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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. CharlieB... if your bird doesn't love this cage, I'll move into it with my three birds! LOL! Its great! Easy on the toys! Three at first, introduce others after awhile. Gradual stimuli. Nancy
  2. I do follow a routine in the morning. Evening is different. I leave for work at 7;20. I get up at 5:30am. Pups go out. I shower. Dogs get fed, go out again. Meanwhile, Sophie is already in kitchen. Hangin with me. Lots to say. I shower. She waits for me to be done. We hang out. She helps me get food ready for birds. She eats a bite of chicken I have saved for her. She enjoys having a certain routine in the morning. Weekends, I don't get up until 8am. She adjusts. Nancy
  3. mistyparrot... LOL! I keep the heat at 68 degrees. I;m okay with cold feet! If their beak is cold, I put the temp up to 70. Of course I hear how I won't increase heat unless Sophie's beak is cold. I guess she is the favorite child, as I am accused of that all the time! ( heck, she can't put on sweatshirts!) Nancy
  4. Life is Greyt has wonderful advice. When I was a new grey owner, I was informed 24 hours before, she had chosen me. I was sure I wasn't selected, as everyone else applying for her, were experienced owners. I didn't have a grey. Little did I know, that many owners let the grey pick their new owner. After two interviews that I kept screwing up, because Sophie was chewing my ear off with babytalk, I couldn't focus on his questions, I knew I was not a candidate. Next thing I know, the owner calls me, tells me Sophie picked us, come and get her tomorrow. We were in shock, went to pick her up. I knew nothing! The owner told me I could call anytime with my questions. I started off with a question.What is the number one thing you suggest? I didn't even know what to ask! He said... " always listen to Sophie. She will guide you! The ride home was amazing! Sean was late too meet his friends at the movies... I was taking the corners a little fast. Sophie LOVED it! ( then again, her owner was a racecar driver!). She broke out of her cage, climbed on my shoulder, wagging her tail. Kids were freaking out, noone was helping.Sophie had a great ride! You would think she thought " what did I get into?" Pulled over to get her back in cage. When we got home, opened her cage, told her I would be right back, had two puppies needed to go out. When I got back, she was already in her new cage. That was Sophie's welcome. Nancy
  5. Michelle... hope you had a fantastic Christmas as well! Very busy. Santa brought Sean the Wii. He's a video addict past 72 hours. LOL My son's friend said, "we need to put him in wihab!" I found this extremely funny. They all thought I was nuts! Hey... as I am computer illiterate, I thought you could help I don't know how to say " thanks", on this site. I don't know how to upload pictures. Would like to try. My son's friend said he would help me with the pictures. I don't want to sound, or seem like a b..... , since I'm not. How do ya say thanks? Nancy

  6. dyeraudio... Lol! You gotta get faster with that camera! Nancy and Sophie
  7. JwffNOK, stepping up, is always easier than stepping down. Sophie years later, still holds out with one foot occassionally. I have to use my serious parent voice, "Sophie?" She gets it, and lets go.We've all been home this week. She is with us from 8am to 8pm nonstop. When I put her to bed, she breaks out in song, dialing the phone for "ROM"... (mom). Anything to delay bedtime. It has been hard. I'm not answering her phone call, not singing with her. She knows I'm serious. It is hard, soooo tempting! Last nite, EVERYONE came out at 11pm. Definitely okay! Nothing better than welcoming the New Year all together! Nancy
  8. Awww, Shadow is a doll! Great bonding time for mommie and Shadow. Its just the beginning! Had to laugh at Sophie the otherday. Kids and I were watching movies, Sophie sitting on Ryan's shoulder ( my son, her boyfriend!) Sophie went into " regurg" mode.... Ryan begged her not to do it, put her in his lap. I told him it was coming up, to pick it up and thank her. She did! LOL he of course thanked her. She was very pleased. Nancy
  9. Good luck CharlieB! Partially covering the cage is a good idea. I wouldn't rush baby to new cage the minute you get home. He may want to check you out first for a few minutes. Make sure all other external stimuli is minimal. Easy on the toys. two or three a good start. Definitely no intro to other birds for at least 30 days. We're all here when you need us. Nancy
  10. Welcome Kim and Andy. I'm so glad you found each other! See what the vet has to say about the chewing. Let us know. Nancy and Sophie
  11. Yay Rikki! Success finally!LOL I have correlle plates( they DO break), and plastic cups. Also.... three extra boxes of ceramic tiles. Hmmmmm... nothing like the sound of something breaking. Kiki the Amazon, says two things. Kiki and UH OH! UH OH, thanks to miss Sophie. Nancy
  12. NEVER leave him with your housemates. He is your responsibility, that you have chosen.Ryan my 20 yr old, loves Sophie. When he is home from college, he wants her to go everywhere he goes. I know she will have fun.The answer is always no! I am her Rom (mom), she doesn't like when I interfere with her fun. Too bad! The fallout of being the " parent", really sucks. Sophie gets mad at me all the time! Oh well!Birds, dogs and kids... always try to make me feel guilty. It doesn't work! Nancy
  13. Jeffnok... youre getting it! On the other hand, I want to make sure you know, her lowering her head, affectionately rubbing your hand, she is demonstrating TRUST! This is an amazing accomplishment, and you shouldn't take it lightly! This demonstration of affection, in my mind, is equal to 90% of training. I tend to key in on certain behaviors. This is one of them!!! Good job! Nancy
  14. Your ex, is an ex. Of course your bird LOVED him, but bird knows who is important, and stable in his life. You! Ryan, my 20 yr old son, is truly a " bird whisperer". She loves him so much. She will " regurg"... he see's it coming... tells her, " I'm good, Sophie!" I tell him to accept her gift, even if it is on his lap. She is pleased! Sophie is bonded to Ryan. He DOES take it seriously, understands the importance to never reject her. Nancy
  15. We got a baby here! Looks like a cag! Reddish pinkish skin, is called.... BABY! LOL Relax and enjoy the baby. Nancy
  16. Bella is beautiful! I noticed how perfect her coloring was. She seems to be very healthy from pics. Congradulations! Nancy
  17. I am sooo excited for you! I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. Can you believe it was a decade ago for me? Let us know the update. In the mean time, I suggest you work on toy arrangement, ( how many toys do you plan in the cage initially?) Gym.... metal, or wooden? Diet, and stepup training. LOTS of homework for you. I wish in retrospect, I had time to plan for Sophie's arrival. It was tough for me to get a bird that was two, going thru the terrible twos. Sophie, was just there! I was totally clueless! It worked out. Sophie has been the BEST thing to ever happen to my family. You are going to be a GREAT parent! We will all help you whenever you are concerned. I'm not concerned.You care so much already, and your bird isn't here yet. You are amazing! Nancy
  18. gosha, welcome! I agree with Dave. Greys tend to throw a curve ball toward us. As long as your bird is drinking, monitor her closely, but don't make a big deal about it. Of course watch for any signs of illness, but the behavior is normal Nancy
  19. ay P... Lol! You ARE bringing up your son all over again! They are just like kids. Require lots of attention, lots of intervention. I see no difference. Nancy
  20. Dave007 hates me! I have tried to be nice. Doesn't work! He continues to attack me whenever he can. I really don't care anymore. Nancy
  21. Talon.... please thank the owner. Many would like to see furthur interaction. Nancy
  22. Do you love the other bird more? If so... is the bird available for adoption? Find out! It is important to bond with your new baby. If you love another bird more, and is NOT available to you, NOT sure the first bird is meant for you. Bonding to me, is very important. Birds pick us! We don't pick the bird. All relationships I have ever had, bird picked us! Nancy
  23. Eshana... there are many people that know how to " battle the system", and prevail. Contact the court, explain you need a " court appointed lawyer". You can't afford a private lawyer. See where it goes. After getting divorced, I learned how the courts work. It sucks! My ex is a doctor, I just want him to support my kids thru college. Its NOT going to happen. Nancy
  24. Morana... Zak wouldn't have traded you for your ex in a heartbeat. He knows who loves him. He knows you keep him safe, feed him. You're mom. Your ex, is fun! He would have chosen you when given a choice! Nancy
  25. CLB... as shadow has shown you, baby wants to be with you, next time he wants to hang, watch you do dishes, have a bottle of bubbles ready! Show baby something amazing! Start blowing bubbles... say " Pop!" Sophie found that amazing! Once she got past her " aww" state, she started chasing bubbles on the countertop! Soooo much fun! Nancy
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