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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. It actually takes months, if not years! Nancy
  2. I apologize, that I was asking about TWIX, and he was gone. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. It is very devastating to lose an important family member. Nancy, Ryan, Sean, Sophie Kiki and Sunny
  3. I would think for a bird that has never chewed, and now is doing so, there must be a medical reason. Sorry Annarundel for my delay. Thanks oblivion for being on the ball! Nancy
  4. Can't do those dishes without them! LOL Maybe they can!!!!! Sophie learned to turn on the faucet. I had just a little soap soaking in the pan. When I walked in, she was screaming in delight! Bubbles every where! LOL! Sophie always gets into everything. While its always a mess for me to clean up, I always get a kick out of her enjoyment. Nancy
  5. cheebamaster... It is true a grey prefers one person, over another. ONLY... if you let them. Sophie loves all of us, but prefers one member over another at the moment. For example... she LOVES music. Ryan is a great singer and guitar player. She will focus on him at the moment. She will sit on his shoulder, start dancing and singing. When Sean plays the violin, she will seek him out. listens from the couch, since she can't sit on his shoulder. When I play the piano... she will sit on my shoulder, and wag her tail like crazy, trying to sing in baby talk. You will definitely NOT lose a finger! Encourage music. I am sure you will find out, your baby will LOVE your music. nancy
  6. I made a point of watching today. Right footed for all three! I am right handed.... so obviously, they take after mom! Nancy
  7. Dave... you had me laughing!!!! They keep coming back, no matter what you do! That being said... kids as teenagers focus on themselves, they don't care if we as parents get a bird! They want us to be happy, and will NOT be jealous. Even though Sophie was here for a decade, I was waiting for the " fallout", when Ryan left for school, as they are extremely close. Didn't happen! When he calls... Sophie gets on the phone and is excited to talk to him. When he walks in the door at midnite, she comes running in the kitchen to see her friend. When he leaves two weeks later.... she is just as happy. No changes, in anything! Nancy
  8. Joe and oblivion have excellent advice. Competition, actually helps. They will become more interested in learning, more willing to please. They eventually learn it is not a competition, and learn to work with the other bird. ( hopefully). It worked for us. I was very distressed, when Max, my senior Lhasa Apso, was working on " handing the reins", off to Sophie. She was three. I didn't believe in his choice. In the end, he was right. He saw something in Sophie, from the start. He took her under his wing, and groomed her, to take over the animal kingdom. She now rules. Her decisions are fair. Nancy
  9. Artoo... I always wash their toys that are dishwasher safe, as well as wash their toys in a diluted bleach solution. We all want them to be safe, but I also learned NOT to go crazy from preventing them to get exposed to natural germs. They need to develop an immune system. The best thing you can ever do for your bird, is ALWAYS wash your hands before handling them. This is the number one thing you can do, to prevent them from getting sick. Sophie knows, I have to wash my hands, before handling her. She waits patiently. It must work, as she has never been to the vet beside " well child visit." Nancy
  10. Greywings has amazing advice! I play it safe and offer a diet of pellets and whatever my bird groomer tells me to get. I also offer fresh fruits and veggies daily. Of course my bird groomer weighs them and tells me if they are over weight. Luckily, they never have been. I know, many are asking why I trust my groomer so much! You have to know him. He is quite eccentric, and lives for birds. He has been part of our life for the past decade. He won't even comment on anything, unless you are screwing up! Oneday, he asked me my name. I was shocked! I told him. He asked me " how did you manage to get into one travel cage, three birds of different origins?" I told him, " lets go!" He wanted to know the living arrangements, etc. I( couldn't explain, why three birds of different species, have chosen to live together. They just did.) From that day forward, he has helped me with my birds. He is more important to me than a vet. He has ruled over Sophie like a father. Nancy
  11. Willo is absolutely adorable! Can't wait for more pictures! Nancy
  12. Artoo... way too soon to be concerned! LOL! It really is actually NEVER a worry, because some greys don't like toys, but like to shred. Pinatas, popsicle sticks, the phonebook! Sophie enjoys boardgames, reading a book then destroying it. The list goes on and on. Nancy
  13. I wish I saw different colors that you all see. I'm going to stop... take a deep breath, and look again. I do know, after Kiki has a bath, my Amazon, she fluffs up all her feathers when getting blowed dryed. They are amazing! Navy blues, red, green etc. She has the most amazing colors. nancy
  14. Gwen... sooo happy for you! You are so right. Thru perseverance and patience, you won out and have the bird to show for it. I truly believe in what you have done. Congratulations! You should be very proud ! Nancy
  15. Many don't believe in routine. I do. A playstand is always meant to be fun, and their " happy place!" A cage is for bedtime. Sophie goes to bed at 8pm, just like any child, that needs a set bedtime. NO arguements! ( unless we have a party, LOL) I would suggest not starting with timeout at this time. Your baby needs to learn to trust you, and desire to be with you as a family. Focus on stepup training, diet and wrist status. Initially when Sophie was new, was working on the trust issue, but wasn't fully there yet, if she bit, I gently grabbed her beak, gently shook it and said no.( don't yell or scare your baby. Just be consistent.) You have to have baby interested in the family, before timeout can happen. Maybe many months.Once Sophie was " hooked", wanted to be with us and wanted to please us, then I gave her timeout if gently shake of her beak and saying no, didn't work. She didn't go to her cage as it is filled with toys and a fun place to be. I had a smaller cage in dining room, away from all the other birds and us. No toys. She got five minutes and of course when she was done, we discussed it. I'm sure she met Ryan in the same room as the " timeout chair", was there also. I can imagine the conversation! Ryan: whatcha in for? Sophie: biting. What YOU in for? Ryan:punching my brother. Sophie: How much time do you have left in the joint? Ryan: five minutes. Sophie: whose your parole officer? Ryan: MOM! Nancy
  16. In my opinion, " height domination", is just the beginning. They need to be less tall than you. Once stepup and trust is established, it doesn't matter. Now all birds stepup, no matter where they are on the cage. Nancy
  17. Biscotti is a doll! What many know about me, is I LOVE when a bird has a " true sense of self". It is the beginning, to an amazing road! Biscotti is on the road. Nancy
  18. I watched the video. We all respond, and do different things. I can't say I do, whats best for them, as I don't have the " experience" you and Dave have. I can just tell you, what I would do, without judgement. I would remove the ball! You have more experience than me. What do you think is best? Nancy
  19. Ella Rose and Missy, have a " bond" that is developing. It is very important, and worth nurturing. Take your time to develop it, but it is already there. Ryan bonded with Sophie, when he was ten. She LOVES him to death! He's had the same girlfriend since 10th grade. Sophie will sit between them. She HATES his girlfriend! Ryan belongs to Sophie. We all know it! Nancy
  20. Malikah! It trully stinks when you work so hard to gain your baby's love, and they choose someone else. I can relate, and truly empathize. I can help you. Sophie did the same thing. Loved Ryan best. Now, Sophie loves all of us and goes to all of us, for different reasons. She loves all of us equally, but for different reasons. At the end of the night, I am her " ROM", and she knows I keep her safe. Nancy
  21. Always talk and teach in your normal voice. They will be just as curious to learn. Isaac is smart! Many birds start with a " robatic voice". Sophie quickly talked like me. We both have alot to say, so kids make fun of us. I say " what?" They just laugh! I guess... like mother, like daughter. Nancy
  22. I have DNA sexed all my birds thru testing. The only scientic way Nancy
  23. Sherry and Pepper... this is the fun and exciting part! Congratulations on being adopted by the most amazing bird on this planet. Ifn you can, place your birds cage in front of all the family activity. When you get home and are ready to demonstrate family activity... open the cage, play a game with hubby and offer for your bird to come out and play! It is up to them, to make the decision, you are trustworthy, and want to be part of the action. Don't rush new baby. It takes alot of time, and it can't be rushed. When Sophie DID finally come out, we were playing the game " trouble". We didn't go crazy... just accepted her presence. She wanted to pop the bubble in the worst way. She had to go to everyone in the group to " push" the bubble. ( Of course she thought she did it)> LOL Hence... she was learning " stepup". Whenever she got stressed... she went back to her cage, watched us from afar. She learned I was mom, "rom" to her. Kids were cool, but Rom always had a way of making the decisions. As far as biting... I never put myself in a position to be bit. It was up to Sophie to initiate she was trusting me, and wanted to comeout. She was never allowed shoulder status for next six months after getting adopted. She let me know, when she understood biting issue. ( I also removed all of my earrings. I LOVE gemstones, and so does she!) LOL Everyone gets bit unfortunately. Always make biting less attractive. No earrings. No shoulder status. Be patient, be the parent and let your grey understand your expectations. NEVER let them know you are afraid. I remember always saying to myself... " I am the parent, YOU are the child!" It has worked for me. A decade later, Sophie is always on my shoulder, preening me, regurgitating ( I know when a big one is coming!) I haven't been bit since she was three. She is as energetic as the day I met her. Sophie, is my best friend. BUT... when she is naughty... I let her know, and I become the parent. She knows! Nancy
  24. I missed out on Sophie's development, since she was two, when she came here. I think about it often, as she is now twelve, and my best friend. Thanks for sharing. Nancy
  25. I look at Sophie and the gang. I know every feather they lose. I also know every feather, they need to lose! Kids laugh at me. They ask me all the time, why do you focus on every little thing? They don't understand, that yes, I am the parent. It is actually easier to be a parent of a teenager. I rule over my bird kingdom very strictly. To keep three different species under control, I need to be respected as the main parent! While many think I am controlling my birds, I do not. There cages are open, and open door policy, is very important to me Nancy
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