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Everything posted by reggieroo
I've also tried a pet communicator, she said that she told Murphy to stay calm & fly to me when he seen me. Here is one of the story's in the paper, look at the bottom of page one titled "Where's Murphy gone?" Here's the other one titled the same. Actully they are both the same story online as they are sister papers, but slightly different in the paper .
I hope so as this is my last hope, I've exhausted every avenue in finding my little friend. Please Murphy come home!
Done the story, pretty much just said about how much we miss him & how he is part of the family. Said about how he has grown up with my daughter the same age & how she keeps asking for him & nothing can replace him. Also said he has a special diet & needs regular vet care in case somebody decides to keep him, they might think twice if they know whats involved. I had another reporter get in touch so now it's going in two papers.
Just had an email back from a reporter who I contacted, she is happy to do a story on Murphy's escape. Any suggestions on what I should say? My aim for a story was to get it in the paper so people read about it & get talking & hopefully help find him through word of mouth & speading the word.
I had Murphy at 12 weeks & he is now around 18 months, his hatch day was 20 Dec 2009.
So sweet, reminds me of when I got Murphy.
Hi Guys, day 6 & still nothing. Really beginning to miss Murphy now more than ever, silly little things like taking a shower & thinking Oh I must get Murphy he is due one, only the to realise he isn't here. I keep going to whistle tunes knowing he will appreciate it & again realising he won't hear me & one less person to wake up in the morning (yes Murphy was a little person to me, my little grey friend). I keep thinking about his little bobbing head when he was happy & it gets me every time.
I'm now getting phone call from pranksters claiming to have him & asking for stupid amounts of cash. :mad:
Well I had a bit of hope this morning, I got a phone call from a chap a few villages away that had seen my poster. He overheard some body talking about sighting an African grey a few miles away on Thursday. So this morning I rushed out to where the sighting was & had a look around. I also went to a local residential caravan site & asked there. They hadn't seen anything but 10 minutes later another chap said he had seen him & would look out for him & see if he can catch him in a cage. He will call me if he has any luck. So it was Thursday he was last seen, the day after he went missing so he has obviously flown the village & is now a good few miles away. Does give me hope now there has been a sighting. Let's just hope somebody catches him & calls me up. I also went to a local farm show & asked them to announce it over the mic, they agreed & said they would do it throughout the day.
You guy's are right, I'm part of this grey family........I'm not going anywhere! I'm just feeling bit emotional today because as every day that passe's without Murphy it become more of a reality that I have lost him, maybe for good & can't imagine what I will do. I don't want a household without a grey but at the same time I can't imagine having another in his place, that's the reason I felt as though I may not be here in the near future. I'm still trying to stay positive for Murphy & I've been back out & put another 25+ posters in villages on lampposts, pubs & the golf clubhouse down the road. Got some more posters that have been laminated by my Father coming tomorrow to go round my village, I feel I need more than the handful I have already posted. Then Monday I'm going to hit the nearest Town & post in pet shops etc.
Unfortunately my mission wasn't a success & I didn't find Murphy. I spent a few hours up the wood with my GSD Zeus searching & calling, I even put Murphy's bell round Zeus's collar in case he heard it. I've also just been out in the car to the nearest town & posted a few posters about. Just came back to get some more & I'm going to head off to a few of the surrounding villages to hang some more posters after my coffee. The newspaper was out today with my ad in & I kind of expected a call but nothing yet. Talking to a lady in the market about Murphy trying to spread the word & she told me her brother lost his African grey in Worcester two months ago & hasn't found him yet. I'm taken aback by all the love of had on the forum & positive replies, it amazes me how we all come together in our times of need, I thank you all once again. Writing this has brought tears to my eyes, thinking I mght not be here anymore because I don't have a grey any more. I'm missing Murphy so much.
Well today is another day & a new search but to be fair I'm exhausted after the last few days. Yesterday I didn't physically search as much as the two days before but spent more time networking, ringing around & placing ads as I felt that my best hope is somebody finding him & calling me up. I was so tired yesterday I didn't have the energy while walking around & ran out of whistle, I just couldn't whistle anymore. Today I'm following up a hunch, going to a wood a couple of miles up the road, sounds like a good place to hide out for a bit if I was a parrot anyway. Somebody said that they heard a parrot noise up there, not sure what a parrot noise is as he doesn't really make parroty noises but still got to check it out. It has also been raining heavily since yesterday eve which should mean he won't fly as much being wet. I had a false alarm last night, a neighbour came & knocked my door to say "I think I've found your parrot" he then went on to say he was green/yellow with a red head. Poor guy was so happy he thought he found Murphy for me. I told him great, keep up the good work, that's exactly what we need people actively looking & reporting. I 'm going to go see him this morning to get he details anyway so I can post that up as it must be somebody else's parrot. I've looked on all the websites I'm on & can't find it as lost though. I also got in touch with somebody that found a grey 56miles away, knew it was a long shot but you never know, it's only 28 miles a day to fly if your on a mission. It wasn't Murphy but it could be another lady's grey that was lost in the same area so I'm going to give her the details in a minute, if I can reunite at least one owner with their bird then that will be great. Anyway I'm going to get off now & get ready for another search & rescue mission.
Ok this morning I have spent a few hours on the phone calling local vets, registering details & any other contacts that could help but still nothing to report. I have also emailed reporters for the local newspapers hoping they might do a story & give me some press coverage. I have managed to put a lost ad in our main newspaper that goes out tomorrow, I said "reward given for safe return" Done a few other adverts on any website I can. Now on page one in google for "lost African grey in Worcestershire" I've called some animal shelters that might have birds & animal welfare organisations & registered my details. If he is found & somebody wants to return him it shouldn't be hard to find me now. When Kate gets back from her meetings I'm going to go out again & then visit local pet shops & put up some more posters & also neighbouring villages. I figure that if somebody finds him they may go & buy some seed for him at one of the pet shops. I just wish I had micro chipped him to make his return to me easier, something I'll be doing if I get him back straight away. Going to have a read of that link above from Chezron......thanks.
The cage & play stands are still out in the garden with a big tray of food. I have also put posters on all the notice boards in the village & the two shops. One thing I need to do tomorrow is contact the local vets, everyone else I can think of has been contacted today & it's all over the net. Local paper, good idea I'll try that tomorrow, not much more I can do now but pray.
Just got back in after the last search of the day, unfortunately I haven't seen or heard from him once today, I'm gutted. I really thought today would be the day I found him but instead I feel he is lost to me even more. I just can't believe yesterday he was around & today he seems to be completely gone. If he was still around I'm sure he would have answered me at least once. I've been out to the outskirts of the village with a megaphone I borrowed from a neighbour but still nothing. All there is around the village is open countryside, absolutely impossible to locate him if he has left the village which I fear he has. I'm guessing something spooked him first thing this morning & he must have flew off in the wrong direction. I can't quite understand why yesterday he didn't turn around & come back to me when I was calling him as he flew overhead. The feeling of knowing I was so close to him yesterday but couldn't do anything is gutting. Oh Murphy I hope your alright my little mate, I'm missing you so much. I don't like not being able to talk to you as I walk past your cage. PLEASE MURPHY COME BACK! XXX
I've spoken to every person I have seen today in the village & asked them to keep an eye out. I think pretty much the whole village knows by now & are on the look out. It's now getting quite hot here so I imagine he needs a drink.
I'm feeling upset right now, just stopped to think about it all & felt my eyes filling up. If I had heard him today or seen him I wouldn't feel so bad but I feel like he has gone now. I've been trudging round the village since 11am yesterday morning, ringing his favorite bell, carrying his bowl of food & a pillow case to put him in. I pop back to give up dates & have a drink & then back out again. His cage is in the garden along with two play stands, one with a huge tray of food for him to spy if he does a fly by. Off out again in a minute but just not sure where to look right now.
Well I've been out this morning searching & calling but nothing, I can't locate him. last time I seen him was yesterday evening flying over my house & this morning I've been back in that direction again hoping to hear him. Going back out again in a minute.
Well guys I'm off to bed to try & get some sleep if I can. 10.30pm here in the UK & I'm normally wide awake for a few more hours but today events have tired me out. I'm starting to feel upset now that I've time to reflect on today & think about what has happened. I want to get up early & go look for him, fingers crossed tomorrow will be a better day. I'm wondering if living in a rural area is better or worse for a lost parrot, the next village is a few of miles away & we just have open countryside & lots of trees in the village. Night night everyone & good night Murphy, wish me luck for tomorrow & thanks for all the support today. Regards Paul
Just got back in at now 9.35pm, the sun went down around 9pm & the sky went quiet. I did one last walk round the village even though I knew would probabaly be pointless but I just couldn't give up. Haven't seen him since his last fly by over the garden a few hours ago. Guess that's it for the night now, don't know how I'm going to sleep. My little mate has gone!
I've just got back in after another 4 sightings or so. I have put up posters & asked the local kids to help, one of them spotted him flying high above & land in a tree near my home. I went into the field, called him with some contact calls & he came flying out of the tree but flew straight over & off again. This happened over the next couple of hours with the last sighting flying over my back garden. He has now flew off somewhere again unknown. Two of the times I sat in a field with his bowl of food & his favorite bell, I think he wanted to come down but is unable to land. I made sure I was enough distance away so he could land as I know they need 45 degrees to make a landing. I'm starving hungry & thirsty as hell so I can only imagine Murphy feels the same. I'm sure he wants to come home but not quite sure how to.
When he was in the tree I actually moved further away to a clearing so he could fly down to me as I thought about the 45 degree angle. Been out again & nothing, starting to get real worried now nightime is approaching.
This is the first time he has escaped, not sure if that is good or bad really. I have been to the local village shop & the pub & asked to them to keep a eye out & tell as many people as possible. I have also asked every person I have seen to keep an eye out & gave my phone number. I've just came in for a drink, going back out again in a minute. Been searching for nearly 5 hours now.
Kate just went out & found him in the highest tree around. I just spend the last hour or so trying to temp him down, took my eye off him for a second & he has gone. He's not in the tree & no contact calls can be heard now.