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Everything posted by Birdnut

  1. Good post, Ray. You are so right. It's good to research a potential new bird to evaluate how they might fit into your household. The internet is helpful. It was also helpful to hang out at the local bird specialty shop and talk to real people about their experiences. But it is possible to get into a "paralysis of analysis" over this. The main issue is do you have the time, commitment and patience to adapt, learn, and grow in a relationship with a parrot. If so, you and your parrot are going to evolve a unique relationship that is yours alone and may, or may not, resemble anything you read about on the internet.
  2. Sounds to me like he was having a little argument with himself about whether or not to dare to step onto the swing.
  3. Hi krikkit. Sorry this one didn't work out for you. But you are right about these creatures being magical. Yes, they are a lot of work. But after we got our grey, we discovered what an engaging presence he is in our home.
  4. Dayo is so awesome. I love to watch his videos. Thanks.
  5. Make sure it hasn't flipped over and you're tightening it instead of loosening it. I know it sounds dumb, but I've done it many times.
  6. Moussa will do this too. If he poops on a surface, like a counter, where the poop is readily accessible, he will want to pick at it. It's almost like he's curious about it. I think Elvenking has reported a similar behavior with his Issac in another thread. Of course we also hurry to wipe it up before Moussa can mess with it.
  7. Glad to hear of the good outcome. You did the right thing.
  8. I have had no problems with putting my hand in the cage with Moussa so far. But, in anticipation of any future issues, I mounted a short perch on the inside of the door to the cage. This perch is positioned so that the cage door easily swings open and shut, and when the door is swung open, the perch is outside of the cage. Moussa has learned that if he wants to come out of the cage, he must get "ready," which means he must step onto the door perch and wait for the door to swing open. Then he steps up onto my hand. This has become a routine with us. Hopefully, this will continue to work for us, should Moussa become more cage territorial in the future. If he's not quite ready to come out, I just leave the door open and let him climb out whenever he's ready, but most of the time, he is very anxious to come out.
  9. That's a very interesting story about the feral greys. I used to spend a lot of time in Zilker Park around that time and after, and I don't remember seeing any sign of them. Would you mind sharing what you are currently offering as a reward? I would like to update that information at Gallery of Pets, where I have been keeping them abreast of your search. They sell parrot cages and supplies, and I thought it would be good for them to be fully aware of what's going on with Mino. All the best....
  10. You had said the police were going to trace a phone call for you. Any results on that?? Thinking of you and Mino.
  11. My Moussa isn't talking yet, but he does tend to make talky/practice sounds when I'm not in the room where he is. My conures who do talk are a lot more vocal when I'm not in the room with them, as well. When I'm in the room, they want me to entertain them. I think it's really common for parrots to be more chatty when they're hanging out to themselves. Sometimes I've wondered with my conures if they see some of the vocal exchanges we do as a kind of contact call. If I'm right there in front of them, well, who needs a contact call then?
  12. Birdnut

    Our Turn

    I know it's so scary to have a sick bird. All best wishes and healing energy for poor Kura. Sounds like you caught it early on.
  13. Ray P: Sounds like you do have a job keeping your drive clear, but from your photos, you really do have a cool place.
  14. Maybe they're all too busy digging out. In other news: It actually snowed here in central Texas last night.
  15. I have also noticed the absence and have been worried.
  16. I dread the day Moussa figures out the spigot on the Berkey water filter. He's learned how to disassemble it, but so far he hasn't caught on to turning it on.
  17. The posters we saw at the theater last weekend show a cockatoo among the characters. I can't wait to see how they represent that!
  18. Cool. If we could only somehow have our birds' actions captured on video at all times, we could amaze the skeptics.
  19. I wish I could have seen that. I'll bet it really cracked you up. And don't we all have to come up with efficient ways to manage the birdie diet. Sounds like you've got a good system!
  20. She'll do great, and she'll be s-o-o-o much better off with that toe gone.
  21. I have to say, I'm with Judy. I work hard to keep the poop under control and the house reasonably clean, but there are going to be some missed poops here and there at any one time, including on the back of my shirt. The way I see it, a bit of bird poop on the floor on the other side of the room is not going to leap up and run over to someone and stick their nose up their crotch and slobber all over them, as I have often experienced at other people's homes. And I think that sharing your home with other life forms is a lot healthier than having a perfectly clean, sterile home. IMHO. This discussion reminds me of when I was in college and had a pet rat. One of my guy friends used to bring any new dates over to "pet the rat." If the date freaked out about the rat, she didn't get a second date.
  22. Those babies are so beautiful! And those cute little stubby red tails just melt my heart. Don't you just want all of them?
  23. That was so cute. It brightened up my day. Thanks.
  24. "She'll be fine" .... love the sound of that!
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