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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Scratching my butt drinking beer and eating potato chips
  2. I have driven through S.C. a number of times but never saw any greys there except mine !!! Greys have red tails not necks. LOL
  3. I don`t se you as a hoarder but a person that cares and loves to be around birds. Needy is a bird that needs a home.and weather or not it`s your home or not I know that you want whats best for the bird. I was in this spot when I first said no to Cricket. Nobody wants this bird because it does not talk and I know that is not the kind of person this bird needs. You will make the right choise. I know I am not much help.
  4. You have to call it the way you see it. Thats the fun part.
  5. With Cricket It`s C.A.B. Nice spoiled brat. And F.and G.
  6. If you were to put your amazon into a category withch one would it be and why A. Brat B. Spoiled C. Nice D. Out of control E. If you think you need anouther category than add one.
  7. Welcome. We always enjoy a new member
  8. Corky will be 10 years old on Dec. 5, 2010. The first time we saw her she was 9 weeks old when she run up the wifes arm and took a big poop. We brought her home when she was 14 weeks old and life has never been the same. Never in a thousand years would we thought she would be so intrenched in our life. There is not one thing she does it`s every thing she does. To explane it all would take a book. From the day she came home she has never been away from us. We have traveled all over the country with her and would never think of leaving her with anybody. If we go she will go. P.S. She is spoiled and she is a brat
  9. Every now and than Corky will bite (not that offten). NO WARNING.
  10. Some times it will not take much to turn a birds life around. Just add kindness and attention and love.
  11. The sound you don`t want is theirs at hand. My dad would say that all the time. He ment that for the kids.
  12. That is my point. Corky can maneuver and can hit a fast moveing targe dead on that is why I don`t understand there being called a football with wings. they can do so much with their flying but some say they are not gracefull with their flying. Just look at some of the pictures. I love watching my zon fly as she plunks down on her target. A football with wings seams to fit my zon more that my grey.
  13. Great pics. My girl Corky is a camra hog.
  14. There have been a number of post about amazon and greys and the way they fly. Very often you will hear them say a grey is like a football with wings but if you look at pictures from the members in the photo room they are awsome and my grey can do all kinds of things in the air. When my zon flys she looks like a C 130 cargo plane comming in for a landing(slow & dirty) with flaps and landing gear down. Don`t misunderstand me I love my zon too but football with wings makes a grey sound so unbird like. Any coments.
  15. Your right he is cute I think the picture dos not do him justice and he is differant very nice
  16. Welcome from north east ohio
  17. Louie looks great and so full of life. He looks like he is haveing so much fun
  18. Awsome!!!! Pic. 5 in the first post and pic. 2 and 3 in post 2 what kind of bird. It is ugly.
  19. I just love the eyes of a zon It`s like they can look into into your head
  20. Wow sounds like louie has come into his own and letting you know what he is like. Cricket is not that bad when it comes to distroying her toys. I gess it`s because she did not have many toys before we got her. She came in a very small cage about 16x16x20 that she was in for years. She is in a large cage now but when she is out she is very content to sit on my scholder or her T stand and she loves to sit on the back of the kitchen chair and poop on the floor. She also likes to rip up paper.
  21. We do not have a sleep cage for any of our birds. They have large cages that they are in and out of during tha day and they sleep in them. We do cover them when they sleep and the cages are in the main part of the house were we spend almost all of our time.
  22. We have had our grey Corky from a baby, But we did rehome a blue fronted amazon that was at that time around 12 years or so old that came with many issues. We have had her almost 2 years now. Her name is Cricket and she has turned out to be a sweete and we have no regrets. We used all the things that we learned for bringing up a grey when we rehomed Cricket and that is trust, kindnes, and lots of attention. They take time to come around and each grey is differant in the time needed. If you like the TAG and have the time and the will than go for it. This board has good people and they will help with any question you may have as you need to ask them
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