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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Morana

    Picky Eater

    Uh... today I offered Zak some fried eggs in which I put, a bit less than, a tea spoon of RPO. Served the eggs along with mine on the same plait. I pretended it was so delicious (although I haven't put enough salt in my eggs :-S ) and he tried it and trowed it away.. :-( He tried several times but always the same reaction.. Maybe he wasn't hungry..? I put his eggs in his dish so maybe he'll try it later... How long can the eggs stay in the dish like that?
  2. Hello! Great story! Millie and you seem both great! I look forward to hearing more about Millie:-) I am so glad she can go out of her cage now and you seem like a great parent:-) Welcome!!
  3. Morana

    Picky Eater

    Great advice people! Thank you so much! I let my Zak drink from a cup and her loves it but I never get an idea that I could easily do it with vegetables too! Another question.. How do you fry eggs for them.. On red palm oil? on regular oil, without oil,..? Afterward add RPO? What is sweet potato? Tops? Are red or orange peppers dried or fresh?
  4. I just wanted to say, if you leave your birdie at home, don't forget to instruct the person who is sitting Bodhi what to do and whom they need to refer to if anything bad would to happen. Just in case.. Telephone numbers, vet's number, ER for pets number, her routine, teats, favorite toys, ... basically I am saying, let the person get to know your Grey before you go. I wouldn't leave my birdie in boarding facility. It could be much more stressful but that is all individual. Good luck!
  5. I meant what I said but, of course, if everything else- medically is all right :-) Tnx birdhouse :-) I forgot to mention that.
  6. Hello:-) I wanted to say something that helped me in your situation. Two years ago my boyfriend moved from another part of Croatia to my city to be with me. To be exact, he moved in with me. My small apartment became even smaller+apartment is in very low attic. Since my CAG was here before him, his cage, perches, t-stands and toys occupy the highest part of the apartment and I could tell Zvone is not to thrilled to be crunching in the low part, because it is veeery low. We'll he is right. Neither of them should be deprived but we couldn't afford better. After a month or two, Zak became hormonal and territorial and he basically flipped out. Lounged at us for no apparent reason. He would hurt us so bad, my ears, hands, neck bled so bed as so did my boyfriends. Since I didn't know what to do, Zak was out of the cage while Zvone was at work (and I was really affraid of him) and inside when Zvone came home. Zak was accustomed to be out of the cage all day long, so when he was inside, he screamed as hell. This only made things worse. After time, Zvone gave my birdie the second chance and everything was fine for a little while. Then the biting, screaming, lounging began again. And the same procedure happened but this time I saw in my boyfriends eyes that he really means it when he says "him or me".. I had no choice. He was sometimes so mad on the bird that I thought he might hurt him. Of course that never happened but that look in his eyes when Zak bit him.. God!.. Well, Zak did know to bite him so hard he blackened his finger nails, or he couldn't move his hand for couple of days how bad it was. It was extremely bad with Zak back then. I searched internet and found site http://www.birdtricks.com. Christmas came (so I got some money) and I ordered taming, training and tricks package which came with a script which said something like this: If you haven't covered some basic needs of your bird, don't even start to train. You can't succeed. When I read the script, although it was simple I realized i neglected or, better yet, I didn't know how to solve some simple problems with my bird. And yes, my Zak was a screamer when he wanted to be. Now I was in search of all the things were mentioned in the script. After changing few simple things Zak became another bird in the matter of days! I was shocked. I was doing wrong so many things and wasn't even aware of it!! It was a revelation. You need to understand, all those things that he needed we don't have in Croatia so I searched internet for months and months and during that time raised money. Customs are horrible here. From package I learned how to get him to play with toys by himself and much, much more.. Half a year from then I ordered another package- Total parrot transformation and with it came lot of free goodies. Among that was "secrets" how to stop screaming, touch training, some free toys... I was extremely happy! I borrowed money to buy all of that.. The problem with the whole thing was: it said not to put your bird on a training diet (so you could train with him) unless you weigh your bird every day and track it. I even didn't have a digital scale. Everything was so expensive so I couldn't order it either. I got a bird scale just two months ago, made a T perch for it, a month ago and we are still in process on getting him on the t-perch without being too scared. So, two years passed and I still haven't begun to train him; but I implemented as many things I could from what I have read and I can tell you , I have totally new parrot! But, to be perfectly honest, I still haven't gone through all DVD-es I got, because in those two past years I had two surgeries, lot of physical therapy, I am still trying to finish college, I tutor whenever I can, and I cook and clean at home because I am pretty much at home while my boyfriend supports us. So I have still a looooot in front of me but with what I managed I achieved lot. Zak doesn't lounge at all, doesn't bite except when my boyfriend bullies him but then Zvone knows he deserved it and it is not bad biting as before. Zak is just trying to get rid of Zvone sometimes ;-) They have a new bond. Not a very healthy, if you ask me, but nevertheless a bond. I can't say it is a healthy bond because my boyfriend refuses to read anything about Zakica ( he is a stubborn ass sometimes (as I can be)) and he is trying to prove a point-that I should finally do what I set out to do-to train Zak). He doesn't even try to train Zak (I try to train a bit with positive reinforcement) but the worse thing is that most of the time he is bulling the bloody bird and I can't prove him wrong. He thinks they are playing! And they are playing, ...sometimes. Zak lets him do things that he doesn't let anyone else to do:-) Zak was simply ecstatic when Zvone came from holiday (he came a week after me). That bird loves him but Zvone doesn't now to read his body language and often messes things up. Zak unambiguously reacts to let him know how he feels but Zvone rarely figures out what Zak meant... Becuse of that I think is unhealthy relationship. I need to train booth of them and I can tell you, Zak is the easier one ;-) So my story is about keeping both of them and trying my best to reconcile those two worlds the best I can. I know I will succeed. Hope you can too:-) Good luck! PS: you are in advantage because you live in US. My bird eats pellets only when I have money to import them. When he doesn't have pellets he is on a seed, (veggie) and fruit diet which I know is not much, but that's what we've got.. And I can tell you, you can't train a bird (at least I don't know how) when he is on a seed died because what the hell is a treat/reward gonna be.. :-S PPS: Zak wants kisses, hugs, wants to play with us, doesn't bite,doesn't lounge, talk a lot, play by himself, screams very little and a whole lot more :-D
  7. It can take a long time for her feathers to grow back. It would be horrible for Gracie if you would keep her in the cage for the whole period. Does she absolutely needs to be clipped, or let me refraze, can you provide her a room where is no risk for her to fly away somewhere, and where she can be free most of the day? PS: why did you restrict her to her cage? not to hurt herself or to wait until her feathers grow back? And I don't think she'll get used to the cage. As no one could get used to the prison..
  8. In our country Grey's are called Zako, but Z has check mark over it (it is a letter which doesn't exist in engl.). For that reason my mother started calling him Zako, Zako (but just with slightly different accent), then she shortened it in Zak (with check mark over it) and he learned it very quickly so there was no point in changing it. I wanted the name Mike but he didn't like that one , nor did my mother.. .-S
  9. Horses will swallow air in order to get "high". They fill up their bellies with air which makes their brain to think they just ate and release endorphin, which makes them happy. It shouldn't be encouraged. Whether is the same with birds I don't know.
  10. I agree with Greywings. I know your new cage is expensive. Have you consider selling it and then buying two cages for your birds if cage divider doesn't work..? This behavior shouldn't be tolerated even a title. One bird is bullyng the other. Think of the kids..you wouldn't let one pluck hair from another, would you? even if the other one is just zen and loves his bigger sister.. (for example..)
  11. I must be blind because I can't find where the thread with pic. of parrot owners is.. So I'll post here.. These are from yesterday.. I've been known to look better but it will do ;-)
  12. I had a sound of tropic bird that squeaked when windows restarted. Zak imitates that sound but at least 15 times louder and when he makes it, being on your shoulder, from excitement or protest, it resounds in my head and there is a humming sound in my ear for at least 10 minutes :-S For "no" sound he says "piu, piu, piu" fast, in high pitched voice veeeery loud. But this is a "no" like protesting on "why the hell am I still an the cage" type of thing.. When he knows he did something bad or sometimes he doesn't want me to do something he says NO. Piu, piu sound is more frequent..
  13. Welcome!! :-D Don't forget the pictures! ;-)
  14. Tnx!! :-D I really like taking pictures of him, so don't be cross with me if I overdo it a bit with posting pictures.. ;-)
  15. Here is me on another picture of my Zak. I haven't taught him yet to stand on a shower perch without being scared :-S
  16. I am not from England. I am from Croatia, so that would be in your neighborhood ;-) What you have written now makes more sense. You won't make enemies on this site. Actually, the fact people are writing to you means they care. And another thing... I think I read somewhere you said you are 23 years old...(?) I admire your enthusiasm but if this is a destiny for you, it will be here still after, say, a decade. Let me explain.. When I was your age I thought I won't get married or live with anyone (don't ask me why ;-) ) so having a Grey made perfect sense. But somewhere along the way my life changed so drastically I can't even begin to explain. Many things happened. Now I live with my boyfriend (for couple of years now) and having a Grey seems like a complication. We will eventually move to a bigger place (when I get a job) but I am still waiting on that. Before my boyfriend, the apartment we're in seemed big enough for Zak and me. Now it is way too small. And imagine one more thing. I am still a student. Why? Because I developed so many health issues I wasn't able to go to college and was forced to pause for 5 years (altogether)!!! So, my point is: things don't turn out as you expect them to. I had plans and it all went straight to hell. You don't know where you'll be tomorrow. I'm not saying "be scared because you may die tomorrow", I am saying, maybe you'll get married, have kids, or travel, or whatever, and what would then happen to your birds? Learn hard and live your future and around 30-35 if you have same wish, same ambition, equal possibilities, then why not! If it is your destiny, it won't go away. In the meantime, there are soooooo many people that need to be educated and prevented from harming their birds. I applaud you on saving and caring for your birdies! Right on! :-) One more thing to consider, you may want to think about working for some breeder. Maybe you would learn even more and partially fulfill your dream right now. And now I think it is time to present your birdies to us :-) Names, pictures,... so we can admire another new member of our flock! :-) Welcome! :-)
  17. Hello and welcome! :-) I just wanted to say, you already got great advice,. Just be patient and take it slow. My last parrot, that we found on one rainy day, needed six months, six hard and frustrating months to settle down but after that he was the best friend in the world. So don't feel discouraged, it may take longer than you expect/want but rest assure, they bring back ten fold for all your love, patience and troubles ;-) PS: and my birdie also bited. Hard.
  18. Well it is nice to know that you are serious about it, but don't feel frustrated for people trying to put you off. It is normal because so many have tried and failed and birds suffer. To be perfectly honest, I don't want anyone else to breed more birds because of what Greywings said. Too many birds are mistreated, abused and without a home. If anyone is a true parrot/bird lover, including you, should first try to help those birds anyway they can by adopting, educating people, raising money for the shelters where some of the birds are kept,... Consider that as your calling. It is extremely hard and noble. But whatever you decide, stay with us and try to learn as much as you can.
  19. IMHO, this forum represents people who passionately share their life with these beautiful creatures, love them, care for them, go on the limb for them and basically, they are people who can't imagine their life not being intertwined with everyday pranks of their companion birds. Knowing that for the people on this forum love, health care, birds happiness and lot more is the most important thing, take a moment to realize how precious this is. These people have the knowledge, compassion and interest for everyone who has their birds well being in mind. With that said, I'm gonna cross a line here. I am very new here and I just speak for myself: I have my Grey for 8 years now and I can tell you that I sure as hell didn't sit on my ass and did not research about my bird but still I can tell something is lacking. That is how I found this forum. However, I can also tell you that only recently (two years ago) my perspective about what Grey's (or any birds life) should be changed dramatically. I would even go so far to say I didn't know hardly anything before. Hell, when I read this forum, I can say I hardly know enough now- because there is so much more to learn. But the most precious and important thing that I have working for me is that realization: I still don't know nearly enough! This allows me to be humble and ask for help because I do need it; allows me to learn through other peoples stories/threads and most important, because of my awareness, I put my birds well being before everything. Now, you don't need to be humble, you may know more now than I will learn in next six months.. You just need to recognize that six months worth research isn't good enough. At least not for what you are planing here. Another problem is, you wanted an advice from us, but at the same time, you provided so little information about yourself and your Grey, so of course people are a bit suspicious and mistrustful-you seem to be in a hurry! Like, give me my answers and I'll be on my merry way.. We want to be sure you are doing right, whatever you are trying to do. Personally I want to be sure that you'll keep in touch and let us know about everything that is going on. Don't get me wrong, if you triumph we'll celebrate and feel joyful with you, but if you have questions or problems we want you to share this too. Well being of the birds comes first! This is a big flock, and I think I can say this for everyone here, we wold be glad if you would decide to belong here. Please, whatever you decide, remember lives are at stake here. Happiness of one the most beautiful creature in the world is on the line every time you take things in your hands.
  20. Morana

    Picky Eater

    OK, this is a thread totally for me!! My birdie just won't eat veggies and over time I read about lot of different stuff people give their greys but I am always so unsure about is this particular type of food appropriate for the bird. Almost always I find contradictory information so I am always discouraged. I messed up.-I put this long enough! Also I am wondering, do we not kill all the vitamins when cooking veggies for our birdies? Can I please ask for a list of nutritional food that most of members would agree upon, especially veggies/food loaded with vitamin A and calcium? And please note whether it is preferred something to be cooked or to be raw. I'll start: oat (cooked) eggs (and how the hell do you put red palm oil in it? Do you fry the eggs first and then add RPO or..? broccoli dandelion (just leaf?) kale ...
  21. Well, talking about a fresh start, maybe it would to be wise to let your wife take over your responsibility about the bird for a while. If she really has associated the pain with you, it would be ok to back off a bit. Let your wife play with the birdie and every time you come near Gracie offer her a treat, or let your wife offer her a treat so, that way, you would reprogram her negative impression she might have regarding you. At first, spend little time with her and if goes well, then you have an answer to your concern and graduatelly you can begin visiting her more often (don't forget the treats, or new toys, or whatever she likes best whenever you are visiting..). That's the best I can think of. Hope you have success. And making sure (with a vet) about her wings would be prudent before acting on anything else. PS: caution, It may take a while so just be patience. Good luck!
  22. Great story!! :-) Thanks for sharing!
  23. Yes,.. things around the fruit were so scary that he threw them all on the floor and then went for the fruit! ;-) Now he has his bowl filled with fruit and what is he doing... He is bothering me ever since I got home...instead eating his fruit! Lol
  24. Today Zak decided that he, obviously, doesn't get near enough fruit as he would like to, so when I got out in the morning, just for a little while, he plotted revenge. When I go out I usually leave Zak outside of his cage and move all things he could wreck, poop, smash, could hurt him in any way..and today was no different. Also, he never touched the bowl of fruit which is in the same room as him but I put toys of which he is still afraid off around and on top of the fruit bowl as a safety measure and what did I see when I got back!? Zakica didn't bother to wait for me to give him fruit, instead he chewed two of bananas in the middle and had an early lunch!:-S Now he is sitting contently on my forearm watching me write.. Don't you just love them!? ;-)
  25. Thanks for all tips, I'm gonna try everything mentioned. Something is bound to work! :-)
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