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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Maunaolu... I am so sorry for your loss! I am sooo glad you are ready to try being a parent again. In my mind, as my birdstore is very reputable, I don't see any reason why NOT to buy from a petstore, if you trust them. If you have decided this baby is for you.... buy and adopt them. Visit constantly, spend time. If you are going on vacation, by all means... go! Have fun! Absolutely... do NOT take baby home, until your home. They are comfortable, and use to the routine. Do NOT upset their routine, until you are home. Having a person to " care", for your bird, is absolutely the biggest mistake. When you get home... go get your bird. First bonding experience, needs to be with you. Nancy
  3. I will check into it as well! Im sure our house is dry as well! I've noticed, my younger sons allergies have continued into the winter season. Lots of coughing! Post nasal drip. Allergy medicine is not working. Nancy
  4. What progress! This is an AMAZING first step to socialization! It is equivalent in my mind, to "stepup". Your bird has decided to show you, he trusts you. You are worthy of " flock status!" Next time he does it.... take him on a tour of your house. Show him each and every room, things that are important to you, and the history. If he gets anxious... immediately back to cage. Tell him how much fun you had...quick kiss on the beak. Nancy
  5. chezron... you as well! two out of three! lol you'll get there with the youngest challenge. Its a given... just a new challenge! Nancy
  6. I know this sounds crazy, but.... I would find the time, to visit both birds. One weekend for one, another weekend for the other. I know it involves alot of time, but this is a commitment for many years of your life. I have always believed, whether I adopted a pup or bird, they choose us. Sunny chose my son Ryan, Kiki chose Sean, Sophie chose me.( it was tough to get Sophie our grey. We were interviewed... several families applied to adopt her at age two.) When we went into the interview, I knew I was the least qualified. Had no grey experience. She came from a super home... very rich owner. I couldn't even focus on his questions, as Sophie was all over me. Was called back for a second interview... again, Sophie was all over me, couldn't focus on his questions. I felt very dissappointed. Felt I didn't interview well. We were picked. I asked him why? He laughed... said " it was never about selling Sophie. It was always about her picking whom she loved".
  7. Welcome Ashley and gang! Beautiful birds! A picture speaks a thousand words. Very curious, and happy. Nancy
  8. Bailey... if I didn't know your bird was abused, I would say your baby is doing just fine! He really is! Find some books or on the internet, start learning how to start the " stepup, stepdown" process. First major step for new baby. I totally agree with other replies. Open the cage when you are home. Read a book, interact with family in front of baby. Make baby curious.... jeez... I want to go out there and hang with those people! I can only stress how important, the first baby step is " stepup and down". It is a process that is sooo important. Repitition! Just to let you know, greys are VERY territorial, and will learn better away from their cage. BUT... you have to practice the first step up, from their cage. After that, practice away from cage. Include entire family. Return baby, the first sign of stress. Nancy
  9. It is hard, as parronts. how to establish bedtime routine. Decide on the time for bed, stick to your guns. Some like to cover the cage. Make sure the room is quiet. I personally don't cover the cage. The room is dark, and their is no stimulation of any kind. What I did for my kids, I did the same thing for my birds. If they cried, I got up, went and reassured them, snuggled them, and put them back to bed. Repitition is important, as well as letting them know, you will keep them safe. Twelve years later.... my gang puts themselves to bed. Of course, once in awhile, someone may have a nightmare... call for me during the night. Of course I am there if they need me. They all know that. There is no doubt in their minds. Nancy
  10. Fratyr... I agree with Morana. Fantastic advice! Slow down! Your baby sounds quite normal to me also. It sounds like baby has progressed quite well. It sounds to me, like YOU need to catch up, and are trying! I would be glad to help you personally, if you would like. Kins2321@yahoo.com. It is not a race for time. Your bird is doing just fine. We will all help you, educate you, just make sure you don't turn this into a stressful time for your baby. The education, is about you. Well it should be. I would love to help you. We need to make sure your grey doesn't pick up on your stress.They are VERY sensitive to owners stress. Nancy
  11. As I have no experience with blowfrying a grey, thanks all for your response! I can't even get to the shower! You guys know more than I ever will. I only have experience blowdrying my Amazon. She LOVES it. ( Amazons are very tough to dry!) I suspect they have more natural oil. They also have a certain musty smell, that actually gets worse after a shower. I've heard people complain about it, but I LOVE it. I like to believe, she smells like the Amazon. My rescue sunconure, LOVES the shower, but gets dried naturally. Nancy
  12. Joe... there IS no book that can walk you thru, how to raise an african grey. We all have different beliefs. Some believe in clipping, some do not. Some believe in " open cage" philosophy, some do not. Only you, and your significant other, can decide what works for you. No MOD, can help you. You need to decide for yourself. Remember, they have the intelligence of a five year old. They are cage aggresive, desire to love one person. Make your own plan for behavior modification. I will be glad to help you. You first need to establish your goals, and plans. Nancy
  13. Doug... You are such a brat! Did you not think a fellow grey owner, that had no issues, would not recognize how lucky you are? Beyond being lucky, I know you can teach so many new owners. Step up to the plate... and start teaching. You have lots of wisdom. Share it. Nancy
  14. As far as no interest in toys, that is normal, especially for a baby. I agree, try playing with the toys together. Sophie never really was crazy about wood toys. She is more interested in anything she can shred. Try pinatas. Sophies favorite toy, is her personalized checkbook. While I do my bills, she has her own pretend checkbook. We do our bills together. Sophie loves anything she can shred, but loves to shred anything that is important to me. Sophie will never be over excited about any of my new toys. We learned a long time ago, we as a family, were her toys! We get that now. The moment we walk in the door... she is out, and part of the family. She wants to cook, wants to taste. If there is a party, it should be about her. Sophie is just a third child in our family. She is the youngest, and most spoiled! Nancy
  15. You are all lucky, that your grey will shower.... believe me! Shaking after the shower, is very normal. You should live thru an Amazon shower! LOL If you can get your grey to shower ( I believe is an amazing feat), try blowdrying after. My Amazon LOVES it! I know she only showers, to receive the blowdrying spa treatment after. I enjoy it as well, as my Amazon will spread her wings, show me all her beautiful feathers. My grey Sophie, will NOT shower, no matter what we do. My trimmer, takes action, and cleans her. She feels she is being murdered, and have never been able to shower her. Sophie LOVES watching Kiki and Sunny shower, getting blowdryed. She will NOT participate beyond watching. As Sophie, is an amazing grey, we decided a long time ago, to not make showering stressful. When she gets her beak and nails trim, she knows her bird trimmer is going to shower her. She's okay with that, certainly I'm okay with that. Sophie is a fantastic grey, and if showering, is the only thing she requests we DON"T do... I'm okay with that! She knows she's going to have to do it eventually... She's okay with that! Nancy
  16. What a happy bird! You can tell. Sooo happy with his sense of " self!" To me, that is very important for a bird. Nancy
  17. So happy for you and Louie. They have their own timeline, as I learned with our rescue Sunconure. Routine, repitition, no straying from your beliefs, makes all the difference in the world! As I have had my birds for past 12 years.... I never stray from my decisions. They all know what to expect from me. It has always made them feel safe. They know I won't give an inch. Once in awhile, they are forced into an uncomfortable decision. ( I'm not there!) They will yell " Rom... rom... come now!" I always come. If I'm not home, one of my children comes. They accept them as well. Nancy
  18. Everyone has great ideas! Greys will rule over their cage. Getting them to stepup or down, is tough. Try when you get home... open the door, play a game with the family, or read a book, with the door open in front of him. Do it over and over. You are encouraging him to come out. I guarantee he will eventually comeout. Once my grey was comfortable to step on the door, we continued this pattern. Sophie couldn't resist. ( I ignored her for another week). Once I invited her to stepup.... she was soooo happy! She jumped right in! Step down, was another issue. LOL The point is.... we made Sophie's life, so inviting, outside of her cage. She decided when to join in. After thirteen years of having her, I have NEVER, put my fingers in her cage, to stepup. If she wants to be part of our family life, she will be on her door and waiting. She's always waiting! I no longer even have to say stepup. When I walk into her room, her foot is up. She says.... " lets go!" Nancy
  19. wow! Serious progress, in a short time! You've got a serious jem! Are you ready? Diet.... hit the bird store. Pellot diet, as well as fresh fruits and veggies. Offer it over and over... don't get sucked up into refusal. Baby will coat the walls, with refusal of the diet. Repeat it. OVER and OVER! Been there, done it! Change it. Stick by your guns! You provide the diet! Nancy
  20. You can be thrifty all you want! If you find a CAG, for less than 1200 dollars... best of luck! Nancy
  21. There really is not a great book, that I have found! Follow your instinct. They are just like children, equal to the level of a five year old. Nancy
  22. I cant probably help you. As I have " open cage" policy, I probably differ in my opinion. I would NEVER pick up a bird. Once a bird is interested in step up, or down, they need to trust me. They eventually do. The door is never closed. Nancy
  23. You probably can't go wrong with an Amazon or grey. EXCEPT... Amazons are more vocal. Tend to be more scittish. Greys have more intelligence. I'm lucky to have both. Kiki our Amazon, gets more time to scream at the top of her lungs... between 3-4pm. Sophie our grey, is not allowed to imitate Kiki during this hour. Its Kiki's time to shine! Its Amazon time! Sophie, our grey, understands Kiki time. She is not allowed to imitate Kiki during this time. It is Kiki's hour. It works for us. Both our birds are important to us. Nancy
  24. Yellow crowned Amazon, is VERY smart! Very vocal! Nancy
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