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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. such a cutiepie! I had trouble hearing him this time. I caught vegetable,potatoe, corn, carrot blackeyed pea, how are you, thats my foot ( twice), while grooming his toes. peekaboo, shake a boo, car reek car peek,how are you, something about computer, bless you, be right back coco, I itch, farting, shake your bootie! Word association with " thats my foot and I itch!" Did I get any right? LOL!!!! Nancy
  2. I am soooo sorry! Your baby, has got " caught in the middle! of political issues." Its going to get worse, as many here in the US don"t understand yet about this virus. Do what you can do soon! I have been watching this virus, and am concerned. Things are about to get much worse. Nancy
  3. Mine now put themselves to bed around 8pm. I don't think it is a bad thing, he knows whats coming. Bedtime is bedtime. A dive bomb would have been a " timeout" in our home. Bedtime... I have always been firm about. As I never close the cages, nor the room door until I go to bed.... I have returned many a bird over and over to their cage.I also have a chair in birdroom for singing and reading a book, but they still are expected to go to bed. I'm always there for night terrors( yes they are real). Once all is well... off to bed! Nancy
  4. Yay she is home! Beautiful pics! The family is adjusting quite nicely! Nancy
  5. All birds learn to communicate at different ages. I TRULY believe, that most baby greys learn first to communicate thru whistling. After that... an ocassional word thru time.I think most baby greys follow the same pattern as human babies up until the age of two. Some talk early, some don't. I also believe, those that are quiet and say an ocassional word... are busy learning and absorbing. Nancy
  6. All have such excellence advice.If the relationship is sound with your birds, all will be just fine. Nancy
  7. Truly working on mastering " peek-a-boo" to his satisfaction! LOL!Make sure you peek-a-boo back!(over and over). You can imagine when Sophie latched onto the saying " kootchiekootchiekoo!" She LOVED it when she heard it. Her eyes were alternating from dilatation to pinning. Thats when I know she is learning something new that she is interested in. Now kootchiekootchiekoo is said all day long. Nancy
  8. Don't forget the food and water! LOL! In all honesty...three toys maximum in cage. Don't be surprised that baby loves chewing your checkbook and notes left with instructions better.Pinatas has always been a sophie favorite. Tear and shred, is Sophie's motto.Safety check...all electrical outlets plugged. All blinds that have string pulls gone, all plants inside researched or gone. Safety guards put on cabinets that contain chemicals.Just a basic. I learned to treat Sophie like a two year old human. Hope this helps. Nancy
  9. Best of luck for you and whisper! nancy and Sophie
  10. NOT A GREY Whistling IS a form of communication! Sophie loves whistling games.She will do a whistle, I repeat it. We go back and forth in different rooms, making it tougher and tougher.She will break into rap clicking and dancing that my son taught her. She wins! LOL! Nancy
  11. Charlie is a very smart bird! Sophie tells pups to go outside and pee in the morning and the moment I get home. I wish she would give me a moment to go to the bathroom myself! Of course they run for the door
  12. LOVED the pics! Stepup is always on their terms, BUT we can control the reward! Snuggling as you did, let them see how happy we are that they came out. I think your new grey would respond well as he demonstrates good manners and a willingness to please. Also... give a tour of your home, describing things to him. First sign of nervousness, return him to his cage and thank him for an awesome time. Nancy
  13. You GO guys!My roms left shoulder is MINE! In fact, her right shoulder is mine too! Sophie
  14. They LOVE to hang upside down! LOL! They do sometimes get themselves in a position that requires intervention. You know your baby loves and trusts when they drop into your hand and lands on their back and HATES that position! Sophie can't stand to be on her back but she will drop in a heartbeat. Nancy
  15. FANTASTIC! Stick with it, never giveup. It does take time as the trust develops.It is also a slow process. Their time, not ours. I was happy that it took six months for us.BUT....that was more than ten years ago....I never gave up and was patient.Now I never ask Sophie to stepup.....I ask her for a moment to go to the bathroom when I get home from work.She waits patiently in the bathroom with me.Nancy
  16. You mods are nuts! Smart, reliable and collect your birds feathers! LOL! I only find one here and there, but I don't keep tract.Maybe thats why my birds go crazy flying in circles around the house. Kitchen in the center of house, family and livingroom opposite sides. They go crazy flying in circles threw lower half of house. Usually Sophie chasing kiki in flight. LOL Nancy
  17. Kevin....a star is born! LOL Just be careful she doesn't obsess and only talk when video is on. Nancy
  18. Sophie came home at age two. Her first word to me was Sopheeeeeeee like she was sliding down a slide and forgot to say wheeeeee! I learned quickly she does slide down her metal gyms bars just like a slide. This is when she does it.A decade later shes still sliding down her metal bars. nancy
  19. Agree with Dan. Continue to request stepup....its not going away.Nancy
  20. LOVED the picture! I wish Sophie would consider alternate bath opportunities other than dogs bowl Nancy
  21. Thane is a doll and he knows it!hes huge!(a good thing for sure) nancy
  22. When I provide a dish to my birds that they all share...it is three parts veggies/two parts fruit. I cut up apples,pears,plums,etc.No seeds. Nancy
  23. GREAT to hear all the positive progress! Good luck with the name. Nancy
  24. Dayo sounds like he is adjusting quite well. Regurg is not always sexual, but a sign of love and confirmation of a birds feeling as being part of the family.Sophie will regurg about once a week after several hours of serious bonding. NEVER in the mouth as they prefer. In my hand only. I always thank her,for that extra "love" moment.I DO worry, as many owners think that regurg is sexual. I really feel that owners are not tuned into a loving moment. Nancy
  25. phoenix...welcome! Please come visit us in 4 the birds. Your mama can't come though. Sophie
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