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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. I have my baby cleaning his feathers on my left shoulder right now. I guess I will just have to see how this goes. He has never given me any reason to be afraid so far. He even trys to talk in my ear. So I dunno....he is okay there until he hurts me. So far, knock on wood, he has not bitten me or anyone I socialize him with. I am always super gentle and so is he. So far.
  2. So happy to hear you brought a new baby home. I brought my lil Issac home in his 9th week and my life has not been the same since. I used to live by myself, but now I do not feel that way anymore. Anyway...regarding poop training...which I think is just a great add-on if you can get it wired. Which I have not had yet. But...at the early stage...best you can do is to be proactive and take him to somewhere where he can poop...hold him there and say poop...make a few sounds resembling it...maybe even dip you butt to show him what you are waiting for...and say 'poop' Do this for every 15 mins of out-of-cage activity and he will begin to catch on. I have my boy at about 70% compliance. Just hoping one day when I am holding him...he will say 'poop' when he has to go. He knows I don;t like it on me...mainly cause I go, "awwwwww' when he does...then i momentarily go to clean up while he sits on his perch. I think he does recognize this break in activity...and i assume that soon he will get the picture. One thing I do find consistantly true among training...is to be consistanly consistant. Good luck and congratulations on your new life long friend.
  3. Sorry for dupe. Gotta make a delete function <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/18 03:17
  4. Yes...Issac loves to follow me to the kitchen. And if he is not paying attention to me when i am going....almost as soon as I run the kitchen sink...he comes flying down. It's always amazing to watch him make his flight. And oh yes...the gentle beak...there is something in knowing that he could cause you great pain at any moment, and he doesn't. He's a little love sponge.
  5. ...the soft body feathers of the greys. I love to just kiss em. Or when you feel the head of your grey tuck into your neck as a request for scratches. Issac is going for his first morning without a formula feeding, he didn't seem to miss it at all. He was fine with just getting up and playing out of his cage for a while. So we will see how it goes. He has an abundance of pellets, nuts and veggies to choose from. I will still offer him his nighttime feeding until he just plain whacks away the syringe like he does when he is 'done'. If you want...use this thread to tell about the behaviors your grey has that you find truly endearing.
  6. Yes...let us all know about the vet update. We are all sending best wishes his way.
  7. This is a question I am currently wrestling with. I came home at lunch (so I hadn't seen him between 9AM and 1PM) and he had touched nothing in his cage. I took him out and let him sit with me while I ate lunch. That struck his curiosity and he started picking at my grilled chicken and carrots a little. The day I see him really digging into it will be a wonderful thing. But getting him there is proving to be challenging.
  8. So I went home for lunch, and it didn't look like he had eaten much if anything. So I sat down for lunch and let him pick at what I have which was chicken and carrots. It was cute...he grabbed a warm carrot and started pumping his neck like he does when I feed him. I really hope he picks up on eating more of his veggies. He appears pretty happy, healthy and just plain beautiful. Maybe I will have to eat with him more. I am monitoring his eating habits closely. Question for hand raisers, how did the transition go? Issac loves to spend many minutes going through his mix of seeds and nuts. Aside from that, he likes unsalted almonds it seems. I have not found a single thing that I can say..."Whoa...he likes that" And I have tried literally half the produce section. Fruit seems to make him shake his head like, "Ohhh my too sweet" I have tried pears, apple, banana, grapes he will sometimes eat, I think. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/16 23:16
  9. Thank Dan. I do offer quite the variety of veggies and fruit. The checkout lady at the store must think I am a freak getting one of everything in the produce section. Today, i tried something different, I steamed some broccoli, yams, and carrots. Also put a little bit of cabbage. Then a pear slice along with some apple. And some seed and nut mix. I do put pellets in there but not sure he is eating thim up or breaking them up. He is still staying plump and looks healthy. Seemingly good poops too. I am keeping a close eye on him.
  10. Yep...I can see his eyes getting lighter too.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/16 21:50
  11. Issac says thank you for admiring his plumage. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/16 20:36
  12. So today, Issac, whipped at the feeding syringe after one little sip of about 5cc's. He seems to be over his morning feeding. So I am moving to only his night time feeding. And continuing to give him veggies, fruit, seeds and nuts. Today, I tried steaming some of his veggies to see if making them slightly softer would entice him a bit more. His poops are still consitant so he seems to be getting something. I always make sure to leave more than enough for him to select from. If anyone has any other key advice for this period I would love to hear it. Otherwise, my friend and I continue on. Oh yes...his harness came yesterday too, going to watch the video this afternoon and get ready to show him the great outdoors. And OH....A special thank you to everyone on this forum for all the advice through his weaning. Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/16 19:36<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/16 19:39
  13. Thank everyone for the toy ideas. I tried to buy a little rubber dog toy with holes in it, and I put treats in it and hung it from a chain. We will see what happens when I come home today. I am totally giving him the handle to the dish wand. He just likes it too much. I will get a new one. I also have 9 new toys coming from someone who closed their bird store. Sold em cheap. There HAS to be something he likes in there. I will rotate those in slowly though to keep things fresh.
  14. Yeah....someone brought over a little blue wooden toys with little ropes through it and plastic thingies on the ends. He made quick work of it. It was a blue bear-shaped piece of wood. He dismembered it, then totally obliterated the body in a couple days. LOL...I think he liked that....I chouls get more rope toys. And rubbery toys for sure. Thanks you for your sweet comment regarding my feathered friend.
  15. Lol...for the cost of it...I could make a little rubber handled toothbrush mobile and throw in the handle of a dish wand and call it a day...he;d probably chew for hours! Another funny thing when i was in the pet store over the weekend looking at bird toys...I ran into someone from these forums....think he said his handle was 'JayZ'. But what a small world eh? <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/15 21:43
  16. Yeah, I did get mine home at around 9 weeks, he was down to two feedings a day. The breeder trained me on feeding him...and personally....I loved every minute of it. She gave me the proper temperature range for the formula, formula mix, and the feeding syringe. It really is easy when you know what you are doing. But I have heard about people getting the formula too hot, or not warm enough. Or not knowing the amount of food which is enough or too much. I would say that if you are leary at all about it...do not do it. My little boy, Issac, is at 13 weeks now, and he is currently beginning to slap the syringe tip with the edge of his wing. At first I could not figure out what this action was, because he was cocked back looking like he was ready for more...but what he was really saying is....'I am done, I am growing up daddy." Almost missed that little signal. So he is taking progressively less and less formula..with only 15cc's being accepted this morning. I imagine that by the end of the week, this lil guy will likely be fully weaned...but I will let him decide....he knows I know when to stop when he asks...but I will still let him tell me. This morning he was very uninvolved in the morning feeding, so I am guessing I will go to just one feeding at night soon. Lol...more info than you wanted...but i can;t help going on about my beautiful baby. Beliow is a picture of him when he was 7 weeks. Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/15 21:37<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/15 21:38
  17. Anyone else find that their Grey likes things that you would not typically imagine. For example...I get Issac some toys from the pet store, and he is somewhat engaged with them on occasion. But I swear to you...there is nothing like the rubber handle to my dish wand that really gets him going. I think I am going to get him a rubber handled toothbrush too, he simply loves it! With that said, Any good ideas on rubbery toys. He seems to like things that he can really sink his beak into. I want to satisfy his urge. Thanks.
  18. Firstly...realize that a relationship with a bird is very symbiotic in the way that they go with your feelings, so if you are feeling nervous in any way...he is feeling it too. He is not 'freaking you out'...rather...you are freaked out by him. You have to be comfortable with the bird...and...it has to be real...you cannot fool these guys. So firstly...I ask...do you love your bird?? If you do, then things will go well. These little sweethearts are like children and need a lot of attention and you have to be able to read thier body language. Here is what i recommend....first...be honest with yourself about where the bird is in your life. For me...he is my best friend, and I always want him to feel safe, loved, and nurtured. Be ready for this commitment. These creatures are precious and need lots of love. Secondly...if you are serious about your relationship with the bird...begin by observing his actions before you take action. He will let you know if he is put off. If he is fresh at home...give him room to get comfortable. As far as not getting off you when you are trying to cage him....LMAO.....yep...they will do that....he wants out and to stay out. I pretty much let my baby be outside the cage all the time I am home. Finally...if you are afraid....he can feel it. Consider this...all of your feelings are like a sign on your chest to your bird. You have to be calm, collected, and without fear. Not only that, but you have to be happy, and feel love in your heart for your bird. Because he is to be a life long friend and he should feel that vibe from you. Rule #1: Really love your bird.
  19. Mmmm...cheddar cheese....I would even like some of that right now.
  20. I say, just love your Grey, very much.
  21. I give my birdie some veggies like carrots, broccoli, cabbage, and kale...and i honestly cannot tell if he is eating it or just destroying it. Has anyone had experience with this. Any ideas on introducing veggies to him. He loves going through seed mixes and nuts...but I need to be sure he eats his veggies. Any help is great.
  22. I find it so cute how they are all whooping and hollaring...and then the end where there are just hundreds in the sky. It's awesome. Makes me appreciate my little baby even more...if that is even possible.
  23. I feel no guilt myself...my baby is so happy....no worries..I am sure you Grey is loving life.
  24. This is perhaps the most beautiful display of Greys..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnnOx178Z64&NR=1&feature=fvwp
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