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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. As judy said excitement, fear and pleasure can cause eye pinning. There are other body language signs that can help tell you how she feels with that eye pinning.
  2. What a nice way to remember him.
  3. How many birds do you have to have before its said you have MBS ? Do they need to be all one species or can they be mixed ? Do you think we need a forum Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatrist or just a Psychotherapist for treatment ? (grey forum insurance to cover cost of treatment). Or should we just try and live with this debilitating illness ? Should we set up a special support group to help us deal with this illness that has no cure ? OH hell , Just sit back and enjoy your fids.
  4. Cappy is awesome and he sings great. I bet you enjoy sitting by him as he sings.
  5. Ray P

    Wish Us Luck!

    I just love all of your pictures of Romeo.
  6. Now I know where that look came from.
  7. There is something about a box that they can`t pass up. Got to see whats in side.
  8. They do like to take part in every thing. Do you think she will open her own repair shop ??
  9. Hi Penny Cricket has what I call a on going molt. She never has a big loss of feathers at any one time. She has been with us for four years in December and 2 to 3 feathers a month is about all we ever find. As far as eating one day she will eat every thing in sight and the next day she is picky and this is also with her treats. She always likes to cuddle with me and she has never been a noisy bird. Corky makes a lot more noise than Cricket. I know I am not much help on this but Cricket dose not fit the mold of a average amazon.
  10. If you can make it fit than I say get it. Most of the members that have them like them.
  11. Its great when they are family.
  12. OH I remember that look when my pairs of tiels had a clutch. They are so ugly that they are beautiful.
  13. Ray P


    There are a number of humidifiers that you can get depending on how you want to use them. There is the kind you add to your forced air furnace that will do your entire house and there are free standing unit. Half my house is gas forced air and half electric baseboard so I use the free standing units. You can get a plain Jane or buy one that looks like furniture. They do help dry skin and make your house feel wormer at a lowed temperature. I would say check with Home Depot or hyd. store, Wal Mart as to size you need.
  14. They are resting up so when you come home they can drive you nuts.
  15. Some times the sarcasm is between friends.
  16. One important thing to remember. All relationships have setbacks, and setbacks do not end relationships. A setback should be sean as a learning device. OH and Welcome to the grey forum to you and george.
  17. Cricket is a great holder of food, Corky not so much. I will get some pictures.
  18. I love that look she has, so content.
  19. Little One is a re homed female pied cockatiel that has been with us for about 8 years or so. My wife and I have had cockatiels for the better part of 41 years and most of them were re homes. I worked for a school system for over 31 years and everyone new of me and my birds because I would bring them to school to show the kids and tell them about my birds and their origin. One day I got a call from a fellow worker who asked me if I wanted another cockatiel and told me a story of how came about to have this bird. He was home one Sunday sitting in a chair outside next to his garage when a lady came up his driveway and said your bird is out. Don told the lady that he did not have a bird, that he had cats. The lady than went over to Don`s wife who was also out side and said your bird is out and is on the peak of your garage. Don looked up and saw this cockatiel at the peak of his garage. He walked over to his garage by the gutter and said, Hay dummy come here and the bird ran down the roof of the garage and jumped on to his hand. Don went to the police station ,pet shops and vets and reported this lost bird. He had no way of keeping this bird so he asked me if I would take care of it until some one claimed it and I said yes. Its been over 8 years and no one has come for her so I think she belongs to me. She is a very sweet lovable tiel and they can`t have her back now.
  20. OH they can be little snots when they want to be.
  21. Thanks, We will let the powers tobe know

  22. Its been a little slow here in the amazon room and Cricket needs something to read so she don`t have to go to the grey lounge. If you post in the amazon room Cricket won`t bite you. Not sure about the any other rooms. Hay Nilah, Louie and Salsa lets get your feathers in gear and move off that perch and on to the key board. Cricket has been to the grey lounge so much she is starting to poop as much as Corky. She is having amazon room melt down. To love your zon is to post in the amazon room. Hurry before Cricket goes nuts.
  23. We have to share with some one or the little stinkers will drive us nuts. #@^*)&$@!
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