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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Marco just wants to be part of the action. While I smoke too, they never can be part of that! Always smoke outside, and NEVER teach Marco to tell you " smoking is bad for you!" My kids already taught Sophie. She disapproves when I go outside for a rare smoke. Nancy
  2. We cleaned out our garage today! Sophie got involved. Gave her a box... she was in heaven! Sean felt she wasn't pulling her weight! LOL! He is TOUGH on Sophie, and has expectations of her that I don't have.I don't get it! I asked him " why are you so tough on Sophie?" He explained... Sophie wants to be involved and not treated like a bird that doesn't understand our expectations!". Jeez... she is just a bird! Meanwhile... she loves Sean like he is the BEST person, she has ever met! Nancy
  3. I suspect Brutus will do just fine! Sorry about the divorce. I can relate. As your soon to be ex, was never a favorite, I'm sure Brutus will be fine. Don't make it a big deal. ( of course it is for you!) Nancy
  4. You are doing great with Romeo. He feels comfortable, and is trusting you! You are providing an enviroment that encourages his personality.When you ask " Do they grow to reflect us, or acclimate to the home settings," they actually do both.Just always follow romeo's lead and encourage his personality. Sophie, Sean and Ryan, have their own personal relationship, that is amazing. I'm just " rom"... mom. I get left out alot of personal fun. I'm okay with that... because mom's tend to create the wonderful situation, everyone gets along, and then get ignored! LOL Nancy
  5. You should be very proud.It was a creation from love. Nancy
  6. Sophie imitates sounds of my phone and barking of dogs soooo well, I feel bad when I tell Ollie to stop barking! LOL! Ollie will be sleeping and innocent!Sophie, Sunny and Sean are really into skyping ( I hope I said it right!). They do it weekly. Nancy
  7. No news about Kiki. I've contacted every local vet, rescue group or shelter.Over and over.I haven't been on this site for week or two, since we have been very depressed. Sunny is doing okay.Sophie always trying to make me and Sunny happy. Nancy
  8. Not only are they beautiful, I watch their eyes. Truly trusting and not stressed. You are a fantastic parrent! Nancy and Sophie
  9. If Sophie had that aviary... she would be tickled pink! Your bird has so many exciting experiences ahead. Nancy
  10. Excellent! The beginning of training for you! LOL! Sophie's favorite days of training was to have us all involved, placed several feet apart, and say " come here!"She did. Twelve years later... if anyone says " come here"... she is there. If we DON"T say it, she will! ( I'm sure as a reminder to us!) She understands the words so well, if when I walk in the door, she say's " come here", I'm trying to cook, I'll just say " You come here!". She comes. Nancy
  11. Sophie has, and will always be a velco bird! LOL! I don't even notice anymore. Nancy
  12. Wingy... haven't been here for a few weeks. How is everything going? Nancy
  13. Everyone has said it! Baby is in love, welcoming your affection. Trust is being established.Don't worry about wing spreading, etc., just continue to do what you are doing. This is a crucial time to develop a " relationship" of trust and love. Down the road... you will meet the terrible twos, but having a sound loving trusting relationship, will get you thru those hurdles. Nancy
  14. Pearle... sending you " positive vibes only!" Sophie ( an African Grey)
  15. I agree with avian visit, as they can dehydrate so quickly. I'm so sorry for all the egg laying... it must be so stressful, and nothing I have ever experienced. I as a parent, would also be concerned!I don't know why Sophie has never laid an egg. She is DNA sexed, truly a female. My heart goes out to you. She must be physically exhausted, you must be mentally exhausted! Nancy and Sophie
  16. Sophie loves my Droid. After charging, I always go get her to watch the lightning show when turning on. She LOVES it! She imitates the word DROID perfectly.Its amazing how easily entertained they can be. Nancy
  17. Looks beautiful! You should be very proud! All birds would LOVE it.So excited for you Nancy
  18. I go looking for her every day. Especially between 3-4 pm. If I can get out of work early... I spend my time looking for her. I don't care if people think I'm nuts calling for her.I have never spent so much time studying trees. Birds and family are all stressed! I know when she is hungry, she usually won't care whom the person is and will land on their shoulder. Trust has never been an issue for Kiki. I can only hope, she has landed on someone's shoulder and they are caring for her, until I find her. Nancy
  19. charlie boy... you are having sooooo much fun! I LOVE it! Your posts always brings a smile to my face. We have all been there, and never tire of seeing a parent experience the joy we have all seen. Nancy
  20. Everyone has excellent suggestions for Wingy. Terrible twos DO start before the age of two.I have e-mailed my suggestions as well. Jake is quite a bird, and I'm sure with Wingy's guidance, he will find his way again. Nancy
  21. I disagree. A positive influence in a birds life, can make all the difference! Cheyenne sounds like a very positive distraction! Birds chew their feathers due to boredom or frustration!All the other treatments may help, but don't solve the original problem. " listen" to your bird, and they will let you know what is wrong. Nancy
  22. I spend every free moment at work, looking for her at every vet, or rescue site.New residents following me! Asking me what I am looking for? I explained I'm looking for my bird! Their in!Willing to help! I can't believe I haven't found her. Nancy
  23. lilly, your dogs have decided your bird is the leader. Yay! Makes everything so much easier.Encourage the relationship. Our birds and dogs all love each other.I keep them seperated during the day I'm at work. The moment I'm home....they are all over each other. In a loving way Nancy
  24. Geez guys... they are all manipulators, and liars!I find it refreshing to deal with a lying manipulative bird, that truly sucks at it, compared to the humans I deal with daily! It makes me laugh at what they attempt to do, and get away with it. Of course, Sophie gets away with what I can offer, as long as maintaining positive behavior, outside of biting. NOT going to happen!I maintain a flying open caged concept, but biting is NEVER allowed!If they bite... wrist status only, until they understand. Nancy
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