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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Well, she is making her request to the right person.
  2. Hi Karen and Cosmo and welcome to the grey forum. I missed your plucking post so I will have to go back and read it. A grey dose bring a lot in to your life and makes it great and for the better. OH, We love pictures.
  3. Just wait for the hiccups, farts and burps or belch.
  4. Now you can check up on the little stinkers
  5. In all my past post I have talked about Cricket`s and my relationship and how it came about, and that it was Cricket that always made the first move to take our relationship to the next step. Because of Cricket`s past history my wife and son were always shy about petting her and would not try to pick her up or touch her even tho when she was out and on the dinner table Cricket would always go to them and take food from their finger with no trouble. When the wife cleaned Cricket`s cage they both would have a conversation with each other and Cricket would bob her head and dance for her. One day Cricket had enough when she was out on the table and walked over to the wife and put her beak on the table in front of the wife, her way of asking for a head scratch. I told Bonnie that she wanted her head scratched and my wife slowly took her finger and gave her a head scratch than she walked over to my son and did the same thing. This made my son very happy as he has wanted to do this for some time. Again it was Cricket that made the first move. Cricket came to us as a challenge and reworded us with love and it was her that always made the first move.
  6. Some times with a grey you have to take what you get, at first, but as the bond grows so do other things. Six months from now, a year from now things may be very different and the story you tell than will have a new twist. Never think it will never happen.
  7. Cocoa pupils look fine. Daytime, Sunlight, They close to control light coming into eye. When its dark they open wide.
  8. Welcome Orvillecliche and please tell us more.
  9. Jude looks so happy and content. Great pictures.
  10. Ahhhh, Cocoa the photo Queen. She looks great. I was so happy to see you had a post when I came home today. I always look foward to your post and pictures.
  11. Sounds like you and Elwood are doing great. OH, All my birds are shoulder birds and I would not have it any other way.
  12. Hi Lucy and odin and welcome to the grey forum. It sounds like your off to a great start with Odin and we wish you all the best with him. If you have any questions we will do all we can to help.
  13. Glad you are safe and sound and all are ok now.
  14. They sure can pull at your heart strings.
  15. I love that special time that I spend with each of my fids
  16. Hi Nicki and Judeand welcome to the grey forum. We will help all we can with any questions you may have. And yes we love pictures.
  17. Ray P


    OH, I do enjoy winter,but always love to see spring come. winter here is about 5 months.
  18. I had to scrape ice off my windshield this morning. We had a good freeze. Its all down hill from here.
  19. We have all seen Jeff Foxworthy`s show Are you smarter than a 5th grader. OK how well do you compare to a 5 year old parrot. I think not very well after you read all the posts on this forum. It seams that we are all comparing notes on what you should do to stay one step ahead of our fids. (greys, amazon what ever) The sucker bite and we have all Fallon for it. Trying to find out what they like to eat. (They may like it, but they will not let you know until they are ready) Bending over back words to make them happy.( they love this one. How many hoops will you jump through). You say step up and they think NO and give you that look. You join a forum to find out how to get along with them. (they will even help you post your question) You get a answer to your question from a forum member. (and they think, that will be the day) And than one day they do all the thinks you want them to do ( and they think, why did it take you so long to get right) or they think, (I could have done this weeks ago, but I wanted to have some fun.) And after weeks of work, they look at you and they think , (Look I made them smile). Its a no win as they get ready to teach you your next trick.
  20. Oh that grey screech when they are having fun.
  21. My grey Corky is a good judge of character. All the people I don`t like. she dose not like.
  22. Hi Cleo and katie and welcome to the grey forum. A baby in the house, That is awesome. No mater how long you have a grey you will always learn something new.
  23. Keep offering her all kinds od different food even if she dose not eat it. In time she will try it out. OH, Welcome to you and Ozzie to the grey forum.
  24. Yoga crossed my mind too. I can see Corky doing all this in slow motion, except the wing flap.
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