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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. We have an ageing Cairn terrer whos eye sight and hearing are going bad along with a loss of teeth and when he has to go out it needs to be quick. When smokey would whine to go out around 5:30 am I would get up and say smokey want out and go down the steps turn on the light in the family room go in to the great room turn on the light and he would be at the door to go out. There were two mornnings this week when I came down to let he out he was stil in his bed and I said Smokey want out and made him go out to his disliking that was Monday and today. Well today when I went down to let him out he was in his bed so I made him get up and go out. When he came back he went to his bed so I turned out the light in the great room and turned out the light in the family room and as I was going up the steps I heard Smokey whine again so I turned the lights back on but Smokey was in his bed. I looked over at Corky our CAG`s Cag and their she was looking under her nite coover and she said want out.
  2. Ray P

    question game

    Does any one know how to play?
  3. Ray P

    question game

    Can this game be played with real people
  4. Ray P

    question game

    If I don`t play will you be mad?
  5. My Corky is the same way Azzie NO IF`S ANDS OR BUTS. It can be a fight to the finish.
  6. Ray P

    question game

    Is this a board game
  7. Ray P

    Jay Update

    The best to you both on his and your recovery. My wife has vertigo so I know what both of you are going through.
  8. I think every one in the amazon room understands what your going through and they will respect whatever you do.
  9. The bigger the cage better but if you don`t have the room and your bird is out of the cage a lot it could be used
  10. We do both but the frozen makes it easy to take out a little at a time and give them when youe in a hurry. Corky loves frozen lima beans. We do let them thaw by putting them in cool water for a minet or so
  11. They go for the dangerous stuff because it`s their nature.
  12. That is a good size for a grey. We have two cages with a play top and one clam shell top.
  13. Boy are you in for it. There is nothing safe when they start to fly. And no place they won`t try to get to.
  14. The top of the fridge won`t help because my Corky will always go up there too and tip things over and that is a long ways to the floor.
  15. Corky our CAG loves ice also and she will play with it. We bought corner rabbit litter pans for all are birds that hang in the corner of their cages that always have clean water and ice cubs in them and they all love to bathe in them and play with the ice.
  16. There ia a grey here and she thinks she is a queen and head of house because she has been here so long and her name is Corky. When we are out for breakfeast she thinks she is boss but I stand up to her, Befor I came here I was kept in a very small cage and not out much but now the cage is at least 6 or 7 times larger and get a lot of time out of the cage to be a pest. I love being out with mom and dad it`s like a new life.
  17. Hi Nilah, Louie, Salsa, Diego and all the rest Cricket here Did you know that if you poop and your mom or dads scholder and they don`t have a towel on you could make them put a clean shirt on as many as 5 times a day. And if they forget to change and put a coat on to go outside and find the mess when they take their coat off they get upset. Whats with them.
  18. The sassy attitude never goes away they just get better at it.
  19. National Geographic channel Program Amish and the alter
  20. For me the hardest thing in the world be to rehome my birds. I would want to make sure that they went to the best home I could find and that could mean a home visit. Some rescues require a home visit along with after placement visits to see how the bird is doing. And sometimes a bird will end up back in ressue. I don`t think it`s wrong to want whats best for your bird and I think this person must love that bird to care.
  21. What Shades OF Grey said is true for all parrots not just greys. Take the time now to stop bad habbits and save time later. Reinforce the good egnor the bad.
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