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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Shanlung, your post wasn't erased because of what you said, but because of the way you said it. First thing I looked up when I found this site was Health and Nutrition, specifically, home hazards: http://www.greyforums.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=165&catid=2&Itemid=5 It says: " Do not feed your bird anything that you're not 100% sure about. Remeber NO Avocado, Rubarb, Chocolate, Alcohol or caffeine!" So I'm 100% sure that I don't know what can be in,whatever kind of alcohol someone is giving to their beloved companion bird, and I do rather want to be safe then sorry, so I'm saying DON'T! I think it is also obvious why Coca -cola or sweetened tea wouldn't be such a brilliant choice.. But that is my conviction that I'm sharing in hope no one will make a mistake of thinking he knows (instead of actually knowing) what is he/she doing. At one point, one may know what he can safely offer to one's bird, but that kind of "moderation" of which we spoke yesterday comes with knowledge and experience. I'm not there yet and I don't pretend to be so it is crucial to stress out (for others that recognize themselves in my words) what are the basics for safe life of our feathered friends. I think parrots and other animals love over-ripe and fermenting fruits but IMO, the point is exactly that: that is not the same as mans produce of alcohol. My father produces wine (for himself) and I can tell you, there is more in that wine than just grapes..and probably much more than a bit more things in Coca-cola. I wouldn't never offer either to my bird. Of course I don't think one sip of wine will kill the bird but I don't think it is wise to open this path to newbies (including myself). There are so many new members like myself, on this forum that are looking for strait answers. Someone might think (to early) or feel false confidence that some more objects from the "NO list " might be pretty safe...of course in moderation. So one might conclude that in comparison to alcohol it is probably safe to offer e.g. bit of avocado or a apple pit. Probably incy wincy bit of both wouldn't kill the bird. But cyanide in moderation wouldn't be our firs choice, now would it? And how much is incy wincy, to start with? And just to mention it, I don't know how many kids are reading this and how will they perceive our choices and act accordingly. (I am exaggerating "a bit" this part with cyanide, please don't panic ;-) ) However, I do want to apologize to all members for my kind of "telling you" tone which I tend to use when I have a strong opinion about something. I would hate if someone else would think that my intention was to offend them. My words are to form my opinion and they should be treated as such, nothing more. I don't look down on people, I don't think I have vast knowledge and I certainly don't think my way is the best. My goal is to provide the best care and life possible for my and any other bird so I'll continue going in that direction. When I use "DON'T this or that" I want to stress out something what I think is important and meant unambiguously. If I'm wrong someone is going to correct me, which is crucial for acquiring safe kind of knowledge. As a newbie I, and probably some of the other members/newbies, like when things are said in that way so I/we exactly know what to do with that specific information. However I just realized how my "telling you" tone can be mistaken so I'll try, in the future, to express myself more appropriate. If I fail to do so, please alert me. Thank you. PS: my birds favorite drink, but given very rarely, is strawberry juice
  2. But why would anyone go in the cage and reach for the bird to take it out!? Poor bird!
  3. Surgeries?- like BenzMama is performing or having!? :-S
  4. Hi Kim and Jeff! Welcome! BenzMama said it all ;-)
  5. Alcohol is toxic to your CAG!!!!!! Don't give him ANY beer! Cola is also bad for him because of carbon dioxide! Sweet tea is bad because it is sweet! They eat enough sugar in fruit..
  6. Are your birds molting? Can we please see the picture of his beak? Maybe he has overgrown beak.. We really need to see some pictures. How long is this behavior going on? If it doesn't subside and he continues to eat irregular, be sure to take him to the vet soon! Are you weighing him? It would be the best thing if you could weigh him every day to see if he is loosing weight. He shouldn't lose more than 10% of his overall weight or he'll be in trouble.
  7. Please don't reach inside of the cage with anything, and most certainly not with an oven mit !! Of course he is a biter!! I would be too if someone would force me out of my bed, or shower,safe place or whatever!!! And some birds won't ever ask to go out because they are too scared, or they don't know how, or they wouldn't think of that kind of signal. It is ok to let the bird observe for a while but then, open it's cage and he/she will decide on her/his own when or whether he/she wanna come out. It is great, afterward to teach them to first take the treat before stepping out because you''ll need that for other types of training. When Zak bites I firmly say NO and wait for him to "fluff down" and then pet him on his beak, "say softly that that is no way to behave" for him to see that he won't get rid of me that easily. I won't do what he wants me to do under his conditions. When I pet him I will leave (and that is when he gets what he wants) but I'm teaching him that there are some rules and principles and he can't do whatever and whenever he wants.. He often relaxes after that. When he has his D days and he does something really nasty (it is very rare), for example, if he bites really hard, he'll get time out in the cage but I won't yell or do anything else , and trust me, he doesn't object going to the cage then. He knows he deserved it. After 10/15 minutes I let him out again and everything is back as it was. I will never reach for him to put him or take him out!
  8. There are a lot of stories in this forum from people that adopted much older birds than 5 years old, and yes, they may come with baggage but every bird needs a loving forever home. And no bird is too old for playing, loving and having fun! :-) It just might take a bit longer...or not.. ;-) It really depends what you want and except of your new member of your family. You'll get a great friend either way. If it is all the same to you..,if you just want to have a child, take the older one because the younger one will probably more easily find a new home. Trust me, you already know the answer to your question, although you may not like it. There is not a wrong answer and you know yourself best, and what kind of parent you wanna be. So trust in your gut. Good luck and please let us know what you have decided:-)
  9. Welcome Thomas! What's your CAGs name? My mother rescued a birdie before my present CAG and he was homesick for six long months. He cried for his previous owner and called his name every day. He wouldn't let us come near him or touch him and he was biting all the time. We gave him his space and tried to do our best. After six months his heart was ready for his new home and within little time after that, he became our best friend. Just have patience and a whole lot of love. Good advice from Sherrie, so do enjoy this forum, useful tips and good luck! :-)
  10. So sorry about your last Grey:-( Good luck with your new baby. Hope to see some photos.Welcome!:-)
  11. Hi Jeff! and welcome!:-) I think people,, who already posted, just said it all. I share their opinion- you'll do just great! Keep us posted!:-)
  12. You need to check how will those other birds react to your bird and then decide. Because, if they don't get along, will these people keep their parrots in the cage during the weekend, or your? And what other options are at their disposal?
  13. Robin was magnificent!! Pictures are simply perfect! So sorry for your loss :-( Greyson is adorable, especially in the picture with the teddy bear and the one where he looks like snowflake:-) Tnx for sharing.
  14. Morana


    tnx. I thought the mold killed him.
  15. welcome! Hope hearing much more about you and Paulie. We would love some pictures of Paulie. What a beautiful name Paulie! :-)
  16. Ok, I sent translated letter and link from above to our zoo, biggest pet shops in my town and my vet. I'll be sending my feathered letters ;-) when I get better. And now i remembered I could also send it to the other people from my mailing list..Thank you for this useful post! :-)
  17. yeeeeeeeee for AnaBella! She's gonna be fine in no time! :-) Thanks for the update!
  18. My Zak shouts "Be quiet!" when I sing or listen to music and I can tell he means it..so I stop.. Then he stops. He just wants a little peace and quiet now and then.. ;-)
  19. Congratulation! Yes, tell us more about Gabby and we can't wait the pictures!:-)
  20. The birdie looks dreadful!!! And I'm not talking about her wings! Can you suggest for mom that she talks to her daughter to put him in a better home so there would be some money for them? Maybe that will be enough motivation. Another thing. Don't you have someone to call about abused animals? We have here a "number" you call and if they assess animal had been neglected and mistreated they take it away. Like a child social service. If you take the bird to the vet yourself and she sees that bird is really bad, can she call someone to take pet away? I saw at my vets a lot of birds. They love and care for them and I think they got it that way (but I'm not sure). Want me to call my vet about it? My heart is breaking seeing this poor bird! :-((((((
  21. you are confusing me a bit but I am more than ok with starting over :-) I love to laugh too, so I'm gonna do just that ;-) About photobucket. How big are the pictures you tried to post? Do you know how to re size pictures? Maybe that was the problem.. If yes, we'll deal with it then :-)
  22. Morana

    Picky Eater

    Wow, how many new ideas!! I wouldn't think of that in million years! Tnx so much!! And I didn't know parrots can eat spices!? Great to know! And a report! Zak ate eggs with RPO today! Finally! I ate mine (without RPO) but he wouldn't touch food from the plate. He was interested but waited till I gave him with a fork! Crazy little thing!
  23. I'm truly very sorry if you got an impression that I pity you or sympathy you in any way because of what you went through, because I can tell you, those certainly weren't my thoughts and intention. I'm trying my best to say what I mean the way everyone will perceive my words as I mean them in my head/language but since English is not my native language I am still very much in process of learning. I do apologize again. I'll give it another try (which is maybe a bad idea.. given the last outcome...) I admire and respect strength and persistence because I aspire to those qualities. You can't deny that it has been hard and you obviously want us to know a bit about your history. So I am just trying to say, because of your circumstances (health wise and because of Robin), it is even a bigger achievement in my eyes. One which I hope to accomplish. I recognize health problems in me and obstacles with which they come with, and I think I can do better but maybe still not doing my best so you have just my admiration. I really hope that I haven't said something wrong this time. Have I? PS: And now I see that I mixed sentences.. I started about your heath and then mentioned enjoying yourself with pets..:-S I can see how that may look like. I would written that sentence (about enjoying) to anyone but in this case the context changed its original meaning so it came out wrong . Sorry
  24. And now when you mentioned it birdhouse.. They are prone to stress, right... Well, after so much back and forth between owners-and now you show up! Another new person, another insecurity in her life (because no of her previous owners stayed long enough..) .. IMHO this is a looot of stress for one birdie. PS: if you already know about bird tricks then you must know that touch training would have to be first.. You can certainly use the clicker with that, but IMO this comes first.
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