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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Oh yeah....last night I was eating a Chinese dish that had Lo Mein noodles in it...and Issac was looking on intently. So...I took one and cleaned it of the sauce....he LOVED it sooooo much. I am going to have to experiment with pastas and noodles...but he was eating them right out of my hand and not wasting a bit. I love him. I am also finding that I actually have food in my refrigerator and pantry now that I have this bird. I am single and did not do a ton of shopping before. That has all changed now. I might even bake now that I am reading the birdie food recipies. :ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 23:31
  2. yeah...that picture is deceiving, Pedro does not want him up there...and he is on his way over to Issac to force the issue. As far as the developmental stage, ohh yes...it is so wonderful to feel like the daddy or mommy. They look to you for everything. I can't tell who is bonding to who more <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 21:45
  3. Yeah...he is the one always flying to me. LOL. That is if they cut the bracelet off his leg that says EMR 040. I have to say that ultimately, there is no way to sever the bond I will have with my bird. As long as that is the case, I could pick him out. I am sure I could fine another physical feature that makes him unique as well. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 19:59
  4. LOL...the poop thing was driving me mad the first time I read about what to look for. I would say if it was consistanly off...then be concerned. But Issac, sometimes its got solids...sometimes totally clear...a mix...it's all over the place but consistantly some of each type. If the colors were off...I'd be concerned...but analyzing poop can lead to manifesting problems where they are not. And yep, I would have to say I am lucky if 30% of the food given to Issac actually ends up in his crop. However, once you find something they really like (and in my cae it is corn on the cob) you can mix it with the better stuff and he will eat the greens too. PS: Anyone ever notice how big that morning poop is....my ghaaadd!! <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 19:50
  5. So, Issac has been a growing little guy. This last week, I have found out that he likes corn on the cob....big time, and it would seem that inspires him to eat some of his green beans and broccoli. I have come home the last couple of times to find remains on the floor of the cage and the veggie dish near empty...so I think he is getting the hang of it. He did return to his formula though so I am doing the morning and evening feedings again. He saw me go use the microwave the other day and started cheeping so loudly, there was no mistaking what he wanted. So he is getting his formula. In fact, I pretty much cannot enter the kitchen without him becoming curious enough to fly to my shoulder to see what is going on. I also continued to try and get him to stop landing on my other birds cage in fear of a battle. Last night I said, "You want to see this bird so bad, okay"...so I let them look at each other as depicted in the picture below. They were okay with that for a few, but Pedro, my Conure, is a fiesty fellow and will have no problem with trying to joust Issac away. I fear that Issac will teach him a lesson if that continues. So I continue to try to figure this situation out. Any advice on that would be great. Will my little bird get his head taken off?? Other than that, he appears to be super healthy and happy. Loves to drink out of my water glass everytime he sees it. Getting more playful with his toys. In general, the bird I love dearly.
  6. I went to the breeder and held many of her 4, 7 and 9 week old babies. One 7 week old in particular was trying to nestle in between my chest and my arm. I knew that he was the one at that moment. Love my Issac. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 18:38
  7. My lil guy likes to perch on my shower curtain rod and watch me shower. I am planning on pulling him down into the water a few times soon. I did it once but he looked totally put off by the first visit...just surface wetness. He likes to make all kinds of noises when i shower. I think he is working on his vowel sounds or something. Pitches and such...its amazing. I will hear things close to the things I say to him...go Issac...I know you can do it. (Both talking and bathing that is) I live in an apartment myself...my neighbors must think I live with a whole family. LOL. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 04:02
  8. Yeah...time is never an issue with this...it takes all of about 30 seconds to heat the water, another 5 mins to cool it to temp and mix...then about 3 minutes to feed...after that...I am sure he is happy. No wories for me. And...it is simply adorable to watch. I have to get a video before he grows out of it...so I can look back.
  9. Yes, certainly the bond I have been building with Issac has been far more than i could have imagined. The way he would run to me when I sit down on the couch just amazed me when I first got him. The thought of him being my 'best friend' has crossed my mind many times. They are more endearing than many imagine. Some people laugh when I talk about my bird and how I love him, they just don't get it. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/22 18:55
  10. Yeah....I also went ahead and gave him his morning feeding back, and he went for it quite well. In fact, as i am preparing it, he 'cheeps' so loud. Like a quick whistle at a concert. Sometimes he will fly up to my shoulder in excitement and do it right in my ear. Instant hearing loss. Then he will work his way down by my hand....he can hardly wait for his formula this week. He might have been okay had I not suggested it, but I want him to be happy, and I want to know he is well fed. BTW, he likes corn! I cut off a piece of the cob and toss it in his dish, it is totally mutilated by the time I see it again. He seems to pop the corn bits open and get at the insides. All I see are corn kernel shells afterwards. But that is good news...a veggie he likes. He might like Anaheim Peppers too, have to keep an eye on that. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/22 18:54
  11. Once you figure out how it goes on.....it's pretty quick. As far as temperature...not sure...I am sure a warm day is preferred by the birds.
  12. Issac is in his 14th week now. Yeah...I am, thinking its not unusual for him to still want it. He is still trying foods out too.
  13. So a few days ago, it appeared as if Issac was getting over his formula. Well...I come home tonight, and I get the 'cheep of death' cry from Issac. LOL...I mean...he appears to be making it known that formula is in order. Does this happen, do they tend to go back and forth like that. Am I giving in to him? If anything, I will err on the side of giving in, because I see nothing wrong with giving him his formula. What are the community thoughts.
  14. Yeah...he could have just had a good moment not knowing what it was at first. We will see with subsequent applications. He tends to trust everything I do as of yet. We will just see how long we can keep it that way. I find it easy to understand his needs and I respect them...seems to be the best way to keep his trust.
  15. Never forget Issac. That is my current plan. I don't open a door without thinking about him. For now, he doesn't make a move I do not know about. Fortunately, I live alone and I am the only one who needs make sure of this. If I ever do live with someone...I am going to sit down and explain to them, that if my bird ever gets away...I am willing to go to jail over it. And they better not screw up! Lol. Yes...I laugh...but this is no joke. I imagine should my situation ever change...i would probably employ some doorway netting, beads, or something of the like. All I know is that I am never taking his flight away..and i ahve to be as responsible for that as humanly possible. Cheers<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/21 05:04
  16. Lol...Britanny...I find it sweet how you sort of...rediscovered your love for your little fid. There is nothing like knowing what it is like to lose someone to really put things into perspective. Not that it wasn't there before...but it really magnifys it I am sure. Love your signature. I am repeatedly moved by the similar bond you have for your bird as I do for mine.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/21 04:48
  17. Thanks for the congrats. Yeah...You have no idea how I never want to be telling a story about how my bird got away. I will mind the harness. I am going to try again tomorrow. I will let ya know how that goes. We just got done having more fun with a crumpled up piece of paper than should be possible. LOL.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/21 04:35
  18. So...I managed to getthe aviator onto Issac for the very first time with very little inhibition. He was like, "WTF is this?" for a couple seconds...but once it was on...he was more interested in what was gonna happen next. Took him for a quick walk to the mailbox, a few kids saw him and were very happy to see him. We walked for about 10 minutes and came back....that was all I thought would be good for the first time out. In short...Issac has graduated harness school on his first try. I am glad there was a diagram on the box of how to put it on...because I was just confused watching the video....anyway...he suprises me again.
  19. Was browsing grey videos on youtube...came across this little guy who can recite a bible passage and sing the 'Cops' tv show song with his own little twist. Ha! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WYrZ9rI-Kg
  20. Yeah....I think Issac is still getting used to his routine. It seems less and less painful as we work on it. The mornings are the hardest. Bedtime seems to be no problem at all.
  21. Ohh my...I can;t wait till my little boy talks...I see him trying. It super sweet. I will say something, and then he will make high and low pitched noises as if to try to figure out how to match the pitches. I love him. Thank you all for sharing your bird-sweet moments. Reading this thread makes me smile.
  22. I am going to give Issac all my Credit Card offers. Should more than enough to keep him shreading for the rest of his life.
  23. I am sure that in the morning...your bird will be back to her happy self....I might be overly optimistic...but that is what I think is going to happen.
  24. Lol...I have to come to some understanding between them...but I don;t want to start a bird fight. Some day...Issac is going to have to respect Pedro's cage...or Pedro will have to accept him. I can see how Issac could clearly crack my Conures head like a nut...but I doubt he would. He just looks at this little bird going crazy at him and is like,,,,WTF is this...ouch...you little sh*t....LOL.
  25. I was watching tonight...I love watching him drink water...it is so cute to hear his tongue. Ohh gosh...I may at the point that if he even moves....its bloody cute. I am losing my sanity...move along. LOL.
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