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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. 17 weeks is still kind of young but they will come around and play with things they like. Just have differant things in their cage to find out what they like but give them time to deside on there own
  2. Hi Amy and hi Mitilda and welcome to the grey forum. We love pictures so bring them on
  3. Ray P

    Too big?

    3/4 bar spacing for a TAG and I think 3/4 bar spacing for a CAG is a safe bet. If this is one of those large CAG`S 1 inch bar spacing is ok
  4. Corky my CAG eats Roudybush and Cricket my zon will eat anything she can get her beak on.
  5. 1. It is said that Amazons can be nippy. As can a Grey. 2. It is said that Zons can be one person birds. As can a Grey. 3. It is said that Zons can be hormonal. As can a Grey. 4. It is said that Zons can be loveable. As can a Grey. 5. It is said that Zons can be stand offish As can a Grey. The list can go on and on for two birds that come from differant parts of the world that are so differant and yet so much alike. Yes they are differant in the way they live, eat and or weather they mix with other birds or just with in their own flock. They each are their own, but they are birds and they love to fly. The Amazon Room fit`s in with the Grey Forum because Amazons and African Greys are both smart, They are both good talkers, and they are both very differand and both very much alike and both are about the same size What if we took the time to list how they are the same and how they differ from each other. I would bet each persons list would be about the same and that the Amazons room belong in the Grey Forum.
  6. Hi Sharon and welcome to The grey forum. I do not have COPD, but I do have a Congo African Grey and a Blue Fronted Amazon and yes the amazon does not have the dander that a grey has. IMO the zon would be better than the grey, but I don`t know how much better. Some one else will chime in with better info.
  7. The wait is over and now the fun begins. Love the picture.
  8. Happy hatchday Lyric and many many more to come. They don`t have to talk to take over your heart.
  9. We are all glad for you. No job is better than your dream job.
  10. Hay Barbara I`m not sure that this is a parrot person. Check their other posts.
  11. What I saw was true devotion to each other. That is the only way I can put it.
  12. We just had a tornado in Chesterland Ohio. The tornado was less than 5 miles from my house. I have emergency weather radios in my house that come on when there is a weather emergency so we were able to take cover. It did just miss us but my birds will go into their travel cage with no trouble and we could go to the basement in a hurrry. The birds were mad because I woke them up at 1 A.m. but they got over it .
  13. Hi ride and welcome to the forum. When you get your grey your life will change and that is not a bad thing
  14. It`s hard to say what any dog would do under any given situation. When my dogs are out or my birds they are supervised. My dogs are good around the birds, but you never know. (IMHO)
  15. Hi Steve" You will spend the rest of your life trying to save your woodwork and your furniture when you have a parrot beleve me I know. We live in a log cabin and our parrots think they died and went to heaven. We have two tiels a congo grey and a blue front zon and when they are out they are supervised. We don`t want toothpicks for a house As far as uv lights it depends on time of year for us. In the winter about 4 to 5 hours and less in summer. We have nice summers and cold winters. As far as the UK I do not know your weather so maby some one else will chime in and let you know. We live in north east Ohio`s snow belt and we get about 10 to 11 feet of snow each year.
  16. Hi Cassandra and Ajax and welcome to the forum. Ajax is a good looking CAG, but remember he is just a baby so give him a chancs to settle in. Also I would not overdo the peanuts and the crackers.
  17. Welcome Ellie and Tule to the forum. Tule is a good looking TAG As far as Tule and your boyfriend being a challenge I have been married for 40 years and my wife is still in training, or I am, I`m not sure !!!
  18. Thats great news that your other fids are ok. I am so happy for you and now you can bring your baby home when she is ready and have no fear. Egan is comming to a great home.
  19. Good luck in getting that dream job of yours. I hope every thing works out ok for you. We all need some luck some times. I also hope you find the grey of your dreams.
  20. I don`t know if my congo grey and my blue front zon like each other, but I do know they have learned how to share the same space when they are out of their cage. They will even eat off the same plate with no trouble between the two of them. We have split the food on the plate so each has their own space and they will reach over to steal the others food but they do not fight. It`s fun to watch Corky strech over to Cricket`s side and at the same time Cricket will strech over to Corky`s side to take each others food as if the other has some thing that they don`t have. Beleve me it`s the same. They think they are so sneaky that it`s really cute to watch. When they are out they are supervised and it`s not just for there safty, We have a log cabin and we don`t want a pile of tooth picks for a house That is Corky and Cricket in my avatar
  21. Ray P

    Egan Update

    Barbara Egan looks just great and I bet you are counting the days till he cones home. Just love your pictures.
  22. Great video of Zak. He looks like he is haveing a great time.
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