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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Sorry I keep posting....but this story really makes my weekend...I love to hear that little space in your heart is safe once again. I know if Issac flew away...he might as well have my heart in his talons.
  2. Wait...who said anything about getting clipped. I didn;t read the post where Britanny said this was done.
  3. I would have been the same way. Just thinking about it overwhelms me. You must be very happy to see your friend sleeping at home. Cheers to you and Pepper. And of course....love your bird to the fullest. She's home! <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/20 02:57
  4. Ohh goodness....I am soooooo happy that you got your sweetheart back. You must have been crying tears of joy. I am actually super choked up about it. Thank goodness Pepper is home with the one who loves her. YES!!!! So sweet!!
  5. Yeah...he wanted to get on that cage over 10 times last night. I simply kept removing him to another location. He was really trying me last night....lol. Just trying to keep him from encroaching on Pedro's territory. I guess I will just keep at it. Maybe he will pick up on his rightful place. I really can;t blame my Conure though...if a bird five times the size of me came landing on my cage, I'd be a little miffed too.
  6. Here is a little development regarding my little boy. I also have a Green Cheek Conure. He is nowhere near on the level as Issac, but I have had him for 4 years and he has been a good little co-pilot. However, quite tempermental. Lately, Issac has wanted to fly to his cage top. Pedro, my Conure, is quite territorial...and no matter how much Issac towers over him....he wants to try to bite him like..."This is my cage...back off ya big bully". And he will try to nip at Issac. So at least 10 times last night I had to fetch Issac off the cage top of my Conures cage to save him from the nipping little beak of my feisty Conure. So I took them both out to show them one another...they don;t seem too upset with that. But the last thing i would do is leave em alone together. And I don't want Issac picking up his bad habits. Any thoughts regarding these two co-habitating birds. BTW...here is an amazing picture I caught this morning of Issac giving himself a lift up on his cage. BEAUTIFUL!!
  7. This breaks my heart so badly reading it. Please Pepper...make yourself known to someone.
  8. Wow...thank you all for the great ideas! I will try randomly putting him the cage too.
  9. That is a great suggestion....I am going to work with him gently tomorrow on this little task. I am having fun teaching him....but its not all me I suppose...he is a really compliant bird in most cases. If he can poop on command...I must be able to get him over the anxiety of me leaving in the morning. Maybe I will leave some nature sounds on tomorrow.
  10. Lol...cute. Issac seems to like random toys, but he seems to take a liking to soft things he can rip apart or sink his beak into. The funniest thing...is that with some of his favorite toys. He will see em.....run over to them...raise up...flap his wings and dance around them making this "Raaawwwkkk Raaawwwwk" sound. Or he gets excited and does little 'nose puffs' where he honks air through his nostrils in excitement. God I love this bird.
  11. Oh...and by the way...the mixed frozen veggie idea was great. i got him a 'Fiesta Veggie Mix' warmed it up and he not only ate some of that...but got to his fruit during the day today. I no longer worry about his diet. I still offer the night feeding and he is still taking just a little amount....almost totally weaned.
  12. Actually Judy....he is flying...started in his 10th week. He is very good at it and can target landing sites very well now. Oh yes...I was running underneath him the very first time he started going up instead of down. It was an amazing sight. He is happily destrying a plastic lid to a piece of tupperware right now....lol. I love him oh so very much.
  13. I hate to see this. Does anyone know if they have like....GPS for birds? I know they have systems for dogs. But geez....this is really needed for our feathered friends. Issac may as well fly away with my heart in his talons should he ever bolt.
  14. Ohhh NOOOOOOO! This is the single most scary thought about leaving my birdie flighted. My heart sincerely goes out to you. Please do not stop looking for one moment. Get out there and look...do not stop. Go go go.
  15. I still remember the day I was going to visit the breeder just to go 'see' the birds. But I knew in my heart that I would not be walking away without my name on a bird. She had 4 week old ones too....insanely cute. Making their little 'cheep cheep' noises. I ended up picking Issac because he was trying to nestle in the crook of my arm where I was sitting. At the time he was just EMR 040...but would soon be affectionately known as Issac.
  16. Yeah...I think my little boy is still getting used to his routine. Somehow...I have to make it okay for him. At night...there is no fuss at all. He pleasently steps off onto his perch for a nice little good nights sleep. Mornings are the tough ones.
  17. So...I have been causing myself a little stress over Issac eating his veggies..and some of you know this. Well....this morning, I remove the cover from his cage to notice that the veggies have been at least chopped up and gone through...looking somewhat like some was missing. So I am no longer worrying about him. I mean jeez, I take the little fellow out, and I couldn;t imagine a happier bird...so he is doing well on his path to completely weaning. He could care less about his morning feeding...and at night he is swatting the feeder away at 15 cc's. I did give him the option to eat from a spoon too...he took me up for a couple spoonfuls and happily went on his own way. My baby is doing good
  18. Awe...I will try this. Just have to find something to distract him before its time. Thank you for sharing that story Dan. And yes, positive reinforcement not only works...it is the only thing that works.
  19. I can understand why he fights it. It is just way cooler being out for him....plus he knows that if it's light out side...and he is going in the cage....it isn't bed time, and I am about to leave. Fighting beak and nail is a good description. LOL. I will have to check that bird radio out. LOL...Cute.
  20. Does your little friend give you a hard time when it is time to go in the cage for when you go to work? Ohh my how he tries to work me when it's time for me to go. Firstly, he tries to climb his way up my arm when it's cage time. I feel like such a meanie...but I eventually get him in there. Then once that is done....down to the bottom he goes to claw at the newspaper as he shoves his beak between the bars as if to say, "No...please let me out". Ohh gawd. I do leave some music on for him....yesterday it was smooth jazz....today a little reggae. Do they like to have music? I just figure its better than silence.
  21. I didn't teach him to poop....but he does that....all the time!! What's up with that? LOL
  22. Lol....this thread makes me giggle with delight. Everyone talking about feeling their fuzzy lil birds. Feeling those soft downy feathers seems to be up there, and neck scratches. I laughed pretty good when someone said that when you go to give the up command and they duck their head in front of your hand for a scratch.....cannot refuse....I simply cannot.
  23. We love Spock!!! My mind to yours, your mind to mine....you will prosper, Spock.
  24. Ha...totally...and my first thought is...that they like to poop after flights....:ohmy: Ha! Anyway...I love all the attention my lil bird gives me..and wants from me. I live alone....but not really.... Since I brought this miracle of a gift home...I will never feel alone again...I love you, Issac!! You are my love. Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/18 04:29 Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/18 04:41 Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/18 04:46<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/18 05:10
  25. lmao @ Kitty...Why the top of our heads....lol. My baby loves to do that...I'll be standing somewhere...anywhere...and suddenly there is a mission to my head-top. Whaddup wit dat??
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