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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. You have an awesome looking TAG so good luck with the home coming.
  2. Hi Deke and Gracie and welcome to grey forum. Gracie is a gooood looking Tag and they do become family members all on their own.
  3. Great room and love the art work.
  4. I only let my grey Corky use the remote under supervision.
  5. Hi and welcome to the grey forum and yes and socializing is very important when it comes to any parrot. How about some pictures.
  6. Hi Steve and welcome to the grey forum. I hope you find what you are looking for. I have a CAG and a BFA along with two cockatiels. I have MBS.
  7. Hi and welcome pebbles to the grey forum. Do you know if its a boy or girl and do you have a name yet ?? Read as much as you can and when the new one is home we love pictures.
  8. First she needs time to settle in, new home, new people, Her life has just changed big time. Sit with her and talk or read and if can sing, sing to her. If you can`t sing than she will always be off key. lol I have a perch on my birds door that they will go to and I open the door and they swing out and than they step up. Don`t give up trying new food as they will in time try it. Remember you and every thing around them is new so they need time to adjust. Good luck
  9. I day in the life with your fids. I have had a day like that a time or too myself.
  10. Its the little moments like that that are the most memorable.
  11. Hi Kalinkacs, Larry and Bugger. Welcome to the grey forum. Good looking greys. They will not stop talking because of a new addition and it may end up a competition. Its good to see another Buckeye on the forum. I live about 35 miles east of you in Geauga county about 8 miles south of Chardon in Newbury.
  12. Oh the nice green grass. Right now in Ohio its too cold to be out side.
  13. I think hubby did a great job. The next time will be better.
  14. Ray P

    Pipers wing

    If the clipped feathers are still in place than just hang in there. When the old ones come out than the new ones will come in. To clip just one wing I think is cruel, but that's just me.
  15. Hi Dave, wife and Noel and welcome to the grey forum. The members have given you some good advice and ideas. Noel is an great looking baby. Your life is going change so enjoy.
  16. There are not too many things that you can not do with you grey in a normal day. So I will go to a normal week, month or year. Corky our CAG has been all over the United States with us and has been in over 25 states along with Cricket our BFA. They are never left behind and have traveled in our car, van, truck, suv, and motor home. Over night trips short trips and long trips, they have never been left at home, they go with us. When we have traveled by car or van they (us) have stayed in hotels, motels. and the homes of friends and relatives. A lot is going to be up to you as to what you can do and what you can`t do. I know what I said is long term but I wanted to take it to the next step.
  17. He just wanted to make sure you go to work so he can eat.
  18. We do not use a sleep cage , but many members do so its kind of up to you as to what you and your bird want to do.
  19. Happy birthday Oliver. Sorry I am late.
  20. Welcome back and your greys are awesome.
  21. Hi joseharman and welcome to the grey forum. Do you have a grey ? What is its name ? Boy or girl ? How about pictures.
  22. Ray P

    It's a girl!

    Now its down to the wait.
  23. Hay Dan I know all about brain farts. My grey keeps me on the up and up.
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