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Everything posted by Birdnut
I'm guessing Millie's assessment was right on in most cases.
I've been wondering how the RabbitAir filters have been working out for the folks that purchased them. I'm considering getting an additional filter.
Let's all lift a glass to love, patience, and success!!!
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How terrible. I'm so sorry. But as others have said, sounds like the Big Parrot in the Sky called that one back for a do over. That sweet soul will come back hale and hearty next time.
I usually thoroughly power hose that type of item and then hang it in the sun all afternoon.
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Buffy: No worries. The forum is about communication, and sometimes that includes speaking ones mind. I, for one, would not be playing around in the silly game room if I took myself that seriously. But I will hazard a comment here (and then duck)........ I think part of what is causing reservations in some members is this person's young age. I have always said that most people make the most important decisions they will ever make in life before they are really old enough: whom to marry and what kind of work they will do. A wise friend of mine once said that a young man doesn't really know who he is or what he wants until he's 30. Morana has made some excellent points about life and the turns it can take. At the age of 23, a young life is just full of potential that can bust out in any direction, often in unanticipated directions. This young person may be the exception, but there is plenty of reason to raise these questions when considering a path that involves heavy responsibility and a long-term commitment, It may also be that it is the enthusiasm and confidence of youth that is coming across as rashness here. Some of us, myself included, are old curmudgeons who feel that life has taught them all there is to know. When the two meet on a subject that both care passionately about ..... bam!!! Everyone is here with a good heart and deep love and respect for these amazing birds. Some of us have seen the terrible consequences of ill-begotten intentions, and when we think we see another one coming, we throw up our hands and cry, "No! Stop!" No one can be blamed for their passionate reactions. But remember that we have the opportunity to use our experience to guide another person only as long as that person is listening, and only one wise beyond 23 years will continue to listen if they feel they are being attacked. Key87 is stopping and doing some real thinking and considering before moving ahead. I think that is a good outcome.
This is very worrisome news. Please continue to keep us posted on what you learn.
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Good suggestion. I, too, go through a lot of paper towels. We have concrete floors throughout the downstairs. I usually clean up poop on the floor with a squirt of Aviclean and a mop.
That's a great story. As they say: "If the Grey ain't happy; nobody's happy." Well, it's close, anyway. LOL!
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Thanks for this heads up. I will be much more conscious about this now. I have a stash of both pear-shaped and oval-shaped links, and I will try to stick with the oval ones from here out. I also use these a lot. The reason I use them is my rascally conures will unscrew the quick links, and I'll find all the toys and tents on the floor and in the bottom of the cages. I have a hard time getting toys to stay hung up. The conures unscrew the links and the cockatoo unties all the knots. Sigh. Oh, well. They are being entertained.
What irks me is when you get in the car and go to the brick and mortar store and stand there in front of a real human and ask for some kind of help or service, and they say they can't do it and just give you a phone number or a web site address.
Another inconvenient bite site: the pad of the thumb. That's where Moussa drew blood from me this last week. To be fair, I think it was an accidental nip, as I was trying to clean his dirty beak off with a moistened paper towel, and he was biting at the towel and just grazed my thumb. But it scooped a little piece of flesh off and bled like crazy. My thumb has been sore ever since and really gets in the way when trying to work or manipulate things. Of course we all know you can't really use a band-aid if you're going to be handling birds, as anything not part of the hand is going to come off and be flung across the room.
Oh, I love the "Uh, oh." It cracks me up when my conures say that. I will hear some piece of a toy or some other noisy object hit the floor in the bird room. I'll hear it go bouncing across the floor, and then in the silence that follows: "Uh, oh!" Cracks me up every time. Does Issac use it in context yet?
Yeah, like the my poop smells better than your poop thing.
I agree with the others. Be patient. It's not uncommon for weaning babies to vacillate between wanting more or less feeding as they go through the weaning process.
Sorry you got bitten, but good job in shaking it off and moving on. Any bird can bite, and none of us should get too complacent. (When I saw this thread title, I thought it must be about lovebirds )
Thanks for the update. Sounds like you have appropriately narrowed it down to locating this man. All I can say is, he would have to be a real scumbag to knowingly keep another person's bird when he knows they are searching for it. Best of luck. Praying for you.
I would not be inclined to board such a young grey, no matter how excellent the boarding facility might be. She would be frightened and confused to be taken out of her home, and no telling how she might respond to you when you showed back up to reclaim her. I think it would be best to choose the path that would result in minimal disruption to Bodhi's accustomed circumstances, which would be to stay at home in her familiar surroundings. If you hire a bird sitter to give her attention, I suggest having the sitter make at least a couple of visits beforehand, when you are there to greet him/her and demonstrate to Bodhi that this is a friendly and safe visitor. Personally, I would worry about absenting myself from a baby grey who is just learning the ropes and developing relationships. But I hope all goes well for you.
Aw, that's a really cute picture. Zak looks like he is posing for the camera.