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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Jeez guys... move to Rochester, NY. It gets bitterly cold here, and snow that can bury your car! I'm already getting ready. Closed and covered the pool. If Sophie's beak is cold, the thermometer goes up! Kids complain that I tell them to put on a sweater, but if Sophie's beak is cold... heat goes up. Of course I always hear " You love Sophie more than me!" Nancy
  2. bluedawg... Do you have a support system? Whom do you plan on watching Dayo, when you are off having surgery, and who is coming to your house to take care of you? I live in Rochester, NY, if you are close, I would be more than happy to help you. Nancy
  3. Aeriel... what an adorable reply! Made me laugh! There is no difference in intelligence between a boy or girl grey. They are smart equally! Girls tend toward drama, just like human girls. They lay eggs which can be a pain in the butt, and they like to shop! LOl! Sophie is first to check out toys I buy in bulk. She picks and chooses. Surprisingly, she picks very little for herself and knows what the rest like. Of course I know what she will like, so I am not surprised by her picks. " if she can shred it... she wants it!". Nancy
  4. Welcome Smokey the boy! We are so happy for you guys.I LOVE knowing what sex my birds are.
  5. Get a picture if you can! LOL! That would crack me up too. Nancy
  6. When I took my son at age six, to birdstore, I told him to " listen" to the birds... let baby pick him! .. Kiki our Amazon, picked Sean. It was a match made in heaven!They have been best friends for more than a decade. Noone should settle on a grey to pick them, as their forever friend!The best thing you can ever do for a grey, is to encourage the grey to love all family members, meet new friends and family, that they can trust as well. Sure I got challenged by Sophie, to have " fun" with others involved in her life and had to deal with " attitude", but she was socially involved.Many times I found myself on the " bottom", of her favorite list when she was younger. BUT.... I remained the constant in her life, so 13 years later, she knows that. I'm her " rom", meaning mom, I will always keep her safe and satisfy her needs. So does Sophie have a favorite? Yes. I am her Nancy
  7. As all said, its not the time, but quality. Not only do I work 40 plus hours as a single mom, I have a problem with closed cages. Open door policy only, when I was talked into entering the " bird world!" They have their own room with tons of gyms. It was the only way I would say " yes", to having birds. Kids were young when I was talked into getting birds. We all had to be "ON BOARD!" Kids were, and they have been a major part of getting us where we are. Now both off at college, but still very involved in birds lives.When I get home from work, birdroom door is opened first thing and they walk or fly out to me.Just one more child.I laugh when people ask me if I'm suffering with " empty nest syndrome"... I sure would love to know what that feels like. Nancy
  8. bluedawg... I am sooooo sorry about your diagnosis! I know chemo takes it toll. We are here to support not just you and your bird, but you personally! Let me know if I can help in anyway. Greys truly are empathetic. Don't worry about Dayo. Baby will adapt to what you need. They are the most empathetic creatures I have ever met. Nancy
  9. I'm with Wingy! I want to thank Sophie, and dedicate my post to her. " Thank you for never laying an egg" because I know we would BOTH freak out! Nancy
  10. Awww guys! Aging sucks! I am 52 years old, Sophie has a new home thru several offers if need be. My boys would decide. I'm sure Ryan would want her the most, but if anything happened to me soon, we have people available to care for her until he graduated college. We should all make a pact, to support each others bird, until family could decide to care for that bird or find the best home thru our approval. I'm more than willing! Nancy
  11. I don't believe in treat training either!! I never expected Sophie to ever do a trick! BUT... I always expected her to follow social norms. I always expected her to love and tolerate our family. To tolerate new friends and other social situations.NEVER to chew her feathers. My expectations, have always been met! On the other hand, I give her my expectations, she gives me hers. An eye for an eye!We have worked out all of our situations.Now I have the greatest grey anyone could ever want. Nancy
  12. No juicy juice! If Sophie had several sips of juicy juice... I would be peeling her off the walls. Nancy
  13. Greywings said it all! When adopting a new grey that has a history of plucking, no matter what enviroment, they may continue to do so, even if they are the happiest bird. It is a habit at this point, and hard to break. When birds are young, and start to pluck.... thats the time to do an intervention! In my opinion, it doesn't matter if they are fully flighted or not. My birds learned to fly, develop their chest muscles, then I trimmed them, but could still fly.This was the time I spent educating them, social development. None of my birds ever chewed their feathers, but occasionally they were a little excessive. I let them know I wasn't happy with their decision! I spent a lot of time distracting them thru play, toys and actual disapproval Sophie always knew when I wasn't happy with her choices.She never went on to pluck Nancy
  14. Definitely, weigh your bird. Sophie as far as I know, only regurgs upon all of us. We are use to it! Regurg in the cage, when noone is around, is troublesome! A case of acid reflux in humans, is always treated. Not sure what they do with a bird, but I am sure it is a concern as we all have a stomach and esophagus. Nancy
  15. Sophie our grey, talks and talks. It doesn't drive me crazy, but kids....Kiki our Amazon screams between three and four( at least she did!) I miss her especially between that hour. I would never let kids hush her during that time. I felt if she needed to scream for an hour, that was her right.Must be an amazon thing. Nancy
  16. Radar is so awesome! Smarty pants! His few glances to the left at Echo, makes me think Radar is trying to charm Echo.Echo.... is thinking and listening. Nancy
  17. Well either Sophie is asexual, or saves herself when Ryan comes home once a year.That is the only time she gets some action! ( and he is asleep). LOL Nancy
  18. I also would struggle on a Zon or Grey. My amazon is presently missing as she escaped several weeks ago.Of course we haven't given up finding her and it has been such a rough time for all of us.Apartment living might be tough to have an amazon. Kiki our amazon needed room to scream but that was just her! My grey Sophie doesn't scream loudly, but I have heard that many do!I think if you can visit with both, thats the best answer! Let the bird pick you if possible. Nancy
  19. I would suggest skipping the extra seed, as this won't be your future normal! Time for some mac and cheese, get the pounds on. Simple carbs and protein! Continue to introduce new fruits and veggies. Even if bird throws them at the wall Nancy
  20. Wouldn't it be great if our birds could respond to posts? Sean, my 19 year old off to college, Sophie isn't happy. My 22 year old responding and skyping with her. He too, is off at college. I LOVE that they treat her as a family member, and worry about her. They were nine and three when she came to live with us. She is just an additional family member in their eyes. Nancy
  21. Sean is off to college. My quiet one. Packing today together, Sophie helping.Sophie commented Sean getting smart... it was priceless! I was in the garage, heard Sean and Sophie talking together. Sean was explaining he was going to school, and how smart Sophie was already, and she didn't need to go to school.He needed to get smart like her! LOL! It is sooo not his personality He has left and she has latched onto me like a lifeboat! She won't step down! Off thru Tuesday. I hope I can help her get over Sean going to school. He is coming home in three weeks. Nancy
  22. I hope Echo is okay! Keep us updated. It is so scary when one of our kids are sick. Nancy
  23. JeffNOK Good luck with that! LOL! Sophie has decided she doesn't like how the " take me out to the ballgame" song goes. Last several times, she has changed it. I've noticed her change, as she changes it the same way each time. Typical of a grey! She wont change her song, so maybe yankees need to change theirs! LOL Nancy
  24. Both Sophie and Kiki were DNA sexed. Sunny my sunconure was not. I think he is a boy. No egg problems in 13 years, but it was a comfort knowing their sex. Sophie LIVES for chewing boxes.... on my kitchen counter while I cook. Nancy
  25. Ten weeks is young. Sixteen weeks is better. BUT... Felix is doing great. You commit as much time as you can with him. He seems fine.Dogs aren't an issue.... but even if you go to work, safety is important! Dogs and birds should have no access to each other unless supervised.Adding a new dog to the mix, while you work full time is a definite red flag. Even little pups can kill when they just want to play Nancy
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