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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I have a CAG that has traveled all over the U.S. with us and is not afraid of any thing or anyone. A lot depends on the grey and how it was socialized. Some greys are ok with this and some are not.
  2. Hi featherfluff and welcome to the grey forum. This is a good place to learn.
  3. Hay Rocky, Cricket here, tell your mom that what is good and what is bad depends on what side of the fence your on.
  4. Janet I know I wish I was Crickets first owner, but I was not and she has turned out to be a sweetheart and has the most gentle way about her. I almost did not take her because of what I had read about amazons. Now I don`t know what life would be with out her as she has become a big part of our family. Cricket is a female and dose not fall in the hot three but given the chance I would take a male that needed a home in a heart beat. Jay good post.
  5. Peek a boo !!! I see you !!!
  6. Every time you post a new thread and pictures you bring something new and exciting to our forum. As always your pictures are outstanding and add to the charm of this room.
  7. We were hooked the day we met Corky and she was 9 weeks old.
  8. Gracie is awesome. Great video.
  9. Hi Aron and Darwin and welcome to the grey forum. Glad you could join us. Darwin looks great.
  10. There is nothing like looking at a wet amazon. Some times after a bath Cricket looks like an old drunk with her feathers all over the place and other times she looks like a clown and than there are times she looks like a drowned rat. I love that Nilah look.
  11. Dec. 20,2012 my baby zon Cricket turns 17 years old.
  12. Hay Sassy there are no small milestones as they all are important each in their own way. Good to see hubby coming around. It only takes one special bird to change a person. And one special person to change a bird.
  13. Hi Bambi and Jesse. Welcome to the grey forum. We would love to see pictures.
  14. Hi DonnaWV and Maggie, Welcome to the grey forum to the both of you. Your adventure has started.
  15. Its always a good reminder, and thanks Jay for keeping us on out toes when it comes to the care of our awesome birds.
  16. Our Christmas tree is next to Corkys Cage, but the most she has done is reach over and top a bulb or two.
  17. Oh yes I know what you mean !!
  18. There is nothing like the noise a grey makes when they are playing with their toys. It sounds like a fight going on ,but they are having fun.
  19. Hi Arecibo`s Mum and welcome to the grey forum to you and Cibo.
  20. To love an amazon is something that can be very special as many people would not even consider one because of their reputation and that was me four years ago. Its a mater of getting to know them and understanding their wants and needs. You also need to know that all amazon species are not the same. Many times when people talk about amazons they will refer to the hot three amazon and forget to add males at the end of hot three, and that may lead you to believe that all amazons are the same. Yep, that was me four years ago and than along came Cricket my Blue Fronted Amazon, and she had a reputation that made me stop and think twice about taking her. It was no, no, no, maybe, ok. That ok made a big change in my life and the life of my family as Cricket made her way in to our hearts. Cricket is a clown and has her own way of looking at life and I think that is the amazon way. Cricket is a female and a member of the hot three, but its the males that can be the biggest challenge when they are in season. It is said that before you take on an amazon you should have parrot experience, but if you have done your research they say the same about a grey along with many other species of parrots. If I were to make a point with this thread it would be that all parrots can have there challenge and you must be ready to meet what ever comes along. If another amazon came along that needed a home would I take it ?? You bet.
  21. Hi mrsray and wally, welcome to the grey forum. If you ever need help just ask and we will do what we can to help you out.
  22. Hi Redshaw13 and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new companion Rosie. As murfchck said you are now on grey time so giver her time to settle in.
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