's feather is very dull and he is molting now i dont know why his feather grow black and is seems so messy with his old grey feather.he look like a chess table. his beak's color is become lighter and lighter which before was really black.i just realize its crack little bit this morning. i give him shower frequently,he hates veggie and fruit but i force him to eat it in the morning and seems work.i also provide suplement and calcium powder.what happen to him??
yes greywings, mostly this all happen in village.they catch them and export them to black market gang or they sell them to city(very cheap).i lived in city(there is no wild cockatoo in city) but i visit my family frequently to village and i saw many wild caught and trapping to wild cockatoo.we cant do anything because the city goverment not really care about this.dsnt mean that they are a lot and they will NOT finish if we pluck them always from their habitat.
mmm i guess you need to palm you hand on the bird's back while you bring her to cage so she cant fly. thats the only way that works for my momo ,if he start wants to jump i fastly palm his back so he cant do that. good luck!!
hi silverthron, mmm how many hours you let her out of cage?and how is the cage?its suppose to be big enough and interest them when they are inside their cage and who mostly put her inside her cage?if its always you,i think she decide that when its your turn to step up her,it means to be lock inside cage. because now she decide when you make her step up it means to locked,try to change this idea.why you dont try to make coming back inside cage like a game? like you put her inside cage,give her treat and make her out this many times and maybe she wont realize its a game time or its time to be locked. honestly what i do to momo is only 'food management'.he is out from around 7pm i take his bowl out(before he takes his dinner) and around 9pm i put the bowl again.he will come back with pleasure because he need to hour after dinner he will be put for sleep. now he learn step up and just like you,its bit difficult to put him inside cage.he is clip from the first owner so he cant fly but he can jump to runaway from me when i handle him to cage.usually they open their wing before fly/jump so you need to put palm hand on their body.with this they wont jump. and if its very difficult to make her step up,offer your hand and attract her with you other hand-fastly press her stomach and she will step up. good luck,im not an expert but this work for me
hi nancy,i dont teach him with treat as well because he is so nervous to take the treats,lol. i dont know i think he has phobia on food and scared of them. and for step up training below height,i could be dsnt work on momo(he react the same when he is up/down) but i saw with my own eyes its work for my friend. his grey is very stubborn and putting the bird down is the only way to make his bird obey the command. mmmm its interesting...
hi titi, i was in your position before and i know how is it.i got momo(bit younger than your grey) from rescue as well and i dont know any info of his background. how you react when you come near her?you need to be very confident. just want to share my experience with you: -at first month he dsnt even let me to come near him.he will scream and jump like crazy.what i do is only sit really near him but i dont stare at him.just a relax sit,read book,etc til im sure he is ok of me being near him-without any hand contact.oh and dont forget tasty treat when you around!at least this is a plus thing when we are around them. -after 2/2.5 months i try to touch him.he lunge at me and puff so i stop.slowly i can bring my hand closer and closer until its exactly above his head and-first day second touch,third touch,you dont want to make the bird freak out on the first few day of touching. -now is around 3 months i had him and im about teaching him step up.he knows what the step up means but always refuse it.and this is really make me crazy.but what i see,he is better and better everyday(im happy even its only a really small step) i guess every bird is different,they need different amount of time to completly trust us.patient is the key.the first day i can touch him,i was so suprised because i wasnt expecting him to let me touch.just keep work on her,and that day will me for this one *this is really a great forum and all people here are very helpful.if you research and ask you will find all the answer that you need. good luck!
hi aw64,congratulation!very cute baby:)
guys..thanks for all the reply! okay the nipping stop today.instead of bite/nip me when he on top of cage, he run away avoiding my hand. is this a good sign or a bad sign? why he really love to be on top of his cage?i dont see any interesting thing there!arghhhh this is start to driving me crazy
how much of the capacity of the memory of the brain of a bird ?
Momo replied to Momo's topic in The GREY Lounge
thanks misty!!! please more and more reply story -
hi guys, i know it seems a silly question but i read so many much article about bird's brain,intiligent,feeling,emotion,etc.i will be apreciated if someone will answer my question. *CASE NO. 1 just say we leave/give the parrot they still remember us after a several years? my friend had a lovebird and she give it to someone.she come to visit him after few years,the bird dsnt remember her.the bird just act to her like she is a normal other hand,i heard many people said they DO remember *CASE NO.2 we teach them to talk/trick.and we leave them to somebody for many years.the new owner teach them new it possible they forget some of the word n the tricks that the first owner teach them if not being repeated? *CASE NO.3 do they have a complex feeling?i mean really a complex emotion,feeling like us.many owner said their parrot can understand feeling but none of us can talk parrot language so its still like a thanks!!
yes wingy,i would try that.thanks alot,i hope this time will work!
hi luvparrot,yeah i always have difficulty to open some web here.its quite trouble for me because i cant open some useful parrot web or youtube to watch some useful video. glad this forum is not filter here so i still can ask many question to an expert grey owner.hope i will come back to my country faster. yes nancy,he does step up for me for going out from his cage. but when he is on top of his cage its veryyyyy difficult.mostly he will put his head in front of his leg to avoid my hand or nip me. is it possible one day he will change?well i need to put him inside for meal time,sleeping,or maybe when guest come to my home.this step up program when he is on top his cage is really make me frustated!!!i dont get why he really refuse to step up when he on top of his cage.arghhhhhh...
hi guys, i live in iran now but indonesia is my hometown! yes cockatoo is a domestic parrot there,the most cheapest parrot to find.sadly now they do many wild catch to export them to other country.they also being killed a lot by farmer because they like to steal crops specially corn. mostly indonesian keep mollucan and sulphur crest kakatua is also can find there,but not many people keep them because they r too big.even wild, actually they are not really scared of human.if u have a big garden and put some rice/corn they will come and eat it.of course they will fly away if u come closer to them but if u offer them a long branch they will step up to the branch.its nice actually to watch them hanging around in your garden,just watch out for a loud scream because they come in group. when the first time i came to iran,i ask the price for a medium crest cockatoo and...i was so shock!!they are very expensive here!!with the price that they sell i can buy 20 kakatua in my home country,lol.
guys,i let my tiel out from cage for 10 hours everyday but why he still yell and screech when i put him inside cage?(i lock him 1.5 hours before sleeping time) even my grey seems okay playing inside cage but my tiel get so upset and beg for step up out of cage? he knows i wont let him out no matter what he do because its sleeping time,he just keep trying.(he did like maraton running inside his cage,bobing his head and lift one of his leg for step up) is this normal?
i dont think he forget u.i guess he just take a revenge because u leave him for long time. even now,sometimes i need to be out from home and momo is very mad because i leave him almost half a day.he wouldnt let me scratch him and i dont even think he will step up for me. just try to show me he is upset when im not around. i couldnt imagine what he will do to me if i leave him for nine months.
luvparrots,,the site is filter here!!i cant open u have more link??
thanks guys, i will keep offering him veggie and other things.sometimes he will eat it sometimes he wont. he dsnt like food which make his beak wet,so my mash veggies always failed:( and i cant find any sweet potato in iran,is normal potato is okay?
yes kelly,its quite scary!when i sit beside him and he shake his fur awwwww i feel the snow is coming in summer for me. i will spray him aloe vera as soon as possible thx again!
go for it talon!!u wont regret!!i adopt dobi for my hubby but im falling for him also now cleaning cage is really easy they dont make much mess compare to grey. their waste is small and really easy to clean. i support u to take him 200%!
mmm to be honest since my tiel(dobi) come and he does screech for 15 min around 4 times a day-momo learn that sound.i never know tiel can screech this long and many times. but the screech wasnt too bad,its like arkkkkkkkkk akkkkkkk akkkkkk aaaaaa ckckckck weird sound,and not that loud.when dobi screech,momo scream too i guess he just want to defeat dobi sound.dobi screech the most around evening-that one makes me headache because he dsnt stop and make momo nervous.what i can tell u its not that loud but..little bit annoying. so whats ur decision??good luck!