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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Dose this excercise come with a key to unlock my bones when they lock up. You know some of us are older.
  2. It was two years and one month before Corky said her first word. Corky will be 12 on December 5 and its hard to remember when we had quiet house.
  3. Hi Emma and welcome to the grey forum. Read and research all you can because having a grey is like having a child with you forever. Good luck with your search.
  4. Happy birthday Talon. May your saturday be the best ever.
  5. I have always enjoyed Jay`s Dan`s and Dave`s direct approach as some people need that to get them back on the straight and narrow.
  6. We also have a ritual at bedtime or back to cage time. If Cricket is out of her cage and ready to go back she will climb up my arm to my left shoulder and yell RAY into my left ear. When she gets my attention she will do her back to cage dance. She will get all excited and bob her head and swing her head from side to side and I will say, you want to go to your cage and I will get up and walk to her cage and she will jump in and than I cover her. If she is in her cage and is ready for bed before I get there she will start to yell Ray, Ray untill I come over and cover her up. She likes to make sure she gets her beauty sleep.
  7. Now can they put them away
  8. There are many people that believe you should never allow a amazon parrot on your shoulder. Some people believe you should never allow any parrot on your shoulder, but its the amazon that has the bad reputation of being unpredictable and you should not allow a amazon near your face. This could be true of any parrot but many parrots become great shoulder companions and the amazon parrot is no different. Before you ever shoulder any parrot you should have a strong relationship and a trust on behalf of both of you and a set of rules that both of you need to know and follow. You should know your parrot well enough to know what might startle them and cause them to go into defense mode like a dogs bark or something they just do not like to be around them and to make sure you avoid that type of situation. Never use food to reinforce good behavior on your shoulder, This is personal time and not dinner time. Cricket at times like this would rather have a head scratch and that personal touch over a treat. She is not being good for food. She is being good because she wants to be with me. Its our special time. If you do not want to shoulder your parrot than do not shoulder them and thats OK If you want to shoulder your parrot than learn the right way and don`t let anybody tell you that your wrong. Just remember that this is an agreement between you and your parrot.
  9. Hi Benline and welcome to the grey forum. What kind of birds do you have ??
  10. I can take warm, but not hot. My wife and I are out side people. I have been in the south when its hot and all they do is go from their AC house to their AC car to the AC Mall back to their AC car and back to their AC house. That I could not take. When its hot you can only take off so much but when its cold you add another layer. I am always glad to see winter end, but it makes summer so much nicer. Also Santa Claus dose not look good in shorts with his hairy legs white socks and work boots.
  11. WOW, sounds kind of dull. In the summer we may have 4 or 5 days in the 90`s , this year there were more. In the winter here the avg. snow fall is a 120 in. and temps, have gone to -25 deg. Last winter was very mild only 50 or 60 in, of snow all winter and temp only went down to about -3 deg. or so.
  12. The amazon room is a place you can learn about the amazon parrot species and share a story or two about any of the amazon species.
  13. Before Cricket I feared amazons. After Cricket I love amazons. Untill you have an amazon you don`t know the joy of an amazon.
  14. Up here in north east Ohio as in many parts of our country fall is showing its colors. The days are getting shorted, It gets light later and dark sooner and you can feel the chill in the air. Soon we will be inside more and out side less. I already have cabin fever and looking foward to the spring thaw and it has not snowed yet. My birds seam to be very happy because I think they know that, with the cold weather we will be inside more and will spend more time with them. They will be out more because we don`t go in and of the house as much, and I beleve they know this. I know they also look foward to spring when the windows and doors are opened and the fresh air comes into the house. They seam to enjoy all the seasons more that we humans do. Do your fids look foward to and enjoy the different seasons ???
  15. I have been called alot of things, crazy would have been kind.
  16. When I was a kid in School my friend had a pet crow and every day he would follow our school bus to school and wait and sit on the mail box by the road when it was time for him to come home. This went on for years untill he passed away.
  17. There are many reasons we join forums, a common interest, to learn, to share, ect.. I as a parrot lover have friends and family members that just don`t understand my connection with my birds, They think their cute but they say, aren`t they mean and they bite hard and you can`t trust them and they make a mess and are noisy. That sounds a lot like our kids, but there is an advantage, they will never ask to borrow the car, (I hope) You bird said I love you for the first time and you friends and outside family members say, that`s nice, but you forum friends share your joy. You have a problem with your parrot and your friends and family say, to bad, but your forum family will give you advice. We may never see each other or talk to each other face to face, but its a feather that brought us together. No matter where you come from ,your country, or what your background or race, or politics, a feather brought us together. Our parrots come from all over the world and they mean the world to us I think there is a lesson here.
  18. This thread is a continuation of Jay`s Amazon of the week. The change from Amazon of the week to Amazon of the month is with Jay`s blessing. I am going to do things a little differently with this thread as I am going to start with amazons that are fid members of this forum. We have 33 zon members and 30 care givers that look after their well being. So I will start with amazon members and will recognize their care givers. Jay I hope you like this. Oct 2012 Amazon of the month is The Blue Fronted Amazon I started with the blue front because they make up the largest amazon species membership with 6 members. And they are. Amazon name---------------Care giver 1. Louie-------------------------Luvparrots 2. Kiwi--------------------------Sidney Peaches 3. Amy--------------------------Parrot Lowyer 4. Diego------------------------GoDiego 5. Calypso----------------------carlo707 6. Cricket-----------------------Me Ray P The Blue Fronted Amazon AKA Turquois-Fronted Amazon and Blue Front Parrot is a South American Species of amazon parrots and one of the most common amazon parrots kept in captivity as a pet or companion parrot. They are normally between 15 and 17 inches long from their beak to the end ot their tial fethers. Their lifespan can be up to 80 years They are active and comical and are natural preformers. They love to be around their owners and will ham it up for extra attention. They are prolific talkers and singers. The vocalize often and can be very loud when they want to be. For this reason they are not recommended for those that live in apartments or condos. They are mostly lime green with a blaze of blue and yellow on their head and touches of bright red on their shoulders and flight feathers. They have black beaks and grey feet. Like all parrots blue fronted amazons need a varied diet consisting of high quality pellets, A quality seed mix and daily servings of fresh bird safe fruits and vegetables. Amazons are active parrots and should be allowed 3 to 4 hours out oh cage time to play and stretch their wings. They love to climb and chew so give them plenty of toys including ladders and a swing to swing on. Here are some pictures of Cricket my sweet zon. Remember zons rock.
  19. Ray P


    Don`t let her eating habits stress you out. My grey Corky will love something one day and the next day will not give it a second look. She may have a taste for something one day and a taste for something else the next. There like kids and they will not starve them self. Your smarty pants has you jumping.
  20. That could be a great screen savor.
  21. Ray P

    Wish Us Luck!

    I have seen some bad clips, but that takes the cake. Let them grow out and let him fly and he will be a different bird.
  22. Got your attention didn't she.
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