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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. My wife and I had cockatiels for 39 years now. About 12 years or so we started to look at greys and we wanted one because they were so smart. After a year and a half or so of looking we stoped at a store that we delt with for food for our tiels and they had some baby greys and we were looking at them when one came over to us and run up my wifes arm and took a poop. She was 9 weeks old when we bought her. She will be 10 years old in Dec. Thank God we stoped that day. She picked us we had no choise.
  2. I gess I will never leave the U.S. because ware I go the birds go. They have never been away from us from the day we got them. They always go on vaction with us and have never been away from us.
  3. I know what you mean. It wasen`t always this way. It`s a good thing my wife and son are apart of the everyday goings on here.
  4. In the last 18 or 19 months Corky and Cricket have become friends or atleast tolerate each other They are out together always under suppervison but they seam to do there owe thing. Cricket has a history of being very nasty with other birds but she has come a long way in the time she has been with us. It`s nice that we can have them out together for breakfast and they will evean eat together(not always the case in the past). I gess they can change better than we can. When the wife starts breakfast they both let us know they want out to join us
  5. Corky our CAG and Cricket our BFA both like to hang upsidedown and fight with their toys. Great pics.
  6. WalMart has a electronic kitchen scale that will go to 10 lbs and will do in grams ounces kilograms and pounds I set my t stand on it and you can reset to zero and just get your birds weight and it`s about 20 or 30 bucks Bradshaw scale
  7. WOW!!!!! That was great
  8. Boy when they find something they like it`s all or nothing. Just like a grey.
  9. That sounds a lot like our amazon Cricket who was about 12 years old when we got her. It did not take too long befor she came around and she has turned out to be a sweetheart Thanks jayd for your story..
  10. Your New baby doe`s not understand why it`s in a new home with new people so he will need time to adjust. You say he will take treats through the bars and that is a good start. We just rehomed a blue fronted amazon (well 18 months ago) and we started with treats trought the bars every time we came to her cage and after a short time every time she saw us come near her cage she would go to the side of the cage that my stool was on whear I would sit a talk to her and give her traets.. Than we would leave the door open so she could come out on her own and she would always come over for treats. They need to build trust and to know that when your around something good happens. Her cage is her safe place so let her come out on her own. We also have a CAG that we had all her life Good luck and welcome
  11. I gess I`m lucky with Corky you buy the toy, take it out of the package, wash it, hang it in the cage, and 30 mim. later she is all over it.
  12. I don`t think there is a parrot proof house. When you think you have it they will find something you missed. They don`t miss anything and always looking.
  13. Point well taken that picture was taken a number of years ago and my wife never let me live that down
  14. A lot of our friends and family want their picture taken with Corky so here are some random pictures
  15. That was great to see. Great vidido
  16. One thing that Corky loves is a tall boy clothing basket that she will climb in and out and all around for hours. Evean if it`s filled with clean clothing
  17. I have a congo that loves me my wife and my son and will fly to almost any one when she gets to know them She has always been around people and is not afraid of new things and she travels very well infact she has been all over the U.S. with us. Some people say she is not the average CAG When our friends come over they always make over her and she loves it up.
  18. Cricket has a corner bird bath in her cage and all the wife has to do is start the vacuum and she will jump in to her bird bath
  19. I have 2 or 3 hundred dollars in toys and or puzzle for Corky and have spent up $50.00 on one puzzle plus things that we have made for her and it never took her more than 2 hours to solve this includs 3 cages with differnt locks. I can`t keep up with her. I don`t know who is being tested me or her.
  20. I think Louie Looks great from any angle. I love the colors because they make them look like a differant bird from all angles. I know I can look at Cricket for hours.
  21. Ray P

    My confusion

    My grey Corky will some times want to be alone untill She see Cricket my amazon near me and she will make a b line to me land on my sholder and drop her head and rub it on my ear. Also I have a perch that is mounted on the door and when I tap the perch they will get on the door perch and I can open the door and than will step up on my finger or arm. If they don`t want to come out they don`t come to the perch but that is not very often
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