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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Chezron... I am so sorry! I have tears right now welling in my eyes. My ex of 13 years... fell in love with my best friend. She was married to my ex's college roommate. It was terrible! We were best friends for 19 years. I understand your pain. Also feel free to contact me. I was surrounded by friends and family that let me vent. ( on and on) It takes time to get over the depression and feeling of worthlessness. Then comes the anger!Actually, the anger can be a good thing because it takes you out of the terrible darkness and moves you forward to healing. We are all interested in you talking to us.Seriously! We are NOT just here for our birds... but the owner. Nancy
  2. I unfortunately can;t help with birds chewing.My guys don't chew feathers. They were never allowed to do so! Nancy
  3. She is chewing! Let her know, you are not happy with the behavior. I am sure, it is minimal damage.As you work, as much as I do, who can you hire to come in to play games with her? Nancy
  4. Thanks Dave! Glad Sophie doesen't lay eggs. Remember to be patient, when you meet parents that chose to ignore your wise information.It frustates me, when parrents dont understand shoulder status. Ryan keeps me grounded. He always reminds me, what works for us, doesn't always work for other families. Nancy
  5. Anyone on this site would have helped! THATS what I love about this site. As a nurse, I know how much energy goes into chemo, appointments etc. If I can help you in anyway, let me know! Nancy
  6. I can't even imagine what having a plucking bird feels like! I am sure it is horrible! Remember, having a bird that plucks, doesn't mean he or she isn't happy... its a habit. Nancy
  7. Lisa is doomed! LOL! Of course you are going to be blamed for all gas attacks! Sophie burps, farts, cough and sneezes. Its all normal to us! When my sister was here last week, she mentioned that our home was crazy... she didn't understand how we could enjoy Sophie letting everyone else knowing our personal sounds!!! HUH? I didn't understand her concerns! I didn't get her concern, as it isn't ours, but I DID rebuttal...Sophie when immitating " wheezing", I would listen to her lungs with a stethoscope, noting they were clear... she was immitating someone who was wheezing! While having two teenagers with asthma, who choose to ignore it, Sophie was always my first symptom! I would ask who is wheezing? One of my kids would admit they didn't feel well.Sophie has been my asthma radar for years! Nancy
  8. Also... don't worry about birds throwing your fresh fruits and veggies at the walls! They will do that too! Raspberries are the worse. Will take off paint, so move cage away from the wall. Keep mixing it up and keep offering things they thru at the walls. My guys now eat pellets, fresh fruits and veggies, but my walls have a story to tell! Nancy
  9. It is tough being the bad guy. I have been in that role for past 22 years! LOL! BUT....sometimes we have to do, what we have to do! Take Dave's advice. He is the expert. Don't think that doing what is best for your baby will affect your relationship. Keeping them safe and healthy is always the first priority.They will recognize in the near future you are only concerned for their well being. Nancy
  10. So happy you and Ruby have found your way to us! Can't wait to hear all about you guys. Nancy and Sophie
  11. I for one, am tired of being a hankerchief! LOL! Yes... definitely check with your vet regarding honey. For me.... it sounds too high in sugar.Look into more things like protein.Eggs, beans etc Nancy
  12. I give them a variety of fresh seeds and pellets topped with three peanuts and half a slice of buttered toast. Fresh plate of fruit and veggies. One fruit, two veggies. Its pretty much destroyed when I get home, but I went thru the time of throwing all fruits and veggies at the wall! Sunflower seed are limited.I never went crazy when we were arguing back and forth about healthy stuff. I DID suffer with the arguement about blueberries and raspberries! They painted the walls! It did take off the paint. Oh well. I can paint again was my attitude.They are crazy for carrots, green beans, peapods, bananas, oranges, grapes, bueberries, ... just a few suggestions. Nancy
  13. I'm sleeping mama! Please don't disturb! LOL Nancy
  14. Absolutely! It broke my heart reading all the texts Nancy
  15. I find it fascinating, the egg laying. But I am so grateful, Sophie doesn't do it! So the question for Dan and Dave, is why some DNA sexed females lay eggs and others don't? Nancy
  16. You don't need to be a talker. Check out cloth books for younger kids. Sophie's favorite is " Thomas the Tank Engine". She can chew it while I read it. I don't need to read it as I know it by heart, but she notices if I don;t turn the page. So I read it every night, and turn the pages while she chews them. Then she says " awwwwww". Then its bedtime! Nancy
  17. murfchck... you are doing great with cotay! I support the " timeout".Sophie had a timeout cage in dining room as well as I had a timeout chair for kids. Sophie's timeout was only for biting and lasted five minutes. As Ryan my oldest was especially " bad", he had a timeout chair in dining room as well. I think thats where they bonded! They are especially close to this day 13 years later. LOL! Luckily, she ended up in timeout around three times a day for six months only. Ryan's timeout went on for years! ( just kidding!) I would suggest wrist status only for safety. When she understands your expectations and the trust is mutual, then baby can go to shoulder. Nancy
  18. DogsBirdFish What a stressful month for you! Hope all is going well with Emma and new kitchen. It will all come to an end soon. You will have a new kitchen, and Emma will be done with the egg issue.
  19. How exciting for you! How exciting for us too as we sit on the sidelines waiting to hear all your stories.Okay... you can post to us second.... let your family and friends know everything first.THEN us! LOL! Nancy
  20. She is truly adorable! LOVED the video! I love that you are using " catchy phrases and fun songs". They LOVE them.I bet she would love the song " Doe a Deer", from the Sound of Music. Sophie's pupils went crazy when she heard this song. Dialate, constrict! Her pupils at this point do this when she is excited and wants to learn the information at hand.( of coarse for other birds, they do this when they are sending you a warning!) Believe me.... I got my warnings when she was younger. Now no warnings, just excitement. Nancy
  21. Birds ball up a foot for two reasons. Sleeping, or warning. You, need to decide what is the reasoning. I've had my birds over a decade, and when I walk downstairs in the morning, All birds have one foot lifted up. Danger! When I get half way down the stairs, I always say " foot down!" Thats my letting them know its me.I see three birds put their foot down.Its all about reading the signals. Nancy
  22. Awwww! So sorry about Smokey. Settling may take a few months. Don't doubt yourself. You are the best decision for your baby. You will provide him with a perfect home, but it may take time for him to understand that. Nancy
  23. She doesn't hate you! Stop thinking that! She knows when she wins. Remove her from her comfort zone, practice stepup between you and her favorite person. If she bites... back to cage by her favorite.Its always easier, by playing a game.I won't say it is easy, but you can do it thru consistency based on your response as well as rest of family.Once bird understands everyone treats me this way, including favorite family member, they learn.Once you get past the " I only love you" aspect... it can be an amazing experience for the entire family. Off for vacation in October. Leaving birds and dogs home to be cared by three young men that have known Sophie forever.I want someone here 24/7. IThey are setting up their schedule.I know she will have fun with the " boys". Of course I will talk to them all daily. Nancy
  24. As far as older talkers....Sophie came to our family at age two going thru terrible twos. Her vocabulary was limited. She had a fantastic owner who was just too busy to care for her. Her vocabulary took off once she got thru the terrible twos. Now I would pay her to give me five minutes of peace without her blabbing! ( only kidding!) Some babies talk slower. I believe they are absorbing information! I also believe in reading to my birds before bedtime. My guys LOVE when I read poems, or Dr. Seuss or Shel Silverstein. Their favorites! They also loved when I repeated contact calls a room away. One thing I noticed, is Greys pattern of behavioral problems and learning, were similar to a young child. IE: If a grey is two, they can be compared to a human two year old. Nancy
  25. Best of luck with your decision. I'm a firm believer in letting bird pick you. Nancy
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