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Everything posted by Morana

  1. I know everything is different in US so I asked my vet. She said that, by the law, bird must have a ring or a microchip. It is not expensive at all to microchip a bird but she says it is a nasty procedure because chip must go deep in their chest muscle so the bird must be completely sedated, can't fly for 10 days afterwards and must be supervised at all times in case of the bleed. I am grateful I don't have to put Zak through that. In Croatia we put same microchips in dogs and casts. I don't know how it is at your end.
  2. I don't mind it because I am the only one home for the most part of the day so Zak doesn't really have a choice. I think he loves my boyfriend better, but Zvone comes home late and wants a bit of the time for himself so I gladly take Zak with me. Since I have physical therapy, I tutor, clean the house and cook, the only time left is for studying so I play with Zak at the same time because till I graduate I can't offer much more. We play a bit during the day but not so much now, so I try to compensate this way. It is a velcro time for us;-) I'll be sure to act differently when this situation with college finishes. We didn't have problem with Zak being a velcro bird before so I hope there wont be permanent changes now either:-) It was more of a joke... in a way.. and in another, I know he wants to be with me much more than he did before. But I think this has something to do with our relationship. It is a new bonding era for us. I want to be much more with him because he changed a lot right along with me so we "click" better together, play better together and I don't want to miss that:-) I know I won't allow him to become a velcro, but for now, I can't resist his cuddly sweet nature.
  3. Oh, tnx. I have one of those too! Lol I am studying these days and it seems I cannot do it without Zakica in my lap. No wait!,..no,.. I am SURE I can't study without Zakica. Think whole world would come crushing down if I would leave him in another room while studying .Lol That's velcro, right!? Lool
  4. Well done Jessica for raising such a wonderful Grey! You did a great job!-and now we all know how much you love/d her:-)
  5. Great news!:-) I hope this continues and he'll be back home in no time! :-) I'm very happy Linus is better. He is a tough little birdie:-)
  6. Can you please explain to me what does " velcro bird" means?
  7. Hahaha..very funny!-D Thanks for sharing! :-)
  8. Yes, please don't make us wait too long! We can't wait to hear new adventures of Yoshy!:-D
  9. Great story! A devilish little fellow;-)
  10. Hihihihi... You really make my laugh! :-D Great stories! You have a very smart little birdie! And very pretty at that too:-) Love to hear more stories about yogi. Just a word of caution.. Maybe Rascal is not interested in Yogi now, but never the less, Rascal is a cat and has instincts, so just keep an eye on your kitties while Yogi is around;-) PS: what happened to Biscuit?
  11. Tnx for the answers:-) Just one thing, what are the groundnuts? I get a picture of a peanut when I enter it in Google :-S
  12. Have no idea why you have an a opinion of me that I do not smile or enjoy life. And I really do need a translator with your posts. What in gods name does this mean:"Try to recognize when I write tongue in cheek if not foot in mouth"? You are killin' my dictionaries! Lol uh...and my last post here.. For the last time, I don't care to be righteous, I wanted to emphasize the importance of not just leaping into situations where birds may get hurt because of it. But you always find a way to twist my thoughts somehow. But I will say this.. I am cautious. Too much sometimes and this tends to block my intuition. And where are you disappearing, if I may ask? You won't be back at all? Can I be so selfish to ask whether your Tinkerbell legacy will still be open for us to read? Well for what is worth, I want to have so intuitive relationship with my bird as it seems you have with Nature creatures. And thank you for all your time and advice, it is greatly appreciated. ...and it would be nice if you were to come back :-) PS: I do smile a lot ;-)
  13. He is beautiful!:-) What is his/her name? Welcome!-:-)
  14. This is exactly what I was trying to say in my post about favorite drinks. There are some things that need to be said. Especially for the beginners so there would not be accidents or even worse! So, at one point in our lives when we do now how, posses knowledge, experience and wisdom, and can decide for our selves, at that point I'll maybe be thinking about giving my Zak a glass of fine wine...-the wine is not my point! ;-) For now, I'll be oriented towards good and SAFE life for my birdie:-)
  15. Hi all! I am really interested about making the TM but I did have a lot of questions after reading,and rereading, and rereading ;-) Shanlungs links so as he graciously offered to help me through all the steps I wrote him a pm which I'm gonna paste here and he'll answer so everyone can benefit. It is written a bit in my "not understanding English that great" style so sorry for the typos and oddly constructed sentences;-) And yes, I forgot to mention, these questions are mostly about TM 7! Here goes: "Tink mash Hi! I have a huge problem with the recipe.. :-( The dictionaries I have (on line and at home) don't know how to translate most of the ingredients so I tried Wikipedia and Google images. With images I recognized some things from the list but most of it I am guessing. Some just look the same to me but I know it isn't the same. So here come my questions... I really have all sorts of questions.. Please try to explain the best you can. Maybe include pictures..(?) 1) Doesn't sweet corn have large amount of sugar? Isn't that harmful for the birds? 2) I don't know if we have in our stores frozen sweet corn (I never saw any). Can I buy fresh and then freeze it? Is there a process which I need to follow or I can just put it in the fridge? why does it need to be frozen in the first place? 3) I newer saw a sweet potato so I don't think we have any. Can I use something else instead? 4) When I saw pictures of kidney beans I thought it was red bean, so what is the difference between those two? How will I recognize them (from each other)? 5) When I saw pictures of lima beans and Great Northern white beans I thought they are the same, so what is the difference between those two? How will I recognize them (from each other)? 6) If I except something from the recipe, do I need to compensate with something else? 7) What are green beans? This: http://www.ifood.tv/blog/four-tasty-...of-green-beans ? Or does it has to do with peas? 8) There are peas in the picture but I haven't seen in the recipe that it says peas .. So how much peas? Or you want peas in a bean and that would then be answer to question number 7? So what do I do with the bean? throw it away? 9) Brown crushed barley? I think I know what barley is? But brown? Are there some other kind? I think I eat that for breakfast:-) 10) I don't know the difference between brown glutinious rice and brown rice? Glutinous means sticky, right? How can rice be sticky? 11) I know what oat is, but what is brown rolled oat? 12) Have no idea what are brown rolled wheat berries. Picture? 13) Do i "peel" the shell of a Brazilian nut, right?-and how am I gonna do that? I saw them in a seed mix but don't know where can I buy just them. Any suggestions? 14) Now question about making TM. This is what I understood but I need exact time frame: In the morning I soak all the beans/peas for 8-10hours. Then I wash them/rinse and drain them. That is in the evening of the same day. I leave them like them in separate containers. Next morning, lunch time, dinner, for ten minutes I soak them again and then wash them/rinse and drain them. How many days do I need to repeat that process three times a day? Then I don't know when do I need to put peas and black beans in the fridge. How long do I need to keep them there? Also, I don't know when do I need to take a third of sweet corn and green beans and red beans and peas. Am I right to think that I pour boiling water over that? Now I put all the beans/peas in a pot and I keep it boiling for 5minutes. Remove icky scum while cooking. Then I cool it down. I blend all that was cooking and put it back in the pot and add water if it is too thick. Now I add that third of sweet corn and green beans and red beans and peas. Do I add millet now? I let it boil again and cook it for 10 more minutes. Do I continue to cook when I add grated sweet potatoes and grated carrots? Now I add wheat germ. At this time is pot still boiling? Is it all together ten minutes or this last two steps prolong the cooking period? Don't we kill all the vitamins with cooking? I removed the pot and wrap towels around the pot. Leave it overnight. When did I start to cook all this? I serve with veggies and fruit which I put in the mash? If I wanted to add Brazilian nuts and almonds I would do that when liquidizing, right? These are the questions for now:-D Regards, Morana "
  16. Loooooooooooooooool! You made me laugh so hard that Zak (who is on my hand at the moment) is making jumps up and down! Hahaha... Lol Thank you, cause you just made my day! :-)
  17. I can't wait to see the pictures!! :-) Say, could you, if it is OK with you, to say how much micro-chipping costs? And what is the range of the micro chip?
  18. You have bird fairs!? :-) Woow, I want to go too! :-) I'd wish something like that would happen in my corner of the world.. I'll check if something like that might show up in my neighborhood! :-) Fingers crossed!!
  19. yea, about that... Go look at your pm ;-)
  20. I'm looking forward on reading everything provided, and more ;-) And yes, probably will discard smoking and giving wine/beer to birdie;-) Lol ...but I'll let you now! ;-)
  21. Welcome!:-) Looking forward to pictures and stories about your flock!:-)
  22. Hi and welcome!:-) Loved your story although your previous experience with birds ended so horrific. But, now you are here, have a CAG, fresh beginning and he'll melt your hart completely, if he didn't already;-) Looking forward to many, many pictures and stories about your new feathered friend:-)
  23. yeeeeeeee! Love everything with happy ending! Great news! :-) Uh, I wrote this comment seeing just first page.. Now I see the second page and it is not such a great news at all :-(((((((( So sorry guys for your feathered friends. Hope they do recover soon (no matter what doctors say)! :-)
  24. Could someone please tape it and then share it, so the rest of us can watch it? :-)
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