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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi Yoshi and welcome You WILL enjoy this forum
  2. Don``t you just want to love them to death
  3. Quality time IMO is more important than volume of time but you need to spend as much time as you can. To interact with your grey so you can get to know him or her and they get to know you and share the good times. Some times just sitting with them and relaxing has a calming and bonding effect for the two of you. Other times it`s play time. Some times talking to them or singing to them.(I can`t sing) Eating together and sharing some of your food. They need to be apart of your life and that is what will make them apart of you and your life.
  4. Hay Jingles how much do you want and were do I send it to. Over nite sled ok
  5. What you have been told works for all parrots. We have had our grey all her life but we rehomed a amazon two years ago and used all the differant things above. At the time she came to us she was 12 years old. We would sit by her cage and sing, talk to her and give her treets and some times just sit by her cage and read. You have to earn her trust but with time and kindnes they come around
  6. Well today when we got up we have a little over 3 feet of snow in ouy back yard. Not all at once but over 3 days. Corky Cricket and me are watching the out side birds at the bird feeder that I had to dig out this morning. I keep telling them how nice they have it but they don`t want to here it. I gess I owe it to them
  7. Ray P

    Leg Band

    Our CAG Corky has had her band on for 10 years with no trouble with toys or cage.
  8. Sitting at my computer wiyh Cricket on her tree stand trying to get to my computer
  9. Today Cricket feels left out because this is Corky`s 10 birthday but her day is comming. It was Dec. 20 2008 that we rehomed Crickey and we are going to use that day as her birthday. She will be about 14 years old so that will be her spec. day
  10. It was 10 years today that Corky poked her way out of her shell and started her life. She was 9 weeks old when we met her. She was in a group of 6 baby greys when she ran over to my wife and run up her arm and took a big poop. The wife said she picked us out so we left a deposit. She was 14 weeks old when we brough her home and she has never ever been away from us from that day on. Corky is a great traveler and has been all over the country because we never leave her home. When we go she goes. Every day when we get up and see her it`s like the first morning she was home with us. Pic. 1 The queen on her throne Pic. 2 The food critic Pic. 3 The bueaty queen Pic. 4 The ham Pic. 5 The Christmas spirit Happy birthday Corky you have given us so much Dec. 5, 2010
  11. Checking in to see who is in the game room and say hello to my grey friends. And luvparrots your grand son is awsome
  12. Hi mcclain32 and welcome to the forum I would give her a chance settle in first and just sit and talk with her and let her get to know you. When she is ready she will come around as she starts to trust you so don`t rush her. Sit by her cage sing eat read talk and she will come over to join in. In her time Again welcome and you will here from other members to welcome you.
  13. Ray P

    Did you know?

    Did you know that there is coffee flavored PEZ ??
  14. Our CAG Corky loves her cuddles through out the day for short periods of time and then she wants to play. Corky will be 10 years old on Sunday. Cricket our blue front amazon is the same way. Cricket was very nasty when we got her 2 years ago but is very sweet now. Cricket is around 14 years old give or take a year
  15. Ray P

    Did you know?

    Did you know I am starting to get headaches from playing all these games
  16. Hay luvparrots I could not open your attachment to see your pride and joy will keep looking.
  17. There are two things that can happen 1. You will find out if you can take a grey or not 2. You will fall in love and not want to give it back
  18. Birdnut you are right. We have a great room that is the kitchen dinning room and living room and after breakfast we find food in the kitchen dinning room living room and down the hall going to the bedrooms.
  19. Ray P

    Did you know?

    Did you know Our moon is about 1/4 the size of earth and is the largest moon compaired to planet size.
  20. I always enjoy your pictures. Great shots
  21. Ray P

    Did you know?

    Did you know ? the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
  22. Sitting here reading about Luvparrots gift from her grandson
  23. Oh the joys of living with a grey
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