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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. After all that fun they need a rest. Great video
  2. Just hang in there Kazoo will come around again. He did it once he will do it again. Some times you need set backs, but that makes the relationship stronger in the end.
  3. A hip hip hooray fron me too for luvparrot and Louie. Job well done.
  4. Welcome. And we all hope that every thing turns out ok and that the news is good.
  5. Welcome to the forum for both you and Simba. We love to share pictures so post away.
  6. We all wish you and your grey the best.
  7. Welcome back is the word of the day and to your new he/she. An egg is a good sign that it`s a girl.
  8. Your fids sure have a lot to do. I bet they sleep good at nite.
  9. Welcome to the forum. A lot of good people here to help and share. And yes pictures.
  10. They are going to think that they are outsde all the time. The room looks awesome.
  11. @katana600 It`s called flavored water and you pay extra for that at the store.
  12. Does your grey have a closed band on his leg ? Some times a breader will put the hatch date on the band.
  13. When mother nature speeks a parrot will listen because they are still wild at heart. I do not have this problem with Corky my CAG, but Cricket my BFA is in love with me and when she comes in season it brakes my heart to walk away from her, but I must do that for her own good. She will have a sad look on her face when I walk away, but then she will stop and I can go back to her. This to will pass and things will go back to normal.
  14. They my be small, but they have a big, big personality. As always I enjoyed the video I also have cockatiels.
  15. Ray P

    Parrot Vision

    When it comes to a grey there is always something new to learn about our (children) fids.
  16. One of the best things you could do for him/her is give them time to settle in and let them come around on their own. Let them see how things work in your home and sit with them and talk to them and try not to rush them. Any way welcome to the forum and we hope you will have a great time here with our many members who will help you out all they can.
  17. Cricket and I would like to thank Jayd and all the members for allowing Cricket to be the head dirty bird. That picture of Cricket is my favorit of all her pictures because she looks so sweet. She is our turn around bird and is as sweet as she looks. After we had Cricket for a very short time she changed how we felt about amazons and that was a good thing. We could never let her go for all the money in the world. She is more than a corner peice in the puzzel of our life.
  18. I enjoy your hikes as much as you and your birds do. I just love to watch your videos.
  19. Corky calls, Hay you. Cricket, Hi.
  20. Ray P

    Rhyme Time

    Summer is a bummer I have to say. Just to go swimming I have to pay. Slang
  21. Ray P

    question game

    Was it a short line ?
  22. And as they get older the better they are at it.
  23. Corky was out having breakfeast with us and she wanted somethink she could not have and we took it away and she looked sad. She than walked up to me looked up and said Hi baby. I did not change my mind and she was upset. They do know how to play us and try to get what they want.
  24. My zon will eat anything in sight, or at least try it.
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