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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Great story! Thanks for sharing it. Well, apparently Millie does! ;-D
  2. My mischief was just now on his spiral rope and he was so excited about a plastic bolt and screw that he took the bot, got upside down while still hanging from the spiral rope, flapped his wings and had pretty much a perfect time. I watched for a while , he was chewing the screw, still flapping around and in a second it went out of hand. He jumped on that rope so fiercely (of course still hanging upside down) that his legs just gave up/or, most likely, he didn't pay attention and he fell from 40cm height to a flat back on the table :-(( He got up immediately, did a circle around the room (flying), went into cage, drank water, eat a pellet and is back out again talking.. All that in a minute! Should I be aware of something special that might have gone wrong- some latent consequences? He would have squeaked if he hurt himself, right? He does let me touch him on the back, as usual.
  3. Morana


    Great question! I just read this and my vet confirmed: some peanuts harbor deadly molds that are toxic to birds. (aflatoxins). I think the shell is the problem. And if I'm not mistaken, Alex (the most famous CAG) died from that.
  4. Wow. That is one hell of a story!!! Welcome!:-D Con grads on your baby! Glad he makes you happy! Sorry about Robin :-( And about health issues...well I'm really glad you're enjoying yourself with your birdie and your other rescued pets (including hubby- Lol) ;-). It is hard to go through so much. I had surgeries, and a car accident, and surgeries again, but nothing like you. Mostly I'm grateful about still being alive (after a car accident) but from time to time I moan how my life is so hectic and hard but it takes guts and powerful will to get through what you have been through:-D Respect.
  5. Hello! :-) Well you do have some serious problems. Please tell us how long have you known the birds? When did eclectus start to act differently? How old are the birds? Did they have a previous owner/s? These are just a few questions that I think are important, so please answer them. Second, I'm just a newbie so I recommend reading threads that already exist here (on this forum). Even if you get a straight answer here, it would be wise to start reading stickys and other posts. Many members have parrots that have been rescued and have issues of their own so their experience and their stories could help a lot. More experienced members will probably ask more questions and give some of the answers. Good luck. These are links which I got on my mail because I bought many things from that site and it really helped much, so... just to get you thinking and to give you hope :-) Hope everyone is ok about posting this here(?) Hope other people will benefit too:-) http://www.birdtricks.com/blog/fixing-finger-phobia/ http://www.birdtricks.com/blog/?s=the+phases+of++fear&x=10&y=11 (the section for you is below this first story. It is called How Fast Can Your Parrot REALLY Be Trained? and there is a section about thee phases of fear.
  6. Morana

    Picky Eater

    Interesting combinations! :-D I'm certainly give it a try! All of it :-P PS: Also that I tried today was a smoothie with cooked vegetables and fruit.. Let just say, it didn't go as planed.. I even put some sunflower sees so he'll accidentally eat some of the veggies.. He ate a few seeds and decided it was, obviously, to disgusting to carry on :-S Then I tried to make juice out of it.. He sipped..once.. Eh...
  7. Tnx guys!! :-) I had same ideas (combined) but I did want your conformations (so I don't mess up ;-) ) + I am gonna put paper towels and other paper on it and in it (because he likes shredding paper) so we'll see how it goes. ..and maybe buttons.. Great idea about popcorn! I'm gonna keep you posted! :-)
  8. tnx!:-) Zak is terrified of the boxes because,, in the past, we used smaller boxes to get him to the vet. We had to because when we took him in a small bird cage he flapped with his wings so hard they bled, ...but I'll give it a try :-) If you have any suggestions how to get him to like boxes more easily please do tell!:-)
  9. Morana

    Picky Eater

    One more failure. We tried cooked but cold vegetables. Today we're gonna try warm vegetables and maybe a frappe with veggies and some fruit in it (without milk)... Hope it works! :-)
  10. I"m so sorry. Hope your birdie will soon be more than OK. Antibiotics should do the trick. Please keep us posted. Best thoughts!!!! :-)
  11. Loool! Mine did that too when I was undressed just before going to shower. However, he doesn't do that any more.. Guess I need to start working out again!Lol ;-)
  12. Ok, since I see lot of you folks get your parrots boxes for playing....where do you get the boxes so you aren't afraid whether cardboard is clean enough for a bird to play in it? rbpittman, try to put safety pumice perches where the food/water bowls are . It works for Zak perfectly. Or even in front of the cage door (but in the cage) so your birdie needs to step on it before getting out...(?)
  13. So, if I were to have a rabbitAir I would still need a humidifier. Right? :-)
  14. Lool! Great story and great comment! :-D
  15. Congrats on the pregnancy!:-) Please don't clip your birdies wings! :-( There was a good thread about restricting his freedom to one room in the house and put him in a cage when he is in another room (when the baby is born). Hubby can clean the cage and the poop. And a good thread about the gloves and the mask if you clean it yourself. You can gradually introduce baby to your birdie and vice versa, of course with your or hubby's constant supervision. I think birdie will know that he is a baby and be careful about him. My Zak is always very quiet when I am sick. He watches me all the time and sometimes comes to me to check on me. If he gets somewhere on me (hip or shoulder), while I lie, he stands very still, doesn't do much of anything, except watches me. He knows I am not well, respects that and takes care of me the best way he knows how. So there is a good chance your Grey will also figure things out and they will grow together as friends. Make sure that you don't neglect your baby Grey.. :-)
  16. Nice pictures! :-) My Zak is molting now too.. Feathers everywhere..
  17. I don't have nothing new to say except, don't let them preen, or to be exact, don't let Willow to pluck Leo's feathers!
  18. Well I also read that breeding behaviors can be induced by artificially extending the photo period to 14-16 hours. How long, exactly ,did you had your lamp on?
  19. Sorry for deviating from the topic but I can now see that in my last post says "...ove each other wan't to have their own place to live and hang out..". It says "wan't" but I didn't write that. Never the less, I wanted to correct it, a minute ago, and while in "edit post mode" it says want without apostrophe. What the heck!?
  20. In the end, it is very simple. If you, key87, come to terms with some of your issues, which are obviously here or we wouldn't react,..and prevail, you'll stay, post pictures of your birdies, talk to us, calm down, get the benefits.... It will be that obvious. Don't be disqouraged, don't get wind up or think we don't want you here. Life always throws at you the lesson you need to learn at that very moment. We''ll help :-) If you can't set aside what is troubling you, noone will say to you anything even remotely related about what you are interested in and you'll still have the same issue (...and I am not talking about answers about breeding) troubeling you . So, be a bit more eloquent than "ooooooooooooooo!" and tell us what you think :-) Have you read some of the other threads on other topics? What do you think about my last post-a 10 year plan? :-)
  21. Lol! I did enlarge the picture the first time too but white handle and the position of the hand looks like someone is holding a cigarette! Lol My apology :-)
  22. I still stand by my reasoning. Two children, boy and a girl may share the same room, the same tub while they are little but afterwards,.. it is bound there to be some issues. It won't stop with your birds either. At least I don't think it will. And, from what I have observed with families..someday, brother and sister who love each other wan't to have their own place to live and hang out.. Mature birds want to have their own tree/nest..
  23. isn't it dangerous for birds to be near cigarette smoke? (third picture)
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