We are making progress by going backwards! Training-wise I have gone right back to the begining. Not getting very far with the treat testing though, she is suspicious of everything.
Pippa will step up from her cage top, but not happily from anywhere else. So I decided to completely stop getting her to do it by 'making' it happen, but to ask for it instead. I want her to know that she doesn't have to be scared/worried, I'm not going to make her do it, I'm not going to make her do something else afterwards, and if she does want to do it, Good Things happen.
I have only 'asked' for a step up from the top of her cage, where I know she is happy to do it, and every single time I have made excited happy noises, immediately delivered a peanut, and put her straight back on the cage where I know she is happy.
We've been doing this for a couple of days.
So this evening, I held my hand near her, but not close, no so close that it pushes a step up to happen. I asked for a step up. She gave me that 'Nope' look. So with the other hand I showed her and told her 'I've got a peanut for you'. I could literally see the thought cross her face 'Oh, OK then!', and she jumped/fluttered the distance to my hand. Whoop Whoop! Here's your peanut! Enjoy it on your cage honey!
Choice. Reward. Trust. Now I've just got to build on it, ever so slowly, and never give her the chance to doubt me. Just hope I can keep my impatient human nature in check.....