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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi CBL and shadow and welcome to the grey forum. Shadow is a good lookinf grey. Oh rehomed birds can and will fall in love with you. I know this for fact.
  2. In about the third week Cricket was comming to the side of the cage that my stool was on every time I came into the room and would put her head down at the bars and let me scritch and rub her head. She enjoyed it so much and was so gentle I thought it was time to open the cage door. I opened the door and let her come out and she climbed to the play top on the cage and wen`t to the far corner from me and just looked at me and than came back over to me and put her head down for a scritch. When it was time for to go back into her cage I would take my arm and guide her back to the door and back into the cage. I still had a fear she might bite and this went on for three or four days. It was about 4 1/2 weeks or so that Cricket was with us and she was still very much over weight and could not fly. One day cricket was out of her cage and I walked away form her cage to get something and I was about 20 feet away when I herd a flapping noise as Cricket tryed to fly over to me but she went down to the floor. (thank god for carpet) I had never picked her up and my thought was I am in for the bite of my life and I bent over and said step up and she did. I was so happy but I thought that this was once in a life time and she would not do it again, but I took my other hand and said step up and she did it again. Next our bond grows.
  3. Hi Susannah and Bailey, Welcome to the grey forum you will like it here.
  4. Hi Charity and Zazu and welcome to the grey forum. That was a great story and a happy ending. Just love that kind of story. Oh we just love pictures.
  5. I wil always say when you have a grey you will never know whats comming next. Oh this won`t be your last surprise, you have many more to come
  6. Congratulations on your new baby zon. A zon is not a grey, but like a grey they need your love and lots of attention to be come the family member you want. Good luck with your new baby and we will help all we can if you ever need us or have a question. My girl Cricket is a rehome and she has turned out to be a real joy to have around. Cricket is a BFA and is very sweet.
  7. I don`t think the chicken scratch is sign of fear. My grey Corky will do the chicken scratch when she is on a flat serface and finds something on the table that intrest her and she will go over to it and put her beak down on the table and scratch for a min. or so and than find something else to do. It`s a grey thing
  8. Hi Max and Fatso and welcome to the grey forums. We love pictures and storys.
  9. My grey Corky my amazon Cricket and my boy cockatiel Willie all enjoy whilstling and talking and they do it all the time. P.S. Corky never said her first word untill she was 24 months old. Now can`t get her to stop.
  10. Taking on a baby grey and rehoming a theer year old grey all at one time and no parrot experience is going to be a big challenge. I`m not going to say it can`t be done. There are a lot of parrots from one bird homes that did not make it because the person was new and did not understand the parrots need and the home failed. A baby grey and a rehome grey are to differant birds and may need differant things. In my heart I would love to see it work out. Best of luck.
  11. Ray P


    It will just keep gitting better as time goes on. It starts this way and you will have your ups and downs, but your on your way.
  12. Yes amazons are great and beautiful and have a nice price tag. Our blue front zon was a rehome and did not cost us anything except new cage toys food perches. I gess she was a free $500.00 zon. We love her anyway.
  13. I know that this topic has been covered before about our parrots, but as I sit and play with my flock they each have their own scent, not smell, but a very plesent scent. My Crickets scent is very differant than my tiels and grey. Not that it`s a bad thing, just differant And I enjoy putting my nose on the back of her neck and takeing a big sniff. She likes it too. My question is for the members that have more than one species of amazons is. Does each species of amazons have their own scent or are they the same from species to species This is a I just want to know question.
  14. Hi NatJ First he is still new to your home and he made need some more time to settle in. When we first got Corky she was very quiet but she was happy and played with her toys ate good and she would travel with us and just enjoy being around us. Now I sometimes wish we had those times back because she talks and talks and sings and talks non stop. When they are ready you will know it. Some greys are more quiet than others. Now with Corky you can`t listen to TV you can`t talk on the phone you can`t listen to music or talk to your family member with out her butting in. Enjoy this time
  15. Ray P

    I Remember Game

    Golden ager. I remember Fibber Mcgee and Molly Radio Show
  16. I posted a thread obout Cricket history and a thread Than and now. This is going to be a step by step of Cricket`s journey from than to now and I hope this will help some one who may plan to rehome a zon in the future. First I had a fear of zons from what I had read so what I did may not be the same that some one else might do, but this worked for me. The trip home. The trip to Florida was to be a quick trip so we took our 12 passenger van and not the motor home. we took the first row and the third row of seats out so we had room for Corky`s cage and our dog smokey. The way home went very well. Corky`s cage was behind the driver seat and Cricket`s cage behind the center seat. And we came home with a extra dog Bacon a doxe. At home. The very first thing was to put Cricket in a large cage, For years she was in a 16x16x24 cage. The next thing was to change her diet from all seed and peanuts to vegs and pellet and other good stuff. The first 2 1/2 to three weeks we did not let her out of the cage, but I had a stool by her cage where I would sit and talk to here and offer her treats every time I walked by. It was in the first week of the 2 1/2 weeks when I came into the room she would go over to the spot where my stool was and wait for me to come over to talk and give her treats. This was the start of our bond and trust. Next out of cage time
  17. I have had cockatiels for 40 years and I love them.They are little parrots with a BIG personalitity. They can be very loveing. Willie in picture three is 21 years old and we have had him all his life.
  18. Tweedy is very lucky to have found you in that storm and also to find a person that will try to find her family that she must love. If that can`t be done to keep her and give her a chance for a loveing home with you. I know if you find her family she will be hard to give back but I bet they miss her much. If you can`t find her family she sounds like she will be easy to keep. Good luck and welcome to the forum
  19. Happy hatch day Kito. Oh Malikah My grey Corky never said her first word untill she was 24 months old and now I can`t get her to stop. Must be the woman in her.
  20. How aboue a new game called I Remember. I think this game could be fun. This game can be played by old and young. We will not say old, but Golden Agers and we will not say young, but Spring Chickens. Things you could tell your great grand kids Example Identify your self as golden ager or spring chicken Golden ager I rimember When you bought a new car turn signals were an option. Spring chicken or young person might tell their great grand kids Spring chicken I remember The internal combustion engin. Lets see all the things we can come up with Just remember if your old like me your are a golden ager. If your young your a spring chicken, but what would you tell your great grand kids when you are a golden ager. I will start Golden ager I remember Sock Hops
  21. Beautiful baby tiel. I see he has his own harness. A lot of yellow in the head maybe a boy ??
  22. Ray P

    Cage covers

    We also use a sheet to cover our cages. My birds love the traffic that goes by there cage and very often make a comment to whom ever walks by. They are apart of what`s going on in our house and they don`t want to miss a thing.
  23. Ray P


    They just want you to tell them all about it and they except you to make up for the lost time.
  24. Hi Khaiqha My Congo Grey will be eleven years old on Dec 5 of this year and she is not a plucker. When we first met her she was 9 weeks old and we fell in love. At about 14 or 15 weeks she came home with us and she has never been away from us from that day on. There is some good information on the net and there is also a lot of junk and misinformation and it`s just about birds it`s all kinds of other things to. It`s forums like this one the Grey forum that can give you the foundation you need to rase a happy and well balanced grey and not just greys but other parrots as well. Many members have greys that don`t pluck and have rehomed greys that do. If you rase your grey like you would rase a child with lots of love and attention and toys the chance of getting a plucker is slim. Ask any member.
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