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Shelly Yokum

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Everything posted by Shelly Yokum

  1. I am paying $1200 from the breeder here in KY.
  2. WOW I love it, I wish that I had room for something like that. That is just nice as can be.
  3. That was so cute, I hope that my Grey will be that loving.
  4. That hurts, I don't have a zon, all I have are Macaws. I will be baby sitting two tomorrow night, but don't think I need to be bathing them for I will just have them over night.
  5. Hello and welcome, and congrats. You will find the nicest people here and alot of useful information.
  6. My b/g is the same way. I fix him his bowl of food and put it at one end of the table, and he will perch on the back of the chair and eat his food, while we eat ours. Then its cool and the utensils aren't close to him. He feels like part of the family. He thinks he is eating the same things we are, but sometimes he is and sometimes not, depending on what we are having. Sometimes he will examine the other plates and go back to his bowl. I think its kind of cute.
  7. This all depends on what you want in a bird. It also depends on how it is treated and raised. If you get one from a baby, you will grow together. Some say that TAG are not as nippy, but I know some CAG that doesn't bite much either. I personally want a Congo, I think they are better talkers, even thou its not a guarantee either will talk. I would go to a breeder and handle them both, and just see which one appeals to you, and which one prefers you.
  8. Just keep trying them, sometimes you can grind them up really small or even liquefy them and get some Jiffy corn meal mix and slip it right into that. Just follow the recipe, and you can even add the egg shells for protein. I think all birdies love cornbread
  9. If you have it on your hand or finger, simply hard the arm away from you, and bend your arm so that he would have to go down it. Birds want to be at the highest point and will not go down your arm. Hold your arm out so that can't grab onto clothing to climb up.
  10. I hope yours don't do you like mine did me, totally hurt my feelings. I made Roy and Prince both a toy, looked weird, but ok lets try this. Prince loved his and give me kisses while I hung it in his cage. Roy I took out and put on the play gym then hung it in his cage and took him back to his cage he sat on the door and looked at this and screamed and screamed until I had to take it down. So I was going to trade the toys between the two of them even thou they were almost identical, Prince would not have it. He just hissed and hisses
  11. These stories are all so cute. Marcus is something else now. Prince hates the spray bottle, tolerates the shower if he goes in by himself, but if I get in with him, he loves to throw water on me. Roy, doesn't like or dislike either one. I think he prefers the spray if he had a say so in that matter. He likes to open his beak and get the water sprayed in his mouth. You all are killing me with these Grey stories and making it harder to wait on mine. I am going to visit him/her this weekend.
  12. As we know I am still impatiently waiting for a CAG but Roy will talk really low, most of the time I can't make it out, but sometimes I hear him say Roy shut up, stop it, and its kind of sad, because his voice is much different. He will sometimes say wanna go nite, hahaha wanna go nite hahaha
  13. sounds like all your birdies eat well. Also sounds as if you never leave the kitchen, I can relate. feed the birdies, feed the kid, feed me feed the birdies, feed the kid, feed me, then dishes, dishes and more dishes and do it all over again and again.
  14. I have often thought similar thoughts, this was very good. Just yesterday I told a friend about me getting Valentine and how excited I was. He stated I hate to think how much that is costing you. I told him the price and he just couldn't believe it. The birds are my babies, to me you reach the money it hurts for a second, then the love comes rolling in from both parent and birdie. Kind of like, giving birth. Labor is the worse pain you can feel, but once you have that new bundle of joy in your arms, you tend to forget the pain. If you look at a bird as a dollar sign then find it another home. At times nothing can make me happier, sadder, loved, or even appreciate they way my birds do. They don't sass or backtalk they don't ask for an allowance, or the car keys. Its ok to put them in a cage and leave them there for a while.
  15. Well, I needed a good cry, I am so sorry, and feel your pain. This is so sad I don't know anything to say to make it an easier for you. Good luck wishes to you and the entire family.
  16. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I punish my Macs, and they know it. No I do not spank them or yell at them. If they are out of the cage, and chew on something I tell them no, and give them something that is ok to chew. If they go back to what they are not suppose to have then they go to the cage for a time out.
  17. I know how you feel. I am going Saturday to meet Valentine for the first time. Good luck and congrats
  18. This is just absolutely heart breaking. I am so so very sorry. Thought and prayers to you and the little birdie
  19. If you give them tap water I would take a couple of gallons with you. Different water in different areas can upset the tummy. I drove a truck for over 15 years, and some water didn't agree with me either and made it hard to do my job. So I would start mixing a little of each to get them use to the difference. Good luck, and travel safely.
  20. I would have to say this is very interesting. I have nicknamed Roy, my ruby macaw crabby bird. He is always growling like a dog, and bluffing like he is going to bite ya. Prince is Prince, he struts like he is top bird. He flirts and cuddles and just the sweetest b/g ever.
  21. My macaws will hurt you over chicken and Pizza, but only Prince will tear up the bone. I don't think they realize its actually another kind of bird they are woofing down.
  22. Mine get the unsweetened apple juice, and orange juice with calcium on a rare occasion
  23. Oh wow he is beautiful, plump and healthy looking. What is he drinking? My macs love to still a drink of whatever I am having, and we fight daily over my coffee, that I had to go decaf.
  24. Hello and welcome and get wishes to you and feathered friend
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