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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Hi Karin! :-) Welcome to the forum! :-) We would like to hear more about your flock and see some pictures! I'm sure your babies are just adorable:-)
  2. Marcus rules! :-) The "Later" part really made me laugh! I'm impressed. And it is awsome how you supported him whit cheers!:-)
  3. That is kinda what I thought of doing, but I won't do anything now. Just wait and see how it goes tomorrow. Tnx:-)
  4. We have a very, very small apartment and in my opinion my Zak would like to sleep a bit more but he can't because my boyfriend gets up early. Also, we are very dynamic people in the evening so Zak goes to his cage at 10, 10:30PM and he would like to stay out a while longer if he could because he can't sleep till we go to sleep + he starts to be playful little devil around 6PM and could keep it up till 11 if we would let him. Strange bird ;-) So, we put him in a cage, and he has time to eat and play a bit more till we are ready for bed. We have our routine and then I cover him. Covers are in parts so some are longer and some are a bit shorter because IMO, they need fresh air. If someone wants/needs to stay up a while longer, they must go in another room, dim the lights, if watching/listening something use earphones because the rest of us are asleep and everything else you do, needs to be super quiet. Of course the parrot can hear you so it is not such a great rest for her but it can be tolerated from time to time. In the morning, Zvone is very quiet not to wake us but sometimes he wakes us both and we do our best to go back to sleep. Usually if I get up too early I let him sleep till 8 and then uncover him. Around 8:30AM Zak would be 100% awake but he wont make any sound till 9, 9:30 if he is not uncovered (if by any chance someone is sleeping that late!). So if you were out all night, it is tough luck for you because he won't let you sleep. He is like an alarm clock. I read they need approx 10hours of uninterrupted sleep but for now my Zak can't have it :-( IMO your bird should be in a separate room to have his peace and quiet and you should respect that and be quiet as you can so he could get enough sleep.
  5. It is so pretty picture (regardless of the neck!) . Very cute chick! I'm so glad he'll grow feather on the neck:-)
  6. Well, I think your right. Zak won't sit on the perch the first time.. Maybe one day when I train him. I just didn't want him to sit in his poop..and he is gonna poop for sure.. I know he won't eat or drink, he never does when he goes to the vet. Yea, the towel part is exactly what I wanna avoid, but if I wont have a choice....:-((( I know I'll get him inside without trouble while we are home, but after needle poking and swabs, I think it will be a riot.. I'm still gonna try to do my best till Friday to make him as friendly as possible to his new means of transportation. And luckily, I found a pet-taxi (which is btw rare here in Cro;-) ). It is already scheduled for 8:45AM and off we go. I think it might not be that much traffic since it is early in the morning, but late enough that most of the people are gone to work.. :-) Last two weeks I've been making a little tent/tunnel on the couch with a blanket/ more towel type of cloth and we are playing almost every day. I would ask "How does Zakica/or little birdie go through the tunnel?". He looks at me and most of the time, like a reply to my question, gets in the tunnel and exits on the other side :-) Of course there are his favorite toys in the tunnel so from time to time he gets "stuck" inside and plays..:-) So yesterday afternoon I put the carrier under the tent/tunnel and he was more inclined to go near it but he is far from ready to enter. However it it a good start.. He stood on the carrier tho...(while it was under the tent). We'll do some new attempts today.. :-) Tnx everyone for the replies!:-)
  7. I put some pictures in album on my profile but I can only see them as thumb nails. Why is that? When I go look at other peoples albums and double click the picture, it enlarges. My don't:-S Well, why not? Help required..:-)
  8. Tnx for the update!:-) Pictures? Pretty please :-)
  9. Me too! I'm monitoring this thread for a while now, just hoping I'll hear some good news. I have my fingers crossed.
  10. I wish Rambo a speedy recovery!:-) Tnx for the updates. Wish they could have been better :-(
  11. Hahahaha...It didn't even occurred to me! You are right! Tnx!!
  12. But where will I find a giant egg!? ...or it doesn't have to be with a giant egg? ;-)
  13. The world is so small! :-) Well, Dubrovnik is very beautiful. I'm more of an island person myself, tho. I spend my vacations at Mali Losinj, and it is my favorite place in the world! ;-) I'll try to take some time to put some pictures up in my profile so you'll see what am I talking about ;-), Your daughter ought to come to Zagreb first (when she traveled to Dubrovnik), right? So if you are ever in the neighborhood, I'd like to meet you. Show you Zagreb around, if you'd like?:-)
  14. Lol! I don't know. We'll see..;-)
  15. It is settled. Zak is going on Friday morning to the avian vet and will have a full check up. I bought a cat carrier recently and he never saw it or was in it. I cleaned it and put it on the couch and he is not that scared of it but he is scared enough not to come in it voluntarily. I put all his favorite toys and treats in it and on it and they are peeking his interest. Hopefully till Friday he won't be so scared of it. So, I want to ask if you could help me with advices how to, present him the carrier and going inside it, better so he would be minimally scared. Second thing is, I need advice how to make a perch which will be inside the carrier. I am thinking it should be close to the bottom but still high enough so he can grab on to it while inside it. Time is very limited so I would appreciate any comments :-) PS: He has to go this Friday because my vet is going on some trip and won't be back till 15.of March. PPS: he is very, very much scared of the boxes so I'm afraid hell consider this carrier as a box too. Surprisingly he already came closer to this carrier than he would ever come close to a box. Here are the pictures of the carrier:
  16. Update. Zak poops normal. The color is also normal. He is acting completely normal. My vet told me that a high share of protein can cause a red discoloration of the poop. She sent me whole chapter about it but I need to read it first and then I'll write it all here. Zak will be having workup very soon so we'll now much more after it.
  17. Welcome!:-) It is good that you are here asking questions. This place is simply brilliant! You can be sure everyone will help out, everyone adore their birds, there are newbies, people with already a long term relationships with their feathered friends and have a vast library of knowledge and, of course, everything in between. So relax and enjoy the ride;-) You'll do great!:-) You already got great advice so far so I'll just say a bit more.. I can't stress enough that trust is something essential for both of your existence. Time is a luxury you have so use it. Ba patient, study his behavior, learn his body language (-look for a thread with topic you are interested in if you don't know where to start. Body language would be on the top of the list). Start with little things. Reading or talking to him is a great way to start. He will let you know whether he likes something or not. In the meantime, make sure your home is parrot proof. That means, no electrical wires where he can reach. They love to chew, so be aware of toxic plants (remove them), toxic foods, pesticides and cleaning agents which you maybe used to leave out on the open. My Zak eats slippers, so be aware where you keep your favorite stuff;-) And as already mentioned, you need to put the cage somewhere where there is a lot interaction. When I move to another room I carry a T-stand with me so he can come along. He watches me study or read the forum;-) But I'm not saying ,drag him everywhere with you, now when you are at the beginning of you relationship. You can leave cage door open and see if he'll join you..or something like that.. Of course, that too will probably not happen on the first day ;-) No smoking! Never let your other pets untended with your bird.. I can go on and on... You really need to go through various threads on this forum.. And remember to ask away!;-) PS: do take him to the avian vet so he can be properly checked out. For your safety and his. Also, you'll soon read somewhere that birds can hide their illnesses very good and it could just manifest through some behavioral issues so you need to eliminate that possibility first to start a healthy relationship with your new family member. PPS: You'll notice,as you go, CAGs are like children. They are very aware, very smart, very emotional. They can sense/read what you are feeling so he'll know if you are, f.e. afraid and act accordingly. When you are frustrated, he will pick it up,.. That's why talking is so good. They understand, in various ways what are we talking about. And he'll answer back!:-)
  18. Zak pooped normally for the rest of the afternoon and we are of to bed now. Hope tomorrow will be very uneventful day. If you had a similar experience, or yo have an opinion..do post.-) Tnx!
  19. Wooow! That is great news! :-D Very happy for you and Linus! May his recovery be in warp speed ;-)
  20. Tnx for the answer:-) Zak doesn't eat red pellets. We do not have that nor did we ever have. There is something red looking like a pellet in his seed mix but it is small and there is just a few of those in the whole packet so this couldn't be it even if he eat some of it. He doesn't like that at all so I doubt he ate some of it, to begin with. I did call a vet, she already went home. Of course I'm gonna call again tomorrow. Probably take another sample. The time frame on the droppings that I already took to the vet was approx. 4hours. During that period, they were stored in a sterilized container at a bit of a coolish temperature. They didn't take a blood test because Zak wasn't with me. Pillow case or a paper bag wouldn't be any better solution than a box or a carrier. And the quick transport is not an option because I don't drive, nor I have a car. I need to arrange a transport before I can take him and since tomorrow is Tuesday, vet works in the afternoon when is a complete traffic jam all the way to her clinic :-(
  21. This is the third and second poop. Zak acts the same.
  22. Hej all! Zakica had a bit of a strange poop last week. Just at one occasion, when he tried to poop, poop came out but continued to dangle and eventually,as he wouldn't let me remove it, it stuck to his feathers. It took us a while before we took it off. The poop was very sticky and very thin in diameter. But it was light green. After that he pooped just fine. Next day poop was more liquid , like a pool of slime around the green part of the poop. And the green part was like a worm and not compact as usual. I don't have pictures from that day but the same day I took a sample of the stool and went to my avian vet. I think she watched under the microscope but not in front of me-I want to say that she obviously didn't have in front of her what she needed for the test. She sent it to the lab and results came next day. So it may have been something more (than just looking under microscope) but I don't know how to translate it. Everything came back fine! The problem is that just now he pooped like this!!! (see the pictures). He never pooped like that so I am panicking a bit. Vet went home (I tried calling, send even a mail with pictures but I don't have more options at the time). He is eating and behaving normally. He was normal through all those days. He ate as usual except yesterday I did that kinda of oatmeal but he only ate a bit. Also yesterday we run out of pellets so unfortunately he is back to seed diet till next week. Nothing out of the ordinary except Zvone cleaned the house yesterday and I would say, at some point, that there were strong fumes in the apartment regardless open windows (from cleansing products). Could that be somehow related!? I am watching him play and he looks OK. He had one poop like the one in the pictures and the next one was almost completely read/brown. A bit liquid because I gave him a bit of juice today (which I normally don't do, just at special occasions). That is it! he still didn't poop since than. So please, if you have any idea what might be wrong,... if it is not wrong-I know that sometimes vine color of the poop is normal for Greys...but please, any comment would be appreciated. PS: if I don't have to take him to the vet I really don't want to because it is tremendous stress for him since he just got his carrier of which he is really afraid of and putting him in a box is not any better than that. Similar experiences anyone?
  23. Well, we all have beautiful birds with whom we are all deeply in love! So happy Valentine's day to you all! :-) ...and two appropriate pictures to go along ;-)
  24. Wow, you have beautiful friends there!! Rocky is ssooo beautiful! Well, I can say the same about your furry friend too;-) I really love your pictures! Have more? :-D I'm so sorry about Biscuit:-(((((
  25. Welcome! :-) As you may already know, we love pictures and would like to know more about you and your Grey!;-)
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