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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Corky my grey thinks she is in charge of the flock, and Cricket my amazon has her eye on the throne.
  2. In the past few months we hit a few speed bumps that slowed us down a bit. We all came here with a purpose, to learn, to share and to teach. As a member I post and interact with others on this forum. As a moderator I help with giving direction as to the path we take. So as a Mod. my direction for the day IS, Lets get back to sharing and having fun with each other. The teaching and learning will come on its own. PS Check in in on the Honored amazon thread and the Other birds Honored thread and it will show just how great we are.
  3. I think the only difference between the two is the one at WalMart is human grade. I always buy human grade nuts for my birds.
  4. They are all different, some like it chopped and some like them whole, some like them raw and some liked them cooked, some like them fresh and others like frozen veg's, that are thawed out in a treat dish. Kids and fids, they are all the same. My grey loves her Roudybush and Roudybush is the only food that my amazon won`t eat so she gets a fruit blend pellets. I also give all my birds a good seed mix.
  5. Corky and Cricket here. Dad came home with three big round things that had this long thing hanging from them. We were out on the back deck when one of the big rounds things got away and went up and up into the sky and we could not see it anymore and it did not have any wings. We than came into the house and the new kitten we have grabbed this long thing hanging from the big round thing and pulled it down and when the kitten touched it popped and scared us. Dad then took off this thing he called a string and breath in the stuff that was in the big round thing he called a balloon and it maid his voice funny. We hope he never brings them home again.
  6. I have a size 11 foot that we can stick up their ?!?!
  7. I know what you mean about the digital cameras and pictures. I take so many more pictures now than before of my birds.
  8. Maggie and Jay have made a very important point. Because Corky Grey was here first for many years before Cricket my amazon she is always out first for about 15 minutes for her time and than we let Cricket out. They are out together, but when Cricket is out she gets her time to be with me and or the wife and Corky will start to eat her breakfast and after 15 minutes or so Cricket looks for her share of the food,(what ever we are eating). After eating they will play(not with each other) until its time to go back When its time to go back Cricket is put in her cage first and then Corky. This is our routine. Corky keeps her No. one spot and Cricket has taken No. 2 and its the same every day. They have excepted this as their routine. When they are out at the same time they both get equal attention and there is no competition for our affection, but. they are always supervised. They will eat off the same plate at the same time. Do they like each other ??????????????
  9. Ray P

    Piper Update

    My wife and I were talking the other day about our birds and how we have had cockatiels for the last 41 years. In a lot of ways they are a lot like small African Grey's. They can have a mind of there own, be stubborn and want to be in charge and or be so lovable it will make your head swim. Like Grey's each one is so different except each one likes to be boss. And than there is the turn around when one day they become the best bird ever. Here is something all of my cockatiels love. I put my nose against the back of their neck and exhale warm air as I move my head back and forth like I am scratching their head with my nose. THEY LOVE IT.
  10. You can tell a real parrot lover and parent because they are always so proud of those little steps forward that make their day.
  11. She is getting ready for winter, making sure she has a warm spot.
  12. You have both just started a life change so enjoy it all you can. Your new baby looks great.
  13. I have had to leave the house early for the last 8 days and that has cut into Crickets time out of the cage in the morning. When I come home at night she will do anything to get my attention and it works. She makes me feel so bad because I can`t let her out in the morning with that look thats makes me melt. When I come home at night and she comes out of her cage. She is all over me for a short time and I have to put her back. She will hang on to me and not let go. I will be SO glad when we have our morning back.
  14. Ray P


    You did all the right things. You are a good mama.
  15. Ray P


    Some times they have to work it out on there own. To this day Corky is a hit and miss eater and she will be 12 years old in December. She always looks good and is happy. Some times she is a little lady and some times she`s a pig.
  16. Did you ever think of getting her one of those old rotary phones to play with.They were indestructible. You could drop them from the top of a 20 story building and they would still work.
  17. She was having a great time. Better than the beach.
  18. Are your greys thinking about moving in with them ??
  19. Those first days of settling in can be tough. I think more on you than the bird. Like all parrots just give her some time and let her know how much you care.
  20. You have much to be oroud of. You have done a lot in a short period of time.
  21. Normally a Grey dose not poop at night when they sleep and that is why that first one in the morning is a bomb. It sounds like your vet knows whats going on and thats why the food mix. If you have doubt with their health always check with your vet.
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