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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. The treat is OK to start with, but also praise him and tell him what a good boy he is and make over him with excitement. After a time drop the trear and use praise and excitement. This builds a bond.
  2. Yes that would help for dry skin and dander. Winter is coming and the furnace is on and the air is dry so this is the time for a good spraying or misting with aloe on a regular basis.
  3. Some times its only one or two feathers that can make the tail look bad. You said your grey is about ten years old and he/she could be ready to molt out some old worn out feathers. Also some hard playing with its toys or cage damage that can happen even in a large cage. After you have your grey for a time you will notice that there are periods of time when there feathers look great and periods of time that their feathers look like crap.
  4. Hi Jhon and welcome to the grey forum. Do you have a grey and whats its name. Or do you plan on getting a grey, if so you are in the right place. Our members have many species of parrots so what ever you have they are welcome.
  5. Ray P

    No power

    She is thinking, mommy come get me, mommy come get me ! I will be good !
  6. Hi Francisco and welcome to you and your mommy to the grey forum. There is a lot to learn on this site so jump in and read as much as you can. OH, And how about a picture or two of you and your mommy.
  7. Some greys take moveing better than others. My grey and my amazon travle with us when ever we go on vacation or an over nite trip. So they are in and out of their main cage or their travel cage often. They take to new places with no trouble. If you are with them and they see you around the same amount of time as before they should take to a new location with out much fan fair.
  8. Corky wants to use the back of my pick up.
  9. Hi Kristal and Freya and welcome to the grey forum. We love pictures.
  10. Welcome back to the grey forum.
  11. We need to start a member check in and make suer every one is OK.
  12. Ray P

    No power

    Hi Sassy , I bet Neytiri would rather be with you in a small cage than at home cold in a large cage, Relax and enjoy Neytiri being with you at this bad time. Its called bonding.
  13. Its always great to hear when some one is having a good day with their new compaion. When ever you are trying new foods don`t give up when they turn it down. Keep offering it in small amounts and one day they will try it again and they just might end up loving the new stuff. Our greys are like kids and you have to treat them like kids and in that way they become family.
  14. Hi Jimmsocal and Honey and welcome to the grey forum. Tell us all about Honey and her celebrity status and how about a picture or two.
  15. Welcome NCavender to both you and Sadiee to the grey forum. We love pictures and a story as you both start a new adventure.
  16. I hope for the best for all that are in need.
  17. The wind has just started to pick up here in north east Ohio about 4 hours ago. My generator is all gassed up and ready to go if I need it. I hope every one on the east coast is safe, high and dry.
  18. A good day is a good day no mater what
  19. So happy things are going so good for you. Just take it easy and let him settle in and get to know you, your family and his new home
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