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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Joe... here's to you and your baby. Noone here is going to attack you. We all do our best, and if they don't like it, it is their problem! Nancy
  2. Ray P has LOTS of good advice. I tend to do the same. I have NEVER used food or treats as an award for good behavior. I also have a ZON, and know how they live for food, but still never use food for an award Nancy
  3. In my opinion, shoulder status is a no no. From experience. They gain our trust. If they struggle with it, you shoo them down to the wrist.It is actually quite easy. Say NO! Don't go crazy making it a big deal. Its a fact! Follow thru everytime. Sophie has been on my shouilder, after she was two. Probably around three. Ten years later, when she makes a bad choice, I just have to look at her, she shoos down to my wrist, knowing I don't approve of her choice.( I never said a word!) I am the parent, she is the child. She understands this. Nancy
  4. Elidih... remove the ball, and do it for good. Let her scream. Give it 24 hours. ( don't plan on returning it). Empathize with her. Love her. But don't return the ball. It is hard to be a parent, and make difficult decisions. Being a parent, requires us to make difficult decisions, and I do so, all the time. Certainly, I become very unpopular. It doesn't bother me. I make many unpopular choices. All our birds know it, but respect me. They know I listen " fairly", but when I make the decision, the decision is made. Even my rescue, Sunbconure walks in and complains. He can't say a word, but when he is done, I know what he has said. " Girls are crowding him, they want him to love him, and he wants some space! I remind him, it is up to him, to let them know. I then watch the situation, and if they are crowding him, I let them know.( I( watch daily, until they get it!) Nancy
  5. RayP LOL! I totally agree! I thought the dog was doing quite well, and I would have praised the behavior. Sophie just gives Ollie peanuts instead of noodles. I felt there was a relationship, that should be encouraged. My dogs have that relationship with the birds. Dogs are encouraged to protect the birds and vice versa. It has worked for years, and they protect each other. Nancy
  6. I have to say, I don't know the size of my cages. I know what works for them. The biggest cage, was intimidating for Sophie.(HUGE!) She goes in occassionally, but is happy to know if she is not comfortable, she can go into Sunny and Kiki's cage. Nancy
  7. Sophie , Kiki and Sunny, loves many fruits and veggies. We tried to introduce peppers and onions last week. I knew they wouldn't like them, but tried. They try anything! They acxted like I was poisoning them! A little late on my part. Nancy
  8. Chippy is going to be just fine! remove the ball, I suggest doing it now. If he refuses what you offer as an alternative, he needs to work it out. ( tough love!) It does eventually workout. Of course I am a flock member, many say there is no leader, but I disagree. I am the leader of all my birds and dogs. They are told to work it out, but if they don't, I decide. It works for all of us Nancy
  9. JeffNOk.... If you come home, and Gracie has been left alone, try greeting her with " I;m home! Where are you?"She will be happy and waiting. NEVER come home, saying " are you okay?" I'm so sorry I have been gone so long! It truly makes a difference, if you let " guilt", become a dialogue. Nancy
  10. Thanks Wingy! I need serious help with Sophie's infatuation with the zipper! Nancy
  11. I can't say I ever entered a battle with Sophie, who was more dominate, who ruled.. I just knew, she wanted my earrings, and was determined to get them! I started wrist status only, based on her behavior! ( I had no idea, this was a topic to be discussed!) I removed all my earrings, and decided she couln't sit on my shoulder, until she understood she could not attack my ears. It was a serious pain in the ---! When I learned furthur, it made complete sense. I started teaching her " wrist status only". It worked! TOTAL pain.... but I now reap the benefits. Sophie ten years later, sits on my shoulder 10o% I haven't been bit since she was three. Now on the other side, people get bit, we don't. BUT.... she feels like she is such a part of our family, I worry sometimes, we will fail. When I drove Ryan to the airport today after being home for a week, I asked him if he had fun, and spent enough time with Sophie. He responded... " I had a GREAT time with Sophie." Even if I didn't want to spend time with Sophie, it is not an option! LOL( he's right!) Life is about Sophie. She makes sure of that. We love it! Nancy
  12. A serious happy baby! Comfortable with "himself" and his enviroment. Nancy
  13. IF i Had a brand new baby, I wouldnt clip. Let them develop chest muscles, learn to fly. Practice, flight. Once my birds got out of control with flight, I slowly trimmed them, so they could focus on learning. They could still fly two rooms.This was the period I established parenthood. They learned to focus, and understand, I was the parent, they were the child. LOTS of teaching, during this time. Once the " trust", was established, the flight feathers grew again, and were encouraged! I was always there to encourage them.Its like "setting the rules", being there to let them know, they have done a good job, and you are proud of them.Of course my plan doesn't work for everyone, but it worked for us. Nancy
  14. Its amazing when they focus on music. Sophie LOVES music and dancing, more than I thought. While my youngest son, is interested in redoing our piano, from an engineering perspective,I realize I want the piano refinished, because I haven't played in twenty years, and can make her happy! I felt bad, that I haven't played in twenty years. Kids were surprised! Sean was excited! We will see how it works out Nancy
  15. It truly takes years for a grey to love any addition to the family. Sophie loves my kids. I never think twice, whom she loves. It is expected for her to treat all if us with respect and love. Nancy
  16. Wingy always has excellent advice. I am very fond of Wingy! I have to be honest, I LOVE hearing new parents advice,,, as I am pretty strict with my birds. When having "open cage belief", there is not alot of changes I give to my birds. It works for us. I am their mom. "open cage", requires alot of decisions, you can't stray from. Nancy
  17. GREAT job! Sophie loves to be outside, and LOVES to garden. She is GREAT at digging weeds. Times have changed for us. She used to be trimmed, but could still fly. Now she is fully flighted, so I don't think she can garden anymore. It makes me sad. Nancy
  18. LOL all! I can't even think of listing everything Sophie has destroyed. I did relate best to Mistyparrot. Curtains, were her favorite thing to destroy, so now, I have no curtains on the lower half of our house. ( better light anyway!) I agree with her design. When I put in a new kitchen last year, it was designed, so she wouldn't desire to destroy it. It has worked! She LOVES the new countertop, and loves to run back and forth and listen to her footsteps. You have to remember, I have open cage policy. It doesn't work for all. She definitely doesn't chew furniture or couches. I would say.... Sophie's favorite thing to destroy, is the zipper on my purse. I am on my third purse past two months. Anyone have any ideas? She can't pass a zipper! Nancy
  19. When I do my bills every other Thursday, Sophie sits down at the kitchen table, and works on her checkbook, while I do mine. She talks to herself, just as I do! I'm sure she thinks she is helping with our bills. She makes an unpleasant chore, into something fun! I'm sure the bank has " red flagged me", that I ask for four registrars a month! Nancy
  20. JeffNOK If you can't get approval... I just want you to know, Gracie WILL be fine! Most of us don't get home until around 6pm on average. They do just fine. Granted, while cooking dinner, Sophie insists on being with me. I line up a ton of spoons for her to throw into the sink, so I can cook. It works, and she is happily entertained! Nancy
  21. I agree with Elvenking.... push it !As a teacher, I know you are imaginative. Do some research and show the board how having your bird there can help your kids learn beyond the textbook. Education, is not just learning about the world, English and Math. Its also about caring about other species on our planet. I know you can come up with something. "Whats the difference between a guinea pig or a bird?" Nancy
  22. Besides needing a vet and travel cage, you need a groomer, and a playstand with toys. Make a plan on diet including intoduction to frsh fruits and veggies. You also need to learn the basics of " stepup, stepdown". Vital! Wrist status versus shoulder status, needs to be decided. Introduction to other family members, their responsibility, as well as other pet members. I know it sounds overwhelming, but actually, it is not. Sophie was the best thing, that happened to our family, and it wasn't hard at all. We had no clue what to do, and it all worked out. I wish I had the knowledge I have now, and am offering to you. ALWAYS remember, YOU are the parent, they are the child. You are not here to please them, you are not here to let them make you doubt yourself. You are here, to provide them with an enviroment that includes Safety, food and stimulating toys. A family enviroment, that now includes them. You are the parent! They will try and manipulate the situation,never give in! Develop trust and consistency. Nancy
  23. Marcus, is listening and learning! ( gotta watch out for those quiet ones!) In my opinion, EXTREMELY intelligent! How many engineers and scientists talk up a storm? Not many! I know... as this is my family history. Even though Sophie came here at two and from an excellent home, her vocabulary excelled between three and four. She always has something to say. ( kids blame me for that!) LOL Nancy
  24. Sophie will clean herself, including nails and beak. My Amazon Kiki, could give a hoot! I'm always cleaning her beak. Her belief is "JUST BRING ON THE FOOD!" Nancy
  25. When you send your children to another family's house for dinner, you know you have done a great job when you get called and told " your kids are great! So polite, help with cleaning up, and say thank you". What call would I get, if I sent Sophie over for dinner? Your bird farts and burps, walks from plate to plate, throwing out what she doesn't want on the plate, leaves with no plans on helping with the dishes. Nancy
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